Hồ Viết Thắng

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Số người truy cập: 112,298,152

Mục này được 36822 lượt người xem
Họ và tên:  Hồ Viết Thắng
Giới tính:  Nam
Năm sinh:  05/08/1983
Nơi sinh: Quảng Nam
Quê quán Tam An, Phú Ninh, Quảng Nam
Tốt nghiệp ĐH chuyên ngành:  Công nghệ vật liệu Silicat; Tại: Đại học Bách khoa – Đại học Đà Nẵng
Đơn vị công tác: Khoa Hóa; Trường Đại học Bách Khoa
Học vị: Tiến sĩ; năm: 2016; Chuyên ngành: Modelling of Chemical Properties of Nano- and Biostructures; Tại: Charles University in Prague
Chức danh KH:  Phó Giáo sư; công nhận năm: 2023
Dạy CN: Materials Engineering
Lĩnh vực NC: nghiên cứu cấu trúc vật liệu hóa học kích thước nano, ứng dụng trong xúc tác, hấp phụ và môi trường
Ngoại ngữ: Anh văn
Địa chỉ liên hệ: Faculty of Chemical Engineering, University of Science and Technology, The University of Danang, 54 Nguyen Luong Bang, Lien Chieu, Danang, Vietnam
Điện thoại: Đăng nhập để thấy thông tin; Mobile: Đăng nhập để thấy thông tin
Email: Đăng nhập để thấy thông tin
 Quá trình giảng dạy và công tác

Lecturer at Department of Chemical Materials, Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Danang University of Technology, The University of Danang (from 2006 until now).

Bachelor DegreeDepartment of Chemical Engineering, Danang University of Technology, The University of Danang (2001-2006)

Master of Science Degree, Department of Biomedical Engineering and Environmental Sciences, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan (2010-2012)

PhD Degree, Department of Physical and Macromolecular Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic (2012-2016) 

Postdoc at Department of Physical and Macromolecular Chemistry, Faculty of Science; Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic (10/2016-03/2017)

Postdoc at Department of Materials Science, The University of Milano-Bicocca, Itlay (04/2017-03/2019)

 Các công trình khoa học
[1] Đề tài cấp cơ sở: Nghiên cứu đặc tính cấu trúc điện tử của màng film ZnO pha tạp trên nền kim loại Cu. Chủ nhiệm: Hồ Viết Thắng. Mã số: T2021-02-37. Năm: 2022. (Dec 1 2022 9:02AM)
[2] Đề tài cấp Nhà nước: Nghiên cứu đặc tính điện tử và sự kháng thiêu kết của chất xúc tác đơn nguyên tử kim loại quý phân tán trên nền oxit kim loại bằng phương pháp lý thuyết phiếm hàm mật độ. Chủ nhiệm: Hồ Viết Thắng. Thành viên: Phạm Cẩm Nam, Duong The Hy, Phan The Anh, Mai Van Bay, Nguyen Thi Minh Xuan. Mã số: 104.06-2020.50. Năm: 2022. (Dec 21 2023 2:36PM)
[3] Đề tài cấp cơ sở: Nghiên cứu tận dụng thủy tinh phế thải thay thế một phần xi măng trong công nghệ sản xuất bê tông mác 35 MPa. Chủ nhiệm: Hồ Viết Thắng. Mã số: T2020-02-27. Năm: 2020. (Jun 11 2021 1:07PM)
[4] Đề tài cấp cơ sở: Xác định cơ chế và động học của phản ứng cháy C2H5OH và CH3OH bằng phương pháp mô phỏng . Chủ nhiệm: Hồ Viết Thắng. Mã số: T2009-02-67. Năm: 2009. (Apr 25 2012 10:20PM)
 Các bài báo, báo cáo khoa học
[1]Bài báo: Density functional theory insights into the bonding of CH3OH andCH3O with Ir(111) surface
Tác giả: Thong Le Minh Pham, Thanh Khoa Phung, Ho Viet Thang, Anh Thi Le, Nguyen Thi Thai An
. Science & Technology Development Journal. Số: 24. Trang: 1828-1834. Năm 2021.
(Jun 11 2021 1:15PM)
[2]Bài báo: NGHIÊN CỨU SỬ DỤNG NHỰA PHẾ THẢI TRONG SẢN XUẤT GẠCH KHÔNG NUNG MÁC 7,5 MPa. Tác giả: TS. Hồ Viết Thắng*. Tạp chí Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ. Số: Vol. 18, No. 5.1, 2020. Trang: 56. Năm 2020. (Jun 24 2020 10:39AM)
[3]Bài báo: NGHIÊN CỨU TẬN DỤNG THỦY TINH PHẾ THẢI ĐỂ SẢN XUẤT BÊ TÔNG MÁC 350. Tác giả: TS. Hồ Viết Thắng*. Tạp chí Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ. Số: Vol. 18, No. 11.1, 2020. Trang: 21. Năm 2020. (Jan 7 2021 8:15AM)
[4]Bài báo: CO interaction with Cu(I)-MCM-22 zeolite: density functional theory investigation. Tác giả: Hồ Viết Thắng*. Science & Technology Development. Số: 3. Trang: 19-26. Năm 2014. (Feb 27 2015 5:28AM)
[5]Bài báo: Bản Chất của Sự Hấp Phụ Khí CO Trong Zeolite Faujasite. Tác giả: Hồ Viết Thắng*. Tạp chí Khoa học Công nghệ ĐHĐN. Số: Số 12(85).2014, Quyển 1. Trang: 78. Năm 2014. (Feb 26 2015 9:44AM)
[6]Bài báo: A Computational Study of Potential Energy Surface (PES) of CH3OH + O2 and C2H5OH + O2 Reactions. Tác giả: Viet Thang Ho, Pham Cam Nam. Journal of Science and Technology, The University of Danang. Số: 6(67). Trang: 132-136. Năm 2013. (Feb 8 2013 5:42PM)
[7]Bài báo: Preparation of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles-Loaded Polymersomes for Drug-Targeting DeliverySystem and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Tác giả: Viet Thang Ho, Nguyen Thi Minh Xuan, Wen-Hsuan Chiang, Hsin-Cheng Chiu. Journal of Science and Technology, The University of Danang. Số: 12 (61) Vol 1. Trang: 16-23. Năm 2012. (Jan 16 2013 9:03PM)
[8]Bài báo: Xác Định Các Thông Số Chính Cho Quá Trình Tổng Hợp TiO2 Cỡ Nano Từ Ilmenit Huế Bằng Phương Pháp Thủy Nhiệt Sử Dụng KOH và H2C2O4. Tác giả: Hoàng Thị Cúc, Huỳnh Thị Hồng Thắm, Hồ Viết Thắng, Đỗ Văn Quang, Phạm Cẩm Nam. TẠP CHÍ KHOA HỌC VÀ CÔNG NGHỆ, ĐẠI HỌC ĐÀ NẴNG. Số: 39. Trang: 30-35. Năm 2010. (Apr 25 2012 10:33PM)
[1]Article: A DFT+U Study of CO and H2 Adsorption Properties on Ga, Li, and Cu Doped ZnO Surfaces. Authors: Ho Viet Thang. ChemNanoMat. No: 6. Pages: e202300024. Year 2023. (Dec 21 2023 2:39PM)
[2]Article: Vibrational Properties of CO Adsorbed on Au Single Atom Catalysts on TiO2 (101), ZrO2 (101), CeO2 (111), and LaFeO3 (001) Surfaces: A DFT Study. Authors: HV Thang, F Maleki, S Tosoni, G Pacchioni. Topics in Catalysis. No: 65. Pages: 1573–1586. Year 2022. (Dec 1 2022 8:50AM)
[3]Article: DFT study of electronic properties of N-doped ZnO and ZnO/Cu (111) bilayer films. Authors: HV Thang, TLM Pham, G Pacchioni. Surface Science. No: 716. Pages: 121978. Year 2022. (Dec 1 2022 8:53AM)
[4]Article: Do stoichiometric or nonstoichiometric models of a polar surface affect their structural, energetic and electronic structure properties? A DFT case study of Ru/MgO (111). Authors: HV Thang, HYT Chen. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. No: 34 (21). Pages: 214007. Year 2022. (Dec 1 2022 8:56AM)
[5]Article: DFT insights into the electronic structure of Rh single-atom catalysts stabilized on the CeO2 (1 1 1) surface. Authors: HV Thang, TLM Pham. Chemical Physics Letters. No: 803. Pages: 139810. Year 2022. (Dec 1 2022 8:59AM)
[6]Article: Reductant composition influences the coordination of atomically dispersed Rh on anatase TiO2. Authors: Chithra Asokan, Ho Viet Thang, Gianfranco Pacchioni and Phillip Christopher(These authors contributed equally to this work). Catalysis Science & Technology. No: 10. Pages: 1597-1601. Year 2020. (Apr 22 2020 5:10PM)
[7]Article: On the Real Nature of Rh Single-Atom Catalysts Dispersed on the ZrO2 Surface. Authors: Ho Viet Thang, Gianfranco Pacchioni. Chem Cat Chem. No: 12. Pages: 1-11. Year 2020. (Apr 22 2020 5:18PM)
[8]Article: H2 adsorption on wurtzite ZnO and on ZnO/M (111)(M= Cu, Ag and Au) bilayer films. Authors: Ho Viet Thang*, Gianfranco Pacchioni. ChemNanoMat. No: 4. Pages: 1-9. Year 2019. (May 15 2019 9:10AM)
[9]Article: DFT Insights into Comparative Hydrogen Adsorption and Hydrogen Spillover Mechanisms of Pt4/Graphene and Pt4/Anatase (101) Surfaces. Authors: Amita Sihag, Zong-Lun Xie, Ho Viet Thang, Chin-Lung Kuo, Fan-Gang Tseng, Matthew Stephen Dyer, Hsin-Yi Tiffany Chen. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. No: 123. Pages: 25618−25627. Year 2019. (Nov 5 2019 9:03AM)
[10]Article: CO Oxidation Promoted by a Pt4/TiO2 Catalyst: Role of Lattice Oxygen at the Metal/Oxide Interface. Authors: Ho Viet Thang*, Gianfranco Pacchioni. Catalysis Letters. No: 149. Pages: 390-398. Year 2019. (Apr 14 2019 3:42PM)
[11]Article: Electronic Structure of CuWO4: Dielectric-Dependent, Self-Consistent Hybrid Functional Study of a Mott-Hubbard Type Insulator. Authors: Ho Viet Thang, Elisa Albanese, Gianfranco Pacchioni. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. No: 31. Pages: 145503. Year 2019. (Apr 14 2019 3:44PM)
[12]Article: Nature of Atomically Dispersed Ru on Anatase TiO2: Revisiting Old Data Based on DFT Calculations. Authors: Ho Viet Thang, Gianfranco Pacchioni. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. No: 123. Pages: 7271-7282. Year 2019. (Apr 14 2019 3:46PM)
[13]Article: The Epitaxal Growth of ZnO Films on Cu (111) Surface: Thickness Dependence. Authors: Ho Viet Thang*, Sergio Tosoni, Gianfranco Pacchioni. Applied Surface Science. No: 483. Pages: 133-139. Year 2019. (Apr 14 2019 3:47PM)
[14]Article: Spontaneous Formation of Gold Cluster Anions on ZnO/Cu(111) Bilayer Films. Authors: Ho Viet Thang, Gianfranco Pacchioni. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. No: 123. Pages: 7644-7653. Year 2019. (Apr 15 2019 2:52PM)
[15]Article: Electronic Structure of Al, Ga, In and Cu doped ZnO/Cu(111) Bilayer Films. Authors: Ho Viet Thang*, Gianfranco Pacchioni. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. No: 21. Pages: 369-377. Year 2019. (Apr 16 2019 4:02AM)
[16]Article: Structural evolution of atomically dispersed Pt catalysts dictates reactivity. Authors: Leo DeRita, Joaquin Resasco, Sheng Dai, Alexey Boubnov, Ho Viet Thang, Adam S Hoffman, Insoo Ro, George W Graham, Simon R Bare, Gianfranco Pacchioni, Xiaoqing Pan, Phillip Christopher. Nature materials. No: 22. Pages: 1-9. Year 2019. (May 15 2019 9:05AM)
[17]Article: The Brønsted Acidity of Three- and Two-Dimensional Zeolites. Authors: Ho Viet Thang, Jan Vaculík, Jan Přech, Martin Kubů, Jiri Čejka, Petr Nachtigall, Roman Bulánek, Lukas Grajciar. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials. No: 282. Pages: 121-132. Year 2018. (Apr 14 2019 3:31PM)
[18]Article: Single-Atom Ru Species Dispersed on Zirconia-Based Catalysts: A DFT and FTIR Study of CO adsorption. Authors: Ho Viet Thang, Sergio Tosoni, Liu Fang, Pieter Bruijnincx, Gianfranco Pacchioni. ChemCatChem. No: 10. Pages: 2634-2645. Year 2018. (Apr 14 2019 3:36PM)
[19]Article: Evidence of Charge Transfer to Atomic and Molecular Adsorbates on ZnO/X(111) (X = Cu, Ag, Au) Ultrathin Films. Relevance for Cu/ZnO Catalysts. Authors: Ho Viet Thang, Sergio Tosoni, Gianfranco Pacchioni. ACS Catalysis. No: 8. Pages: 4110-4119. Year 2018. (Apr 14 2019 3:34PM)
[20]Article: Oxygen Vacancy in Wurtzite ZnO and Metal-Supported ZnO/M(111) Bilayer Films (M = Cu, Ag, Au). Authors: Ho Viet Thang, Gianfranco Pacchioni. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. No: 122. Pages: 20880-20887. Year 2018. (Apr 14 2019 3:39PM)
[21]Article: Nature of Stable Single Atom Pt Catalysts Dispersed on Anatase TiO2. Authors: Ho Viet Thang, Gianfranco Pacchioni, Leo DeRita, Phillip Christopher. Journal of Catalysis. No: 367. Pages: 104-114. Year 2018. (Apr 14 2019 3:41PM)
[22]Article: The Lewis Acidity of Three- and Two-Dimensional Zeolites: The Effect of Framework Topology. Authors: Ho Viet Thang, Petr Nachtigall, Lukáš Grajciar. Catalysis Today. No: 304. Pages: 12-21. Year 2018. (Apr 14 2019 3:21PM)
[23]Presentations: DFT Study Electron Transfer at ZnO/X(111) Interfaces (X = Cu, Ag, Au). Authors: Ho Viet Thang, Sergio Tosoni, Gianfranco Pacchioni. Workshop on The electrode Potential in Electrochemistry-A Challenge for Electronic Structure Theory Calculations, Castle Reisensburg near Ulm, Germany, November 26-29, 2017. Pages: xxx. Year 2017. (Apr 15 2019 3:04PM)
[24]Article: Understanding the Structure of Cationic Sites in Alkali Metal-Grafted USY Zeolites. Authors: Tobias C. Keller, Miroslav Položij, Begoña Puértolas, Ho Viet Thang, Petr Nachtigall, and Javier Pérez-Ramírez. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. No: 120 (9). Pages: 4954–4960. Year 2016. (Dec 5 2016 7:09PM)
[25]Article: The effect of the zeolite pore size on the Lewis acid strength of extra-framework cations. Authors: Ho Viet Thang, Karel Frolich, Mariya Shamzhy, Pavla Eliášová, Miroslav Rubeš, Jiří Čejka, Roman Bulánek, Petr Nachtigall. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. No: 18. Pages: 18063-18073. Year 2016. (Dec 5 2016 7:11PM)
[26]Article: Catalyst design from theory to practice: general discussion. Authors: Charles Campbell, Rutger van Santen, Michail Stamatakis, Nicola Collis, Hans-Joachim Freund, Craig Plaisance, Joachim Sauer, Bruce Garrett, Elad Gross, Andrzej Kotarba, Bert Weckhuysen, Wataru Ueda, Christian Reece, Richard Catlow, Annette Trunschke, Ludovic Briquet, Viet Thang Ho, Itai Panas, David Willock, Cynthia Friend, Michael Bowker, Neil Robinson, Albert Bruix, Shelaka Gupta, Bruce Gates, Avelino Corma, Robert Madix, Dimitrios Manganas, Alberto Roldan, Alexander O'Malley and Jakub Staszak-Jirkovský. Faraday Discussions. No: 188. Pages: 279-307. Year 2016. (Dec 5 2016 7:23PM)
[27]Presentations: Computational Investigation of the Brønsted Acidity in Three- and Two-Dimensional Zeolites. Authors: Ho Viet Thang and Petr Nachtigall. Designing New Heterogeneous Catalysts: Faraday Discussion. 4 - 6 April 2016, London, United Kingdom. Pages: xxx. Year 2016. (Dec 5 2016 7:17PM)
[28]Presentations: Alkali Metal-Grafted High-Silica USY Zeolite Catalysts for Bio-Oil Upgrading via Aldol Condensations. Authors: Tobias C. Keller, Miroslav Položij, Begoña Puértolas, Ho Viet Thang, Petr Nachtigall, Javier Pérez-Ramírez. CASCATBEL workshop, Thermochemical lignocellulose conversion technologies, 18-20 May 2016. Porto Carras, Chalkidiki, Greece. Pages: xxx. Year 2016. (Dec 5 2016 7:18PM)
[29]Presentations: FTIR Study of CO Adsorption-Desorption on Protonated Zeolites Prepared by ADOR Mechanism. Authors: Yadolah Ganjkhanlou, Jan Vaculík, Ho Viet Thang, Petr Nachtigall. 48th Symposium on catalysis, November 7-9, 2016, Prague, Czech Republic. Pages: xxx. Year 2016. (Dec 5 2016 7:20PM)
[30]Presentations: Theoretical Investigation of Na-Grafted Hierarchical USY Activity and Selectivity in Aldol Condensation Reactions. Authors: Miroslav Položij, Ho Viet Thang, Petr Nachtigall. 48th Symposium on catalysis, November 7-9, 2016, Prague, Czech Republic. Pages: xxx. Year 2016. (Dec 5 2016 7:21PM)
[31]Presentations: Brønsted Acidity in Conventional and Hierarchical Zeolites. Authors: Ho Viet Thang, Petr Nachtigall. 16th DFT International conference on Density Functional Theory and its applications, Debrecen, 31st August-5th September, 2015, Hungary. Pages: xxx. Year 2015. (Dec 5 2016 7:15PM)
[32]Presentations: Brønsted Acidity of 2D and 3D ZSM-5 Probed by 31P NMR of Adsorbed Phosphine Oxides. Authors: Ho Viet Thang, Miroslav Položij, Petr Nachtigall. 6th Czech-Italian-Spanish Conferenceon Molecular Sieves and Catalysis, Amantea – June 14-17 2015, ITALY. Pages: xxx. Year 2015. (Dec 5 2016 7:14PM)
[33]Article: Measuring the Brønsted acid strength of zeolites – does it correlate with the O–H frequency shift probed by a weak base?. Authors: Carlos O. Arean, Montserrat R. Delgado, Petr Nachtigall, Ho Viet Thang, Miroslav Rubeš, Roman Bulánek and Pavla Chlubná-Eliášová. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. No: 21. Pages: 10129-10141. Year 2014. (Feb 20 2014 12:32AM)
[34]Presentations: Theoretical Investigation of AcidoBasic Properties of 3D and 2D Zeolite. Authors: Ho Viet Thang, Petr Nachtigall. Summer School Catalysis of Biomass, Libelice Castle, 8-11 June, Czech Republic
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. Pages: xxx. Year 2014.
(Jun 13 2014 6:04PM)
[35]Article: Computational Investigation of the Lewis Acidity in Three- and Corresponding Two-Dimensional Zeolites: UTL vs. IPC-1P. Authors: Ho Viet Thang, Miroslav Rubes, Ota Bludsky, and Petr Nachtigall
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. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. No: 118. Pages: 7526-7534. Year 2014. (Apr 4 2014 5:17PM)
[36]Article: Theoretical investigation of layered zeolites with MWW topology: MCM-22P vs. MCM-56. Authors: M. Položij, Ho Viet Thang, M. Rubeš, P. Eliášová, J. Čejka and P. Nachtigall. Dalton Transactions. No: 27. Pages: 10443-10450. Year 2014. (Apr 4 2014 5:20PM)
[37]Presentations: Basic Properties of Na and Na2O Containing FAU Zeolites. Authors: Ho Viet Thang, Miroslav Položij, Mar Llorca Torres, Petr Nachtigall. 46th Symposium on Catalysis, November 3-5, 2014 , Prague, Czech Republic. Pages: 10. Year 2014. (Feb 27 2015 5:34AM)
[38]Presentations: Brønsted Acid Characterization in 3D and 2D Zeolite. Authors: Ho Viet Thang, Petr Nachtigall. 6th International FEZA Conference 2014, Leipzig University, Germany
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. Pages: 59. Year 2014.
(Sep 11 2014 4:32PM)
[39]Presentations: Characterization of Li+ Sites of (Al)IPC-2 Zeolite. Authors: R. Bulanek, M. Kolárová, H. Viet Thang, P. Nachtigall, P. Chlubná
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. 6th International FEZA Conference 2014, Leipzig University, Germany
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. Pages: 60. Year 2014.
(Sep 11 2014 4:45PM)
[40]Presentations: Adsorption in 3D and 2D Zeolites: Theoretical Investigation. Authors: Ho Viet Thang, Miroslav Položij, Petr Nachtigall, Ota Bludský, Michal Trachta, Jan Hermann
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. 45th Symposium on Catalysis, Prague, Czech Republic
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. Pages: 24. Year 2013.
(Nov 6 2013 1:42AM)
[41]Presentations: Computational Investigation of IPC-1P and MWW Layered Zeolite Frameworks. Authors: Lukas Grajciar, Ho Viet Thang, Petr Nachtigall
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. Workshop on Layered Materials. Challenges in layered materials: Synthesis, Characterization, Properties. September 11-14, 2013. Liblice Castle, Czech Republic. Pages: O4. Year 2013. (Sep 15 2013 2:24PM)
[42]Article: Superparamagnetic Hollow Hybrid Nanogels as a Potential Guidable Vehicle System of Stimuli-Mediated MR Imaging and Multiple Cancer Therapeutics. Authors: Wen-Hsuan Chiang , Viet Thang Ho , Hsin-Hung Chen, Wen-Chia Huang, Yi-Fong Huang, Sung-Chyr Lin, Chorng-Shyan Chern, and Hsin-Cheng Chiu ( These authors contributed equally to this work). Langmuir. No: 29(21). Pages: 6434–6443. Year 2013. (May 29 2013 2:25PM)
[43]Presentations: Adsorption of CO2 In FAU Zeolites: Effect of Zeolite Composition. Authors: Petr Nachtigall, Ho Viet Thang, Lukas Grajciar, Ota Bludsky, Carlos Otero, Arean, Roman Bulanek, Eva Frydova. 5th Czech-Italian-Spanish Conference on Molecular Sieves and Catalysis, June 16-19, 2013, Segovia, Spain. Pages: 51. Year 2013. (Jun 18 2013 2:57PM)
[44]Article: Adsorption of CO2 in FAU Zeolites: Effect of Zeolite Composition. Authors: Ho Viet Thang, Lukáˇs Grajciar, Petr Nachtigall, Ota Bludsk´y, Carlos Otero Areán,Eva Fr´ydová, Roman Bulánek. Catalysis Today. No: 227. Pages: 50-56. Year 2013. (Feb 20 2014 12:29AM)
[45]Article: Dual Stimuli-Responsive Polymeric Hollow Nanogels Designed as Carriers for Intracellular Triggered Drug Release. Authors: Wen-Hsuan Chiang, Viet Thang Ho, Wen-Chia Huang, Yi-Fong Huang, Chorng-Shyan Chern, and Hsin-Cheng Chiu ( These authors contributed equally to this work). Langmuir. No: 28 (42). Pages: 15056–15064. Year 2012. (Nov 2 2012 6:29PM)
[46]Presentations: Novel Thermo-and pH-Responsive Cross-Linked Polymersomes as Effective Drug Delivery Vehicles. Authors: Hsin-Hung Chen, Wen-Hsuan Chiang, Viet Thang Ho and Hsin-Cheng Chiu. Proceedings of 9th World Biomaterials Congress, June 1-5, 2012, Chengdu, China
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. Pages: 143. Year 2012.
(Jun 13 2012 10:15PM)
[47]Article: Nano-Scaled Polymeric Vesicles with Temperature- and pH-Sensitive Cross-Linked membranes as Doxorubicin Delivery Carriers. Authors: Viet Thang Ho, Wen-Hsuan Chiang, Hsin-Cheng Chiu. Proceedings of Annual Meeting of the Polymer Society, Taipei, Taiwan. No: 2012. Pages: 125. Year 2012. (Apr 25 2012 10:56PM)
[48]Article: Cross-linked Thermo-Responsive Polymeric Vesicles as Doxorubicin Delivery Carriers. Authors: Viet Thang Ho, Wen-Hsuan Chiang, Hsin-Cheng Chiu. Proceedings of The 6th Taiwan-Japan and 1st Asia International Symposium on Chemical-Environment-Biomedical Technology. No: 6. Pages: 39. Year 2011. (Apr 25 2012 10:50PM)
 Khen thưởng
[1] Đạt giải ba hoá không chuyên trong kỳ thi sinh viên giỏi Đại học Đà Nẵng năm 2004. Số: 507/ĐT/QĐKT. Năm: 2004.
[2] Đạt giải khuyến khích thi Olympic hóa học sinh viên các trường đại học toàn quốc lần thứ hai. Số: 03/QĐ-HHH. Năm: 2004.
[3] Đạt giải khuyến khích thi Olympic hóa học sinh viên các trường đại học toàn quốc lần thứ hai. Số: 03/QĐ-TƯHSV. Năm: 2004.
[4] Tốt nghiệp thủ khoa ngành CN Hóa Học Silicat khóa 2001-2006. Số: 50/2006/KT. Năm: 2006.
[5] Đã đạt thành tích xuất sắc trong năm học 2008-2009. Số: 269/2009/KT. Năm: 2009.
[6] Đảng viên hoàn thành xuất sắc nhiệm vụ. Số: 14 QĐ-ĐUĐB. Năm: 2011.
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[4]An toàn lao động
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 2008 Đại học  Trường Đại học Bách Khoa - Đại học Đà Nẵng
© Đại học Đà Nẵng
Địa chỉ: 41 Lê Duẩn Thành phố Đà Nẵng
Điện thoại: (84) 0236 3822 041 ; Email: dhdn@ac.udn.vn