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Số người truy cập: 107,007,966

 The wonders of Laughter Well Established By Research Exploration
Chủ biên: Lim Boon Hooi; Đồng tác giả: Rajesh Kumar; Nguyen Xuan Hien
Nơi xuất bản: India; Mã số: 978-93-5570-544-0 ;Năm XB: 2022
Số lượng XB: ; Số lần tái bản: ; Lĩnh vực: Giáo dục
The main objective of writing this book is to compile the research findings
related the effects of laughter on health aspects; mental health dimensions;
social interaction components; and psychological characteristics to the
public, hopefully the public able to maintain or improve their overall
wellbeing by practicing laughter in their daily life. This book is very unique
one because it is a combination effort between the practitioner and an
academician from different countries. The combination of academician and
practitioner points of view, it will be more useful and the public are able
apply this knowledge in their daily routines and choose the best technique
for themselves.
Additionally, this book is also a special one written related to laughter, it
may be giving a guide to the university students, especially the post-graduate
students to further research in this area and producing more research findings
to add in the new knowledge to enhance the public’s wellbeing in future.
The opening chapter of this book outline and detailed the brief history of
laughter by the philosopher's thought-provoking insights. This chapter
describing the humor began as a Latin word (humorem) with the meaning of
fluid or liquid. It is believed that good health depends on the proper balance
of four fluids. Further explanation of laughter as an expression of joy,
happiness, or amusement from the history. Since then, laughter helps relieve
stress and helps cure illness began to be released and laughter therapy spread
and found that humor and laughter produced natural painkillers.
The following chapter interpreting laughter in more extensively. Babies
laugh before talking or walking, as previous research reported that 40 days
after birth and others reported 4 months after. It is reported that laughter is
the “absence of the ego”, that it humanizes, is a sign of intelligence, or even
a prayer. Also, laughter in humorous contexts signals that anything said or
done is harmless in intent, conveys that the laugher understands the
harmlessness. The most important, laughter are a universal aspect of human
experience, occurring in all cultures and virtually all individuals throughout
the world. Eventually, laughter also defined as an exhalation that produces a
commonly identifiable sound, laughter is deemed to be recognizable.
The theories of laughter presented in the next chapter. Three main
theories of laughter used currently to explain the functions of laughter are the
relief theory; incongruity theory; and superiority theory were make clear.

Following chapter is about labelling and categories of laughter. Five large
categories of laughter be outlined from a medical and therapeutic
perspectives are: Genuine or spontaneous laughter; Simulated laughter;
Stimulated laughter; Induced laughter; and Pathological laughter with their
major attributes. Other labelling of laughter such as conversational laughter,
affiliative laughter, joyful laughter and fake laughter also explained.
The next couple of chapters take a look on the effects of laughter on
health aspects, mental dimensions, social interaction components and
psychological characteristics. All explanations are well-established by
previous research explorations. And the final chapter in this book
communicate about the application laughter in life at current perspective.
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