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Name: NGUYEN CHANH TU             Sex:  Male

Year of Birth: 23/01/1965                    Place of Birth: Danang, Vietnam

Doctor in Mathematics:                      Year: 2000                

Obtained at: Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Title: Assoc.Professor in Mathematics  Year: 2000

Place of work: Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology (FAST), Danang University of Science and Technology

Address:  54  Nguyen Luong Bang, Danang

Tel: 05113737931; Mobile: 


II. Educational Degrees

1. University:

Bachelor in Mathematics, Hue Univesrity, Vietnam,  1990

2. Foreign Languages:  English, Japanese, Russian

3. Master in Mathematics, Mathematical Research Institute, 1995

4. Doctor in Mathematics, Utrecht University, The Netherlands, 2000

    Thesis: Star points on cubic surfaces

 III. Professional works

1990-1992: Assistant at Department of Mathematics, Hue University 

1993-2006: Lecturer at Department of Mathematics, Hue University

1993-1994: Study Dimploma of Mathematics at ICTP, Trieste, Italy

1994-1996: Study Master at Mathematical Research Institute, The Netherlands   

1996-2000: PhD study at Utrecht University,  The Netherlands. Obtained PhD of Mathematics in 2000 

2001-2003 :Postdoc fellow at Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan 

2006-2010: Assoc. Professor, Senior Lecturer at Department of Mathematics, Hue University

2011-now:  Assoc. Professor, Senior Lecturer at Center of Excellence, Danang University of Sciences and Technology

2015: Member of  UD Council of Professor Title

 IV. Scientific Works

1.  Reasech Projects



Project name

Funding institution

Project duration

Position/ role in the project


Spaces of cubic surfaces with Eckardt points and compactification

Hue University




Generalization  relation between varieties of 0-dimension of degree 6 and semi-stable singular cubic surfaces and applications






Singularities of algebraic curves and surfaces and their invariants





Some key researches aspects  of mathematics

Hue University




Research and give process of writing, drawing and presenting natural scientific documents based on Maple and Latex 

Hue University




Some  problems of  zero-schemes in the projective spaces

National Foundation for Science & Technology Development, (NAFOSTED), Vietnam



2. Publications

1. Nguyen Chanh Tu, Non-singular cubic surfaces with at least 1, 2 or 3 star points, Centre for Functional Complex Analysis 2 (1998) 30-45.

2. Nguyen Chanh Tu, Non-singular cubic surfaces with star points, Vietnam Journal of Mathematics 29:2 (2001), 287-292.

3. Nguyen Chanh Tu, Star points on cubic surfaces, Doctoral Thesis, Utrecht University, The Netherlands, (11-2000), ISBN:90-393-2575-8,

4.  Nguyen Chanh Tu, On boundaries of moduli spaces of non-singular cubic surfaces with star points, Kodai  Mathematical Journal,  Japan, Vol. 27 (2004), 57-73.

5.  Nguyen Chanh Tu, On singular, semi-stable cubic surfaces, Sémin. et Congr., Soc. Math. France, Paris 10  (2005), 373-389

6.  M. Ishikawa, T. C. Nguyen, M. Oka, On topological type of  reduced sextics, Kodai Mathematical Journal, Japan, Vol. 27 (2004), 237-260

7.  B. Audoubert, T. C. Nguyen, M. Oka, The Alexander polynomial of some torus curves, J. Math. Soc. Japan, Vol. 57, No. 4 (2005), 935-958

8. Nguyen Chanh Tu, Using Maple in Learning, Researching and Teaching Mathematics, (Vietnamese), Proc. Conference ``Technology in Teaching Reforming’’ Hue  University、(04/2004)

9.  Nguyen Chanh Tu, On torus sextics with an triple singularity (Vietnamese), J. of Sci and Edu., Hue University of Education, Vol.4 (2007), tr. 16-24

10. Nguyen Chanh Tu, Singularities of sextics and computation of $\rho$ invariant (Vietnamese), Sci. J. of Hue University, (2009) 1-12.

11. Nguyen Chanh Tu, Configuration spaces of non-singular cubic surfaces with Eckardt points, Kyushu Journal of Mathematics, 63 (2009), 83-101

12. Nguyen Chanh Tu, Do Trong Hoang, On the degree of curves vanishing at fat points with equal multplicities, Kyushu J. of Math. Vol 67, (2013), 203-213

13. Nguyen Chanh Tu, Tran Manh Hung, On the regularity index of n+3 almost equimultiple fat points in P^n,  Kyushu J. of Math. Vol 67, (2013) (2013), 17-27

14. N.C. Tu, Initial degree and Waldschmidt constant of zerodimensional schemes and propertie, J. of Science and Technology, The University of Da Nang (2020), (to appear)

15.  N.C. Tu, T.M. Hung, Waldschmidt constant of certain sets of points in projective plane with two supporting lines, J. of Science and Technology, Quang Binh University (2020), (to appear)

16.  N.C. Tu, D.T. Hiep, Waldschmidt constant of certain sets of points with 3 supporting lines in projective plane, J. of Science and Technology, The University of Da Nang (2021), (to appear)

17.  Dang Tuan Hiep and Nguyen Chanh Tu, An identity involving symmetric polynomials and the geometry of Lagrangian Grassmannians, Journal of Algebra 565 (2021), 564–581 

18. M. Kreuzer, T.N.K. Linh, L.N. Long, N.C. Tu, An application of Liaison theory to zero-dimensional schemes, Taiwanese J. Math. 24 (2020), 553–573

3. Books:

1) Tran Vui, Nguyen Chanh Tu, Luong Ha Some new trends in reforming of mathematics teaching at high schools, (Vietnamese), Giáo Dục Publishing House,  2005, 224 pp.

2) Tran Vui, Nguyen Chanh Tu, Luong Ha, Le Van Liem, Reform methods of mathematics teaching in high schools, (Vietnamese), Hue University Publishing House, 2005, 129 pp.

3) Nguyen Chanh Tu, Field extensions and Galois Theory, (Vietnamese), Giao Dục Publishing House, 2006, 196 pp.

4) Nguyen Chanh Tu, Galois Theory, (Vietnamese), E-book, Hue University Publishing House, 2007, 350pp.

5) Nguyen Chanh Tu, Star points on cubic surfaces, ISBN: 90-393-2575-8,  Utrecht University, The Netherlands, 2000, 108pp

4. Research Areas: (relevant to the project):

§  Computing Algebra; Commutative Algebra

§  Algebraic Geometry

§  Applied mathematics in Building Models in Engineering

§  Apply mathematics softwares (R, Maple, SciLab,...) in teaching Mathematics for Engineering and Educational Research.

 V. Awards

1. National Award  for author of a good paper publication in 2014

2. Universityl Award for author of a good paper publication in 2010



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