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Số người truy cập: 112,298,152

 Constructing Indicators for Measuring Provincial Sustainable Development Index in Vietnam
Tác giả hoặc Nhóm tác giả: Van Canh Truong, Andrzej Lisowski
Nơi đăng: Scientific-Research Cooperation between Vietnam and Poland (POL-VIET 2017), E3S Web Conf, eISSN: 2267-1242. Volume 35; Số: 06003;Từ->đến trang: 1-8 (SCOPUS);Năm: 2018
Lĩnh vực: Chưa xác định; Loại: Bài báo khoa học; Thể loại: Quốc tế
Sustainable development is zeitgeist of our age. It is one kind of development that in this trajectory humanity can create a stable and developed socio-economic foundations, conserve environment and therefore able to continue for a long time. Using indicators is one of the best ways to monitor and measure the progress toward sustainable development. In this paper we have proposed the way to create indicators for measuring provincial sustainable development index in Vietnam. We firstly made a framework of elements for economic, social and environmental component and compiled a list of indicators of 20 national and international agencies in the world. We then applied the SMART framework (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-related) to choose indicators which will be relevant for Vietnam and put them back to the elements. We then have 39 relevant indicators with 12 indicators for economy, 17 indicators for social and 10 indicators for environmental component. Finally, we have established the way to determine the worst and best value for each indicator from available data for countries in the world.
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