Trần Mạnh Hùng

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Số người truy cập: 112,298,152

Mục này được 36773 lượt người xem
Họ và tên:  Trần Mạnh Hùng
Giới tính:  Nam
Năm sinh:  18/10/1980
Nơi sinh: Cẩm Phả, Quảng Ninh
Quê quán Hải Dương
Tốt nghiệp ĐH chuyên ngành:  Công nghệ sinh học; Tại: Đại học Mở Hà Nội
Đơn vị công tác: Bộ môn; Trường Y Dược
Học vị: Tiến sĩ; năm: 2008; Chuyên ngành: Khoa học Dược; Tại: Khoa Dược, Đại học Quốc gia Chungnam, Hàn Quốc
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Ngoại ngữ: Tiếng Anh, Tiếng Hàn Quốc
Địa chỉ liên hệ: Khoa Y Dược, Khu đô thị làng Đại học, Phường Hoà Quý, Quận Ngũ Hành Sơn, TP. Đà Nẵng
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 Các công trình khoa học
[1] Đề tài cấp ĐHĐN: Nghiên cứu thành phần hóa học và phân lập các hợp chất có hoạt tính sinh học của cây Dầu lai có củ Jatropha podagrica Hook., thuộc họ Thầu dầu Euphorbiaceae. Chủ nhiệm: TS Trần Mạnh Hùng. Mã số: B2022-DN01-02. Năm: 2025. (Apr 10 2024 8:35PM)
[2] Đề tài cấp Bộ: Nghiên cứu thành phần hoá học và hoạt tính chống tăng sinh tế bào ung thư máu của Vối thuốc Schima wallichii (DC.) Korth và Vối răng cưa Schima superba Gardn. et Champ. thuộc họ Chè Theaceae. Chủ nhiệm: TS Trần Mạnh Hùng. Mã số: B2024.DNA.06. Năm: 2025. (Apr 10 2024 8:36PM)
[3] Đề tài cấp Nhà nước: Nghiên cứu thành phần hóa học và tác dụng gây độc tế bào ung thư máu của một số thực vật thuộc chi Erythrophleum ở Quảng Nam (NAFOSTED, 2017-2020). Chủ nhiệm: Trần Mạnh Hùng. Mã số: 104.01-2017.57. Năm: 2021. (May 18 2022 8:23PM)
[4] Đề tài cấp Nhà nước: “Hoạt tính ức chế enzyme ChEs từ Thạch tùng.”; Quỹ nghiên cứu và phát triển Khoa học công nghệ Việt Nam (NAFOSTED), 2011-2014; Vietnam. Chủ nhiệm: Trần Công Luận. Mã số: 104.99-2011.19. Năm: 2014. (Dec 30 2015 4:39PM)
[5] Đề tài cấp Nhà nước: “Nghiên cứu tách chiết các hoạt chất có khả năng chống ung thư từ cây Tô mộc, Caesalpinia sappan” Quỹ nghiên cứu và phát triển Khoa học công nghệ Việt Nam (NAFOSTED), 2011-2014. Chủ nhiệm: Trần Mạnh Hùng. Mã số: 106.05-2011.52. Năm: 2014. (Dec 30 2015 4:41PM)
[6] Đề tài Khác: “Nghiên cứu hoạt tính chống ung thư từ Linh Chi Hàn Quốc Ganoderma lucidum”; National Research Foundation of Korea funded by the Korean government, Daegu Catholic University, Korea. . Chủ nhiệm: Byung Sun Min. Thành viên: . Mã số: NRF-2009-0084675. Năm: 2009. (Dec 30 2015 4:37PM)
[7] Đề tài Khác: “Nghiên cứu ứng dụng các hoạt tính sinh học từ các Dược liệu cổ truyền Hàn Quốc”; Korea Food and Drug Administration (2005-2006); Seoul National University, Korea. Chủ nhiệm: Sang Kook Lee. Mã số: KFDA (2005-2006). Năm: 2006. (Dec 30 2015 4:32PM)
[8] Đề tài Khác: “Nghiên cứu hoạt tính ức chế enzyme cholinesterase và ứng dụng trong điều trị bệnh Alzheimer từ hoạt chất trong cây Ngũ Vị tử Schisandra chinensis”; Chungnam National University, Korea . Chủ nhiệm: KiHwan Bae. Mã số: KFDA (2003-2005). Năm: 2005. (Dec 30 2015 4:30PM)
[9] Đề tài Khác: “Tác dụng phòng chống oxi hóa của hợp chất caffeoyl quinic acid từ rễ cây Tục đoạn Dipsacus asper Wall”; Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea; (2003-2005); Chungnam National University. Chủ nhiệm: KiHwan Bae. Mã số: BioGreen 21 Program. Năm: 2005. (Dec 30 2015 4:29PM)
 Các bài báo, báo cáo khoa học
[1]Article: Anti-Staphylococcus aureus potential of compounds from Ganoderma sp.: A comprehensive molecular docking and simulation approaches. Authors: Trang Thi Thu Nguyen, Trinh Thi Tuyet Nguyen, Hoang Duc Nguyen, Tan Khanh Nguyen, Phu Tran Vinh Pham, Linh Thuy Thi Tran, Hong Khuyen Thi Pham, Phu Chi Hieu Truong, Linh Thuoc Tran, Manh Hung Tran. Heliyon. No: 10(7). Pages: e28118. Year 2024. (Apr 10 2024 8:40PM)
[2]Article: A Mini Review on Botany, Phytochemistry, and Bioactivities of Jatropha podagrica Hook.(Euphorbiaceae). Authors: Loi Huynh, Thanh Nhan T Nguyen, Xuan Anh N Nguyen, Anh Dao L Tran, Lac Thuy H Nguyen, Kim Thuong P Van, Manh H Tran. Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research. No: Vol 8, Issue 2. Pages: 10.26538/tjnpr/v8i2.1. Year 2024. (Apr 10 2024 8:44PM)
[3]Article: Potential protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B and α-glucosidase inhibitory flavonoids from Erythrina variegata: Experimental and computational results. Authors: Phi-Hung Nguyen, Ngoc-Thao-Vy Trinh, Thi-Thuy Do, Thi-Ha Vu, Dao Cuong To, Hong Khuyen Thi Pham, Phu Chi Hieu Truong, Kim Thuong Pham Van, Manh Hung Tran. Journal of Chemical Research. No: 48(1). Pages: 17475198231226382. Year 2024. (Apr 10 2024 8:45PM)
[4]Article: Investigating the antibacterial mechanism of Ampelopsis cantoniensis extracts against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus via in vitro and in silico analysis. Authors: Van Ngo Thai Bich, Tan Khanh Nguyen, Thao Dao Thi Thu, Linh Thuy Thi Tran, Sa Vo Duong Nguyen, Ho Le Han, Long-Hung Dinh Pham, Trung Hoang Thanh, Van Hoa Duong, Tuan Anh Trieu, Manh Hung Tran, Phu Tran Vinh Pham. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics. No: 23. Pages: 14080-14091. Year 2023. (Dec 26 2023 2:25PM)
[5]Article: Integrating in Silico and In Vitro Studies to Screen Anti-Staphylococcus aureus Activity From Vietnamese Ganoderma multiplicatum and Ganoderma sinense. Authors: Trang Thi Thu Nguyen, Trinh Thi Tuyet Nguyen, Hoang Duc Nguyen, Tan Khanh Nguyen, Phu Tran Vinh Pham, Linh Thuoc Tran, Linh Thuy Thi Tran, Manh Hung Tran. Natural Product Communications. No: 18(4). Pages: 1934578X231167289. Year 2023. (Dec 26 2023 2:26PM)
[6]Article: Phylogenetic analysis and morphology of Ganoderma multipileum, a Ganoderma species associated with dieback of the metropolitan woody plant Delonix regia (Boj. ex Hook.) Raf. in Vietnam. Authors: Trang Thi Thu Nguyen, Hoang Duc Nguyen, Anh Tu Bui, Khanh Huyen Thi Pham, Kim Thuong Pham Van, Linh Thuoc Tran, Manh Hung Tran. Science Progress journal. No: 106(3). Pages: doi:10.1177/00368504231195503. Year 2023. (Dec 26 2023 2:28PM)
[7]Article: In Silico and in Vitro Evaluation of Alkaloids from Goniothalamus elegans Ast. for Breast Cancer Treatment. Authors: Linh Thuy Thi Tran, Nhi Yen Thi Dang, Nguyen Thao Nguyen Le, Hoai Thi Nguyen, Duc Viet Ho, Thao Thi Do, Manh Hung Tran, Tan Khanh Nguyen, Phu Tran Vinh Pham. Natural Product Communications 17 (3), 1934578X221088110. No: 17. Pages: 1-10. Year 2022. (Aug 3 2022 3:56PM)
[8]Article: α-Glucosidase Inhibitory Activity and Quantitative Contribution of Phenolic Compounds From Vietnamese Aquilaria crassna Leaves. Authors: Thi Ngoc Tram Nguyen, Thanh Duy Le, Phuoc Long Nguyen, Duc Hanh Nguyen, Huynh Van Thi Nguyen, Tan Khanh Nguyen, Manh Hung Tran, Thi Hong Van Le. Natural Product Communications. No: 17(3). Pages: 1-10. Year 2022. (Aug 3 2022 3:57PM)
[9]Article: Morpho-Anatomical Study And Botanical Identification of Pogostemon auricularius (L.) Hassk. (Lamiaceae). Authors: Linh Thuy Thi Tran, Tan Khanh Nguyen, Hoai Thi Nguyen, Phu Phong Nguyen, Nhi Yen Thi Dang, Manh Hung Tran, Vinh Phu Tran Pham, Anh Tuan Le. Science Progress 105 (2), 00368504221094156. No: 105(2). Pages: 1-10. Year 2022. (Aug 3 2022 3:58PM)
[10]Article: Purification and analysis catalytic functions of recombinant influenza viral polymerases. Authors: KT Nguyen, HM Tran, AT Trieu, HM Nguyen, PTV Phu. Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences. No: 11. Pages: e4954-e4954. Year 2022. (Aug 3 2022 3:55PM)
[11]Article: Machine learning-based screening of MCF-7 human breast cancer cells and molecular docking analysis of essential oils from Ocimum basilicum against breast cancer. Authors: Tan Khanh Nguyen, Thao Nguyen Le Nguyen, Kiet Nguyen, Huynh Van Thi Nguyen, Linh Thuy Thi Tran, Thanh Xuan Thi Ngo, Phu Tran Vinh Pham, Manh Hung Tran. Journal of Molecular Structure. No: Volume 1268. Pages: 133627. Year 2022. (Nov 3 2022 11:00PM)
[12]Article: Cytotoxic components from the leaves of Erythrophleum fordii induce human acute leukemia cell apoptosis through caspase 3 activation and PARP cleavage. Authors: Vo PHT, Nguyen TDT, Tran HT, Nguyen YN, Doan MT, Nguyen PH, Lien GTK, To DC, Tran MH.. Bioorg Med Chem Lett. No: 2021 Jan 1;31. Pages: 127673. Year 2021. (May 18 2022 8:14PM)
[13]Article: PTP1B and α-glucosidase inhibitors from Selaginella rolandi-principis and their glucose uptake stimulation. Authors: Nguyen DT, To DC, Tran TT, Tran MH, Nguyen PH.. J Nat Med. No: 75(1). Pages: 186-193. Year 2021. (May 18 2022 8:15PM)
[14]Article: Antioxidant and Cell Proliferation Properties of the Vietnamese Traditional Medicinal Plant Peltophorum pterocarpum. Authors: Kim SR, Cuong To DC, Nguyen PH, Nguyen YN, Cho BJ, Tran MH.. Molecules 2020, 25(20), 4800. No: 25(20). Pages: 4800. Year 2020. (May 18 2022 8:16PM)
[15]Article: Bioactive compounds from Physalis angulata and their anti- inflammatory and cytotoxic activities. Authors: Tuan Anh HL, Le Ba V, Do TT, Phan VK, Pham Thi HY, Bach LG, Tran MH, Tran Thi PA, Kim YH.. J Asian Nat Prod Res. No: 2020 Oct 8. Pages: 1-9. Year 2020. (May 18 2022 8:18PM)
[16]Article: Cassaine Diterpenoid Amide from Stem Bark of Erythrophleum fordii Suppresses Cytotoxic and Induces Apoptosis of Human Leukemia Cells. Authors: Nguyen TTT, To DC, Vo PHT, Tran TH, Nguyen PH, Nguyen HM, Tran MH. Molecules 2020, 25(14), 3304. No: 2020 Jul 21;25(14):. Pages: 3304. Year 2020. (May 18 2022 8:19PM)
[17]Article: Glucose Uptake Stimulatory and PTP1B Inhibitory Activities of Pimarane Diterpenes from Orthosiphon stamineus Benth. Biomolecules. Authors: Nguyen PH, Tuan HN, Hoang DT, Vu QT, Pham MQ, Tran MH, To DC.. Biomolecules. No: 2019 Dec 11;9(12):. Pages: 859. Year 2019. (May 18 2022 8:20PM)
[18]Article: Anti-inflammatory effect of oligostilbenoids from Vitis heyneana in LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophages via suppressing the NF-κB activation. Authors: Ha DT, Long PT, Hien TT, Tuan DT, An NTT, Khoi NM, Van Oanh H, Hung TM.. Chemistry Central Journal, UK. No: Chem Cent J. 2018 Feb 13;12(1):14. doi: 10.1186/s13065-018-0386-5. Pages: 1-9. Year 2018. (Apr 24 2018 4:14PM)
[19]Article: Cytotoxic and apoptosis-inducing activities against human lung cancer cell lines of cassaine diterpenoids from the bark of Erythrophleum fordii. Authors: Ha MT, Tran MH, Phuong TT, Kim JA, Woo MH, Choi JS, Lee S, Lee JH, Lee HK, Min BS.. Bioorg Med Chem Lett. No: 27(13). Pages: 2946-2952. Year 2017. (Oct 12 2017 8:31AM)
[20]Article: A cassaine diterpene alkaloid, 3β-acetyl-nor-erythrophlamide,suppresses VEGF-induced angiogenesis and tumor growth viainhibiting eNOS activation. Authors: Nara Tae, Tran Manh Hung, Okwha Kim, Namho Kim, Suhyun Lee, SunghunNa, Byung-Sun Min and Jeong-Hyung Lee. Oncotarget. No: Advance online. Pages: 1-13. Year 2017. (Oct 12 2017 8:37AM)
[21]Article: Alkaloids from Piper nigrum Exhibit Antiinflammatory Activity via Activating the Nrf2/HO-1 Pathway. Authors: Ngo QM, Tran PT, Tran MH, Kim JA, Rho SS, Lim CH, Kim JC, Woo MH, Choi JS, Lee JH, Min BS.. Phytother Res. No: 31(4). Pages: 663-670. Year 2017. (Oct 12 2017 8:29AM)
[22]Article: Isolation of a New Homomonoterpene from Madhuca pasquieri and Effect of Isolated Compounds on NO Production. Authors: Hoang le S, Tran MH, Nguyen VT, Ngo QM, Lee JS, Rho SS, Kim JA, Lee JH, Woo MH, Min BS.. Nat Prod Commun. No: 11(6). Pages: 729-32. Year 2016. (Oct 12 2017 8:27AM)
[23]Article: Inflammatory Inhibitory Activity of Sesquiterpenoids from Atractylodes macrocephala Rhizomes. Authors: Hoang le S, Tran MH, Lee JS, Ngo QM, Woo MH, Min BS.. Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo). No: 64(5). Pages: 507-511. Year 2016. (Aug 4 2016 4:56PM)
[24]Article: Potential pancreatic lipase inhibitory activity of phenolic constituents from the root bark of Morus alba L. Authors: Ha MT, Tran MH, Ah KJ, Jo KJ, Kim J, Kim WD, Cheon WJ, Woo MH, Ryu SH, Min BS.. Bioorg Med Chem Lett. No: 26(12). Pages: 2788-2794. Year 2016. (Aug 4 2016 4:59PM)
[25]Article: Anti-cholinesterases and memory improving effects of Vietnamese Xylia xylocarpa. Authors: Linh My Thi Lam,Mai Thanh Thi Nguyenmail author,Hai Xuan Nguyen,Phu Hoang Dang,Nhan Trung Nguyen,Hung Manh Tran,Hoa Thi Nguyen,Nui Minh Nguyen,Byung Sun Min,Jeong Ah Kim,Jae Sue Choi andMao Van Can. Chemistry Central Journal. No: DOI: 10.1186/s13065-016-0197-5. Pages: 10.1186/s13065-016-0197-5. Year 2016. (Aug 4 2016 5:03PM)
[26]Article: Tyrosinase inhibitory activity of flavonoids from Artocarpus heterophyllous. Authors: Nguyen HX, Nguyen NT, Nguyen MH, Le TH, Van Do TN, Hung TM, Nguyen MT. . Chemistry Central Journal. No: 10(2). Pages: 1-6. Year 2016. (Mar 1 2016 3:38PM)
[27]Article: Kinetics and molecular docking studies of cholinesterase inhibitors derived from water layer of Lycopodiella cernua (L.) Pic. Serm. (II). Authors: Hung TM, Lee JS, Chuong NN, Kim JA, Oh SH, Woo MH, Choi JS, Min BS.. Chemico-Biological Reactions. No: 240. Pages: 74-82. Year 2015. (Dec 30 2015 4:45PM)
[28]Article: Cytotoxic and anti-angiogenic effects of lanostane triterpenoids from Ganoderma lucidum. Authors: VT Nguyen, NT Tung, TD Cuong, TM Hung, JA Kim, MH Woo, JS Choi, JH Lee, BS Min.. Phytochemistry Letters. No: 12. Pages: 69-74. Year 2015. (Dec 30 2015 4:51PM)
[29]Article: Anti-inflammatory activity of phenolic compounds from the whole plant of Scutellaria indica. Authors: TD Cuong, TM Hung, JS Lee, KY Weon, MH Woo, BS Min.. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. No: 25(5). Pages: 1129-1134. Year 2015. (Dec 30 2015 4:46PM)
[30]Article: Anti-inflammatory compounds from Ampelopsis cantoniensis. Authors: Nguyen VT, To DC, Tran MH, Oh SH, Kim JA, Ali MY, Woo MH, Choi JS, Min BS.. Natural Products Communication. No: 10(3). Pages: 383-385. Year 2015. (Dec 30 2015 4:52PM)
[31]Article: Anti-inflammatory activity of pyrrolizidine alkaloids from the leaves of Madhuca pasquieri (Dubard). Authors: Hoang le S, Tran MH, Lee JS, To DC, Nguyen VT, Kim JA, Lee JH, Woo MH, Min BS.. Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin (Tokyo). No: 63(6). Pages: 481-484. Year 2015. (Dec 30 2015 4:49PM)
[32]Article: An improved HPLC-DAD method with quantitative comparisons of Ganoderma lucidum and its five related species originated from Vietnam. Authors: TH Do, TL Le, TM Hung, VNH Le, MK Nguyen, VD Le, BS Min, ND Nguyen.. Molecules. No: 20(1). Pages: 1059-1077. Year 2015. (Dec 30 2015 4:50PM)
[33]Article: Cytotoxic constituents from the seeds of Vietnamese Caesalpinia sappan. Authors: Hung TM, NTT Mai, NH Dang, NT Dat, PT Thuong.
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. Pharmaceutical Biology. No: 53(10). Pages: 1549-1554. Year 2015. (Dec 30 2015 4:43PM)
[34]Article: Isolation of cholinesterase and β-secretase 1 inhibiting compounds from Lycopodiella cernua . Authors: Nguyen VT, To DC, Tran MH, Oh SH, Kim JA, Ali MY, Woo MH, Choi JS, Min BS.
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. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry
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. No: 23(13). Pages: 3126-3134. Year 2015.
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[35]Article: Anti-inflammatory Flavonoids Isolated from Passiflora foetida. Authors: Nguyen TY, To DC, Tran MH, Lee JS, Lee JH, Kim JA, Woo MH, Min BS.. Natural Products Communication. No: 10(6). Pages: 929-931. Year 2015. (Dec 30 2015 4:48PM)
[36]Article: In vitro apoptotic effect of cassaine-type diterpene amides from Erythrophleum fordii on PC-3 prostate cancer cells. . Authors: TM Hung, TD Cuong, Kim JA, Lee JH, Woo MH, Min BS.. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters
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. No: 24(21). Pages: 4989-4994. Year 2014.
(Dec 31 2015 9:05AM)
[37]Article: Cholinesterase inhibitors from the roots of Harpagophytum procumbens. Authors: YH Bae, TD Cuong, TM Hung, JA Kim, MH Woo, JS Byeon, JS Choi, BS Min.. Archives of Pharmacal Research. No: 37(9). Pages: 1124-1129. Year 2014. (Dec 31 2015 9:10AM)
[38]Article: Cytotoxic and anti-tumor activities of lignans from the seeds of Vietnamese nutmeg Myristica fragrans. Authors: PT Thuong, TM Hung, NM Khoi, HTM Nhung, NT Chinh, NT Quy, TS Jang, M Na.
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. Archives of Pharmacal Research
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. No: 37(3). Pages: 399-403. Year 2014.
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[39]Article: Cassaine diterpene alkaloids from Erythrophleum fordii and their anti-angiogenic effect. Authors: TM Hung, TD Cuong, JA Kim, N Tae, JH Lee, BS Min.. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. No: 24(1). Pages: 168-172. Year 2014. (Dec 31 2015 9:11AM)
[40]Article: Potent acetylcholinesterase inhibitory compounds from Myristica fragrans. Authors: TD Cuong, TM Hung, HY Han, HS Roh, JH Seok, JK Lee, JY Jeong, JS Choi, JA Kim, Min BS.
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. Natural Products Communication. No: 9(4). Pages: 499-502. Year 2014. (Dec 31 2015 9:07AM)
[41]Article: Anti-inflammatory Compounds from the aerial parts of Aceriphyllum rossii.. Authors: TTT Trang, TD Cuong, TM Hung, JA Kim, JH Lee, MH Woo, JS Choi, HK Lee, BS Min.. Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin. No: 62(2). Pages: 185-190. Year 2014. (Dec 31 2015 9:13AM)
[42]Article: Anti-amnesic effect of alkaloid fraction from Lycopodiella cernua (L.) Pic. Serm. on scopolamine-induced memory impairment in mice. Authors: NN Chuong, BH Trung, TC Luan, TM Hung, NH Dang, NT Dat.. Neuroscience Letters. No: 575. Pages: 42-46. Year 2014. (Dec 31 2015 9:08AM)
[43]Article: Triterpenoid saponins from the roots of Rosa rugosa Thunb. as rat intestinal sucrase inhibitors. Authors: Thao NP, Luyen BT, Jo SH, Hung TM, Cuong NX, Nam NH, Kwon YI, Minh CV, Kim YH.. Archives of Pharmacal Research
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. No: 37(10). Pages: 1280-1285. Year 2014.
(Dec 31 2015 9:06AM)
[44]Article: Methanol extract from Vietnamese Caesalpinia sappan induces apoptosis in HeLa cells. Authors: TM Hung, NH Dang, NT Dat. Biological Research. No: 47(1). Pages: 20. Year 2014. (Dec 31 2015 9:09AM)
[45]Article: Anti-cholinesterase activity of Lycopodium alkaloids from Vietnamese Huperzia squarrosa (Forst.) Trevis. Authors: NN Chuong, Huong NTT, TM Hung, Luan TC.. Molecules. No: 19(11). Pages: 19172-19179. Year 2014. (Dec 31 2015 9:04AM)
[46]Article: Inhibitory effect on NO production of triterpenes from the fruiting bodies of Ganoderma lucidum. Authors: NT Tung, TD Cuong, TM Hung, JH Lee, MH Woo, JS Choi, JS Kim, SH Ryu, BS Min.. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. No: 23(5). Pages: 1428-1432. Year 2013. (Dec 31 2015 9:26AM)
[47]Article: Cytotoxic activity of new phenolic compounds from Vietnamese Caesalpinia sappan.. Authors: TM Hung, NX Hai, NT Nhan, TT Quang, TL Quan, TD Cuong, NH Dang, NT Dat.. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry. No: 77(12). Pages: 2378-2382. Year 2013. (Dec 31 2015 9:25AM)
[48]Article: Arginase II inhibitory activity of flavonoid compounds from Scutellaria indica. Authors: Kim SW, Cuong TD, Hung TM, Ryoo S, Lee JH, Min BS.. Archives of Pharmacal Research
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. No: 36(8). Pages: 922-926. Year 2013.
(Dec 31 2015 9:28AM)
[49]Article: Apoptosis-inducing and antitumor activity of neolignans isolated from Magnolia officinalis in HeLa cancer cells. Authors: Youn UJ, Fatima N, Chen QC, Chae S, Hung TM, Min BS.
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. Phytotherapy Research. No: 27(9). Pages: 1419-1422. Year 2013. (Dec 31 2015 9:29AM)
[50]Article: DNA Topoisomerases I and II Inhibitory Activity and Cytotoxicity of Compounds from the Stems of Parthenocissus tricuspidata. Authors: MH Woo, BT Zhao, TM Hung, SY Jeong, ES Ma, BS Min. . Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society. No: 34(9). Pages: 2675-2679. Year 2013. (Dec 31 2015 9:28AM)
[51]Article: Phenolic compounds from Caesalpinia sappan heartwood and their anti-inflammatory activity. Authors: Cuong TD, Hung TM, Kim JC, Kim EH, Woo MH, Choi JS, Lee JH, Min BS.. Journal of Natural Products. No: 75(12). Pages: 2069-2075. Year 2012. (Dec 31 2015 9:30AM)
[52]Article: Arginase II inhibitory activity of phenolic compounds from Saururus chinensis. Authors: CJ Lim, TD Cuong, TM Hung, S Ryoo, JH Lee, EH Kim, MH Woo, JS Choi, BS Min.. Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society. No: 33(9). Pages: 3079-3082. Year 2012. (Dec 31 2015 9:32AM)
[53]Article: Compounds from the heartwood of Caesalpinia sappan and their anti-inflammatory activity. Authors: Min BS, Cuong TD, Hung TM, Min BK, Shin BS, Woo MH.
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. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. No: 22(24). Pages: 7436-7439. Year 2012. (Dec 31 2015 9:31AM)
[54]Article: Alkaloids from Chelidonium majus and their inhibitory effects on LPS-induced NO production in RAW264.7 cells. Authors: JE Park, TD Cuong, TM Hung, IS Lee, M Na, JC Kim, SW Ryoo, JH Lee, JS Choi, MH Woo, BS Min. . Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters
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. No: 21(23). Pages: 6960—6963. Year 2011.
(Jan 6 2016 4:05PM)
[55]Article: Flavonoid glycosides from Chromolaena odorata leaves and their In vitro cytotoxic activity. Authors: TM Hung, NH Dang, TD Cuong, S Zhu, PQ Long, K Komatsu, BS Min.. Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin. No: 59(1). Pages: 129—131. Year 2011. (Jan 6 2016 4:11PM)
[56]Article: Inhibitory effect of lignans from Myristica fragrans on LPS-induced NO Production in RAW264.7 Cells. Authors: BS Min, TD Cuong, TM Hung, BK Min, BS Shin, MH Woo.. Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society. No: 32(11). Pages: 4059—4062. Year 2011. (Jan 6 2016 4:04PM)
[57]Article: Anti-inflammatory activity of phenolic compounds from Myristica fragrans. Authors: TD Cuong, TM Hung, M Na, DT Ha, JC Kim, D Lee, SW Ryoo, JH Lee, JS Choi, BS Min.. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. No: 21(22). Pages: 6884—6887. Year 2011. (Jan 6 2016 4:07PM)
[58]Article: Labdane-type diterpenoids from Leonurus heterophyllus and their cholinesterase inhibitory activity. Authors: TM Hung, TC Luan, BT Vinh, TD Cuong, BS Min.
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. Phytotherapy Research. No: 25(4). Pages: 611—614. Year 2011. (Jan 6 2016 4:07PM)
[59]Article: Simultaneous determination of bioactive flavonoids in some selected Korean thistles by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography. Authors: NTP Thao, TD Cuong, TM Hung, JH Lee, M Na, JK Son, HJ Jung, ZF, MH Woo, JS Choi, BS Min.. Archives of Pharmacal Research. No: 34(3). Pages: 455—461. Year 2011. (Jan 6 2016 4:10PM)
[60]Article: Ergosta-7,22-diene-2β,3α,9α-triol from the fruit bodies of Ganoderma lucidum induces apoptosis in human myelocytic HL-60 cells. Authors: MK Lee, TM Hung, TD Cuong, Na M, Kim JC, Kim EJ, Park HS, Choi JS, Lee I, Bae K, Hattori M, BS Min.
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. Phytotherapy Research. No: 25(11). Pages: 1579—1585. Year 2011. (Jan 6 2016 4:08PM)
[61]Article: Two new lignans from the roots of Pulsatilla koreana. Authors: TD Cuong, TM Hung, JC Kim, SJ Kwack, JH Kim, HS Jang, CJ Sue, HK Lee, K Bae, BS Min. Planta Medica
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. No: 77(1). Pages: 66—69. Year 2011.
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[62]Article: Dammarane-type glycosides from Gynostemma pentaphyllum and their effects on IL-4-induced eotaxin expression in human bronchial epithelial cells. Authors: TM Hung, CV Thu, TD Cuong, NP Hung, SJ Kwack, JI Huh, BS Min, JS Choi, HK Lee, K Bae.. Journal of Natural Products. No: 73(2). Pages: 192—196. Year 2010. (Jan 6 2016 4:18PM)
[63]Article: Alkaloids from Stephania rotunda roots and their cholinesterase inhibitory activity. Authors: TM Hung, NH Dang, JC Kim, HS Jang, SW Ryoo, JH Lee, JS Choi, K Bae, BS Min.. Planta Medica
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. No: 76(15). Pages: 1762—1764. Year 2010.
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[64]Article: Antioxidant activities of courmarins from Korean medicinal plants and their structure-activity relationships. Authors: PT Thuong, TM Hung, TM Ngoc, DT Ha, BS Min, JS Choi, K Bae. . Phytotherapy Research
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. No: 24(1). Pages: 101—106. Year 2010.
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[65]Article: Triterpenoids from Camellia japonica and their cytotoxic activity. Authors: NTP Thao, TM Hung, MK Lee, JC Kim, BS Min, K Bae.. Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin. No: 58(1). Pages: 121—124. Year 2010. (Jan 6 2016 4:32PM)
[66]Article: Study on the constituents of roots of Aceriphyllum rossii. Authors: LTK Van, TM Hung, SH Kim, JC Kim, M Na, HJ Jung, SJ Kwack, KT Kweon, HK Lee, JS Choi, K Bae, BS Min.. Helvetica Chimica Acta. No: 93(9). Pages: 1803—1807. Year 2010. (Jan 6 2016 4:15PM)
[67]Article: Flavonoids from Cleistocalyx operculatus and their cytotoxic activity. Authors: BS Min, TD Cuong, MH Woo, TM Hungabortion stories gone wrong how to abort at home teenage abortion facts. Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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. No: 31(8). Pages: 2392—2394. Year 2010.
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[68]Article: Fatty acid synthase inhibitory activity of dibenzocyclooctadiene lignans isolated from Schisandra chinensis. Authors: M Na, TM Hung, WK Oh, BS Min, K Bae.. Phytotherapy Research. No: 24(S2). Pages: S225—S228. Year 2010. (Jan 6 2016 4:16PM)
[69]Article: Homoisoflavonoid derivatives from the roots of Ophiopogon japonicus and their in vitro anti-inflammation activity. Authors: TM Hung, CV Thu, NT Dat, SW Ryoo, JH Lee, JC Kim, M Na, HJ Jung, K Bae, BS Min.. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters
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. No: 20(8). Pages: 2412—2416. Year 2010.
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[70]Article: 28-Nor-oleanane-type triterpene saponins from Camellia japonica and their inhibitory activity on LPS-induced NO production in macrophage RAW264.7 cells. Authors: NTP Thao, TM Hung, TD Cuong, JC Kim, EH Kim, SE Jin, M Na, YM Lee, YH Kim, JS Choi, BS Min.. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. No: 20(24). Pages: 7435—7439. Year 2010. (Jan 6 2016 4:12PM)
[71]Article: Cholinesterase inhibitors from Cleistocalyx operculatus buds. Authors: BS Min, TD Cuong, JS Lee, BS Shin, MH Woo, TM Hung.
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. Archives of Pharmacal Research. No: 33(10). Pages: 1665—1670. Year 2010. (Jan 6 2016 4:13PM)
[72]Article: Steroids and triterpenes from the fruit bodies of Ganoderma lucidum and their anti-complement activity. Authors: HW Seo, TM Hung, M Na, HJ Jung, JC Kim, JS Choi, JH Kim, HH Lee, I Lee, K Bae, BS Min.. Archives of Pharmacal Research. No: 32(11). Pages: 1573—1579. Year 2009. (Mar 1 2016 4:06PM)
[73]Article: Two lignans from the stem bark of Styrax japonica. Authors: TM Hung, MK Lee, BS Min, HK Lee.. Journal of Applied Biological Chemistry. No: 52(5). Pages: 560—563. Year 2009. (Mar 1 2016 4:11PM)
[74]Article: Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B inhibitory by dammaranes from Vietnamese Giao-Co-Lam tea. Authors: TM Hung, DM Hoang, JS Ahn, JC Kim, BS Min.. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. No: 124(2). Pages: 240—245. Year 2009. (Mar 1 2016 4:09PM)
[75]Article: Phenolic glycosides from Alangium salviifolium leaves with inhibitory activity on LPS-induced NO, PGE2 and TNF-α production. . Authors: TM Hung, NH Dang, JC Kim, JS Choi, HK Lee, BS Min.. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. No: 19(15). Pages: 4389—4393. Year 2009. (Mar 1 2016 4:12PM)
[76]Article: 5-Lipoxygenase-inhibitory constituents from Schizandra fructus and Magnolia flos. Authors: H Lim, KH Son, K Bae, TM Hung, YS Kim, HP Kim. . Phytotherapy Research. No: 23(10). Pages: 1489—1492. Year 2009. (Mar 1 2016 4:13PM)
[77]Article: Antioxidant activity and principles of Vietnam bitter tea Ilex kudingcha. Authors: PT Thuong, ND Su, TM Ngoc, TM Hung, NH Dang, ND Thuan, K Bae, WK Oh.. Food Chemistry. No: 113(1). Pages: 139—145. Year 2009. (Mar 1 2016 4:21PM)
[78]Article: Effects of schisandrin on transcriptional factors in lipopolysaccharide-pretreated macrophages. Authors: LY Guo, TM Hung, K Bae, S Jang, EM Shin, JW Chung, SS Kang, HP Kim, YS Kim. . Archives of Pharmacal Research. No: 32(4). Pages: 399—405. Year 2009. (Mar 1 2016 4:14PM)
[79]Article: Stilbenes and oligostilbenes from leaf and stem of Vitis amurensis and their cytotoxic activity. Authors: DT Ha, CQ Cheng, TM Hung, UJ Youn, Ngoc TM, Thuong PT, Kim HJ, Seong YH, Min BS, Bae K.. Archives of Pharmacal Research. No: 32(2). Pages: 177—183. Year 2009. (Mar 1 2016 4:15PM)
[80]Article: Down-regulation of c-Src/EGFR-mediated signaling activation is involved in the honokiol-induced cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells. Authors: EJ Park, HY Min, HJ Chung, JY Hong, YJ Kang, TM Hung, UJ Youn, YS Kim, K Bae, SS Kang, SK Lee.. Cancer Letters. No: 277(2). Pages: 133—140. Year 2009. (Mar 1 2016 4:16PM)
[81]Article: Ginsenosides from heat processed ginseng. Authors: SM Lee, HJ Shon, CS Choi, TM Hung, BS Min, K Bae.. Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin. No: 57(1). Pages: 92—94. Year 2009. (Mar 1 2016 4:17PM)
[82]Article: Oleanane-type triterpenoids from Aceriphyllum rossii and their cytotoxic activity. Authors: LTK Van, TM Hung, PT Thuong, TM Ngoc, JC Kim, HS Jang, XF Cai, SR Oh, BS Min, MH Woo, JS Choi, HK Lee, K Bae.. Journal of Natural Products. No: 72(8). Pages: 1419—1423. Year 2009. (Mar 1 2016 4:08PM)
 Sách và giáo trình
[1]Book chapter: Morphology and Phylogeny of Five New Ganodermataceae (Polyporales) Species for Vietnam Chủ biên: Manh Hung Tran. Đồng tác giả: Trang Thi Thu Nguyen, Nhung Thi Trang Le, Tan Khanh Nguyen, Huynh Van Thi Nguyen, Hoang Duc Nguyen, Linh Thuoc Tran, Kim Thuong Pham Van, Manh Hung Tran. Nơi XB: Research Aspects in Biological Science Vol. 4. Năm 2022.(Aug 3 2022 4:05PM)

      Sách chuyên khảo: Hóa học và hoạt tính sinh học của loài Sưa (Dalbergia tonkinensis prain) ở Việt Nam.

Chủ biên: Tô Đạo Cường, Ngũ Trường Nhân. Đồng tác giả: Phan Tứ Quý, Nguyễn Phi Hùng, Trần Mạnh Hùng, Trương Bá Phong, Trần Thị Phương Hạnh, Nguyễn Phương Đại Nguyên, Nguyễn Mạnh Cường. Nơi XB: NXB Đại học Quốc Gia Hà Nội. Năm 2021.(May 18 2022 8:39PM)

[3]Book Chapter: Pimarane Diterpenes from Vietnamese Orthosiphon stamineus Benth. and Their Glucose Uptake Stimulatory and PTP1B Inhibitory Activities Chủ biên: Phi Hung Nguyen. Đồng tác giả: Phi Hung Nguyen, Dao Cuong To, Manh Hung Tran.. Nơi XB: Current Advances in Chemistry and Biochemistry Vol. 1. Năm 2021.(May 18 2022 8:50PM)
[4]Book Chapter: In vivo Anti-inflammatory and Anti-osteoarthritis Effects of a Vietnamese Traditional Remedy, KNC, in Animal Models Chủ biên: Manh Hung Tran. Đồng tác giả: Xuan Canh Dau, Thi Ngoc Nguyen, Manh Hung Tran, Hoang Ngan Nguyen. Nơi XB: Current Advances in Chemistry and Biochemistry Vol. 1. Năm 2021.(May 18 2022 8:53PM)
[5]Book Chapter: Lycopodium Alkaloids from Vietnamese Huperzia squarrosa (Forst.) Trevis and Their Anti-cholinesterase Activity Chủ biên: Manh Hung Tran. Đồng tác giả: Nguyen Ngoc Chuong, Tran Cong Luan, Manh Hung Tran. Nơi XB: Current Advances in Chemistry and Biochemistry Vol. 1. Năm 2021.(May 18 2022 8:54PM)
[6]Book chapter: Effects of CTHepaB, a Traditional Vietnamese Medicinal Formulation, on the Treatment of Cirrhosis in Wistar Rats Chủ biên: Manh Hung Tran. Đồng tác giả: Dau Xuan Canh, Le Thi Tuyet, Manh Hung Tran, Nguyen Hoang Ngan. Nơi XB: Technological Innovation in Pharmaceutical Research Vol. 2. Năm 2021.(May 18 2022 8:45PM)
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Đề tài: Nghiên cứu tách chiết các hợp chất tự nhiên từ Tô Mộc và ứng dụng trong điều trị ung thư

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[2]Nguyễn Ngọc Chương
Đề tài: Nghiên cứu khả năng ứng dụng của các thực vật họ Thạch tùng ở Lâm Đồng trong việc điều trị Alzheimer

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[1]Thực vật dùng làm thuốc - Dược liệu học - Hóa thực vật - Hóa học các hợp chất tự nhiên dùng làm thuốc - Nghiên cứu cấu trúc hóa học theo phương pháp cộng hưởng từ hạt nhân NMR
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-          Nghiên cứu cấu trúc hóa học theo phương pháp cộng hưởng từ hạt nhân NMR

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