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Số người truy cập: 106,788,415


The Book titled “Livelihood and Environment of Vietnam". Chapter 5 (Livelihood and Environmental Impact in Urban Areas). Session 5-4 of Chapter 5 with the article titled “Urban Vulnerability to Climatic Change in Da Nang City” (In Press 2024)

Chủ biên: Prof. Hirohide Kobayashi (Kyoto University, Japan); Đồng tác giả: Tran Thi An, Izuru Saizen, Truong Phuoc Minh
Nơi xuất bản: Springer International Publishing (In Press); Mã số:  ;Năm XB: 2023
Số lượng XB: In Press; Số lần tái bản: ; Lĩnh vực: Tự nhiên

Climate change impact and responsibility has grown to become a primary concern in many countries all over the world, especially in those with coastal areas, which are currently facing a high risk of climate change and its consequences. Danang city is a coastal city located in Central Vietnam that is considered vulnerable to climate change and its consequences. This work therefore tried to assess, quantify, and map climate change vulnerability in Danang city, Vietnam, by integrating geographical information system (GIS) method and multi-criteria analysis. The main objective of the project is to determine the vulnerability of climate change to each area in Danang city based on a comprehensive assessment of three factors: exposure to hazards, local sensitivity, and adaptive capacity (IPCC 2014). The results of the project will help identify areas with different levels of vulnerability to climate change from low, medium to high. The study also proposes several adaptive solutions for areas under highly vulnerable to climate change.

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