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Số người truy cập: 109,899,942

 Лесоводственно-дендрологические характеристики древесных растений в памятнике природы «Дудергофские высоты»
Tác giả hoặc Nhóm tác giả: Kovyazin V.F., Do Hong Hanh
Nơi đăng: Природообустройство; Số: 5;Từ->đến trang: 102-107;Năm: 2016
Lĩnh vực: Nông lâm ngư; Loại: Bài báo khoa học; Thể loại: Quốc tế
"Duderhof Heights", along with other protected areas (OOPT), and regional attractions of St. Petersburg, were introduced in 1990 as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. [7] The monument is remarkable in that hilly terrain, represented by four small, up to 176 meters, the mountains (Voronia, Lysaya, Kirhgofskaya, Orehova), creates a special micro-climatic conditions in the mountains of exposures that produces a variety of composition and structure of forest stands [8], [9]. Lysaya mountain got its name beacause of a lack of woody vegetation on it. Lack stands explained, apparently, soil conditions its slopes. Brief characteristics of woody plants represented indigenous and exotic species on the slopes of the Voronia, Kirhgofskaya, Orehova mountain, a natural monument "Duderhof Heights" is considered in this paper [3],[5]. The slopes of these mountains are characterized by rich rendzina. Special microclimate and growing conditions of the area allowed to form a broad-leaved stands. The authors studied silvicultural and dendrology characteristics of woody plants growing in the unique position of Russian Taiga. Initially, on the slopes of " Duderhof Heights" grew native coniferous taiga zone: European spruce and Scots pine. During the Great Patriotic War in the area were fighting, and most of the plants were destroyed. Among the sparse coniferous forests, glades and gaps began to take shape naturally and artificially planting broadleaf of Norway maple, European ash, English oak and Littleleaf linden. On Orehova mountain preserved small-leaved stands of Silver birch and Downy, in the undergrowth preserved Mountain ash. At the bottom of the tree layer there are bushes of Common hazel, Mezereum daphne, Fly honeysuckle, Guelder-rose and Black currant. Biological properties and economic value of plants growing in the nature monument "Duderhof Heights" are considered in this article.
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