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Số người truy cập: 106,985,558

 Modelling and Analysis of Thermomechanical Stress at Connected Areas of Mini-lifting equipment using Three Different Methods
Tác giả hoặc Nhóm tác giả: Thi Hai Van Nguyen, Minh-Man Pham, Nguyen Le Van, Nguyen Thai Duong
Nơi đăng: International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, ISSN: 2278-0181; Số: Vol. 8 Issue 01;Từ->đến trang: 233-237;Năm: 2019
Lĩnh vực: Kỹ thuật; Loại: Bài báo khoa học; Thể loại: Quốc tế
Mini lifting equipment with permissible load of 150 kg are used to perform the main functions such as moving, lifting people and things at constructive works or fire protection projects. During lifting, the device is always affected by many factors such as mass, gravity, load, lifting speed, and others. This paper focuses on simulation and analysis of differences in stress distribution at connected joints of this lifting device in life-cycle after working oscillation process. In this paper, three different methods were used, including finite element analysis, method of separation of nodes, and method of using CAD software to simulate and evaluate stress differences at these positions. With permissible working cycle under the assumption based on the rotation speed of the joint position, the result has shown the maximum and smallest value after meshing and analysing during simulation
Mini lifting equipment with permissible load of 150 kg are used to perform the main functions such as moving, lifting people and things at constructive works or fire protection projects. During lifting, the device is always affected by many factors such as mass, gravity, load, lifting speed, and others. This paper focuses on simulation and analysis of differences in stress distribution at connected joints of this lifting device in life-cycle after working oscillation process. In this paper, three different methods were used, including finite element analysis, method of separation of nodes, and method of using CAD software to simulate and evaluate stress differences at these positions. With permissible working cycle under the assumption based on the rotation speed of the joint position, the result has shown the maximum and smallest value after meshing and analysing during simulation
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