Nguyễn Tấn Hưng

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Số người truy cập: 112,298,152

Mục này được 58806 lượt người xem
Họ và tên:  Nguyễn Tấn Hưng
Giới tính:  Nam
Năm sinh:  31/07/1980
Nơi sinh: Đà Nẵng
Quê quán Núi Thành, Quảng Nam
Tốt nghiệp ĐH chuyên ngành:  Điện tử-Viễn thông; Tại: Trường Đại học Bách khoa, Đại học Đà Nẵng
Đơn vị công tác: Viện Khoa học và Công nghệ Tiên tiến; Cơ quan Đại học Đà Nẵng
Học vị: Tiến sĩ; năm: 2012; Chuyên ngành: Điện tử-Viễn thông; Tại: The University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo
Chức danh KH:  Phó Giáo sư; công nhận năm: 2019
Dạy CN: Điện tử-Viễn thông
Lĩnh vực NC: Thông tin quang
Ngoại ngữ: Tiếng Anh
Điện thoại: ; Mobile: 0901 075 135
 Quá trình giảng dạy và công tác
 - 09/2020-nay: Phó Viện trưởng, phụ trách Viện Khoa học và Công nghệ Tiến tiến - Đại học Đà Nẵng (The University of Danang - Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)

- 2003-nay: Giảng viên Khoa Điện tử-Viễn thông, Trường ĐH Bách khoa, Đại học Đà Nẵng

- 01/2019-09/2020: Trưởng Bộ môn Kỹ thuật Viễn thông, Khoa Điện tử-Viễn thông, Trường ĐH Bách khoa, Đại học Đà Nẵng

- 05/2019-03/2024: Trưởng Ban biên tập, Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ - Đại học Đà Nẵng

- 2017-nay: Thành viên Hội đồng Khoa học Quỹ Phát triển Khoa học Công nghệ Quốc gia (NAFOSTED) - Ngành Khoa học Thông tin và Máy tính (nhiệm kỳ 2017-2019; 2019-2021, 2022-2024)

- 2018-nay: Thành viên Ban chấp hành Hội Vô tuyến-Điện tử Việt Nam (nhiệm kỳ 2018-2023)

- 2012-2015: Nghiên cứu sau Tiến sĩ tại Viện Khoa học và Công nghệ Công nghiệp Tiên tiến Quốc gia Nhật Bản (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology-AIST, Japan).

- 2006-2012: Nghiên cứu sinh tại Trường ĐH Điện tử-Thông tin (The University of Electro-Communications), Tokyo, Nhật Bản.

 Các công trình khoa học
[1] Đề tài cấp Nhà nước: Phát triển hệ thống truyền dữ liệu gigabit có độ tin cậy cao kết hợp thông minh giữa laser và sóng vô tuyến cho vùng có địa hình phức tạp, thời tiết khắc nghiệt (Đề tài nghiên cứu ứng dụng Nafosted-đang thực hiện). Chủ nhiệm: Nguyễn Tấn Hưng. Mã số: NCUD.02-2019.51. Năm: 2023. (Apr 7 2021 6:22PM)
[2] Đề tài Khác: Intelligent Optical Communications for Extremely Big Data Networks (Quỹ Đổi mới sáng tạo Vingroup-đang thực hiện). Chủ nhiệm: Nguyễn Tấn Hưng. Mã số: VINIF.2019.DA06. Năm: 2021. (Apr 7 2021 6:16PM)
[3] Đề tài cấp Bộ: Thiết kế, tối ưu hóa và chế tạo mẫu chip silicon quang tách ghép đa mode băng siêu rộng cho hệ thống thông tin quang thế hệ mới
Chủ nhiệm: Nguyễn Tấn Hưng. Mã số: B2018.DNA.05. Năm: 2020.
(Jul 27 2020 11:54AM)
[4] Đề tài cấp Nhà nước: Nghiên cứu giảm méo tín hiệu phi tuyến cho các hệ thống thông tin quang băng rộng dùng các siêu kênh Terabit (NAFOSTED). Chủ nhiệm: Nguyễn Tấn Hưng. Thành viên: Nguyễn Quang Như Quỳnh, Hồ Phước Tiến, Lê Thái Sơn. Mã số: 102.04-2016.36. Năm: 2019. (Sep 2 2019 12:59AM)
 Các bài báo, báo cáo khoa học
[1]Bài báo: Optical Mode Cross-Connect Using Multimode Interference Mmi Based On Silicon Material. Tác giả: Ho Duc Tam Linh, Vo Duy Phuc, Nguyen Quang Viet, Nguyen Duc Hien, Nguyen Tan Hung. Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ-Đại học Đà Nẵng. Số: 00. Trang: 52-56. Năm 2022. (Dec 27 2022 3:19PM)
[2]Bài báo: Simulation of fiber-optics signal transmission using split-step Fourier method. Tác giả: Nguyễn Văn Điền, Mai Xuân Hùng, Đào Thị Vân Khánh, Võ Văn Huy, Nguyễn Văn Tuấn, Nguyễn Quang Như Quỳnh, Nguyễn Tấn Hưng. Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ-Đại học Đà Nẵng. Số: 00. Trang: 24-29. Năm 2021. (Dec 27 2022 3:16PM)
[3]Bài báo: Design of Silicon TE0/TE1 Mode Router Using Mach-Zehnder and Multimode Interferometers. Tác giả: Tran Xuan Hop, Dang Thi Nuong, Ho Duc Tam Linh, Duong Quang Duy, Nguyen Thi Hong Yen, Mai Thi Phuong Le, Truong Cao Dung, Nguyen Tan Hung. Journal of Science and Technology: Issue on Information and Communications Technology. Số: 19. Trang: 22-27. Năm 2021. (Dec 27 2022 3:18PM)
[4]Bài báo: Bộ định tuyến cho hai mode ánh sáng phân cực TM dùng vật liệu SOI. Tác giả: Dương Quang Duy, Hồ Đức Tâm Linh, Nguyễn Tấn Hưng, Trương Cao Dũng, Đặng Hoài Bắc. Tạp chí Khoa học công nghệ Thông tin và Truyền thông - Học viện Công nghệ Bưu chính Viễn thông. Số: 01. Trang: 3-9. Năm 2020. (Jun 17 2020 10:43PM)
[5]Bài báo: Investigating performance of millimeterwave optical-wireless access system (MMW/RoF) for next generation mobile communications. Tác giả: Nguyễn Văn Tuấn, Nguyễn Văn Điền, Nguyễn Tấn Hưng. Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ-Đại học Đà Nẵng. Số: 00. Trang: 18-23. Năm 2020. (Dec 27 2022 3:11PM)
[6]Bài báo: All optical logic gates based on nanoplasmonic MIM waveguides. Tác giả: Nguyen Van Tai, Nguyen Tan Hung, Dang Hoai Bac, Truong Cao Dung. Journal of Science and Technology: Issue on Information and Communications Technology. Số: 18. Trang: 1-7. Năm 2020. (Dec 27 2022 3:13PM)
[7]Bài báo: Impact of Frequency Shift on Nonlinear Compensation Using Optical Phase Conjugation for M-QAM Signals. Tác giả: Nguyen Duc Binh, Nguyen Van Dien, Nguyen The Quang, Nguyen Quang Nhu Quynh, Ho Phuoc Tien, Nguyen Van Tuan, Nguyen Tan Hung. REV Journal on Electronics and Communications (Accepted). Số: 00. Trang: 00. Năm 2019. (Sep 2 2019 12:04AM)
[8]Bài báo: Simultaneous Compression of Multiple Pulse Streams for All-Optical Serial/Parallel Data Exchanges. Tác giả: Nguyen The Quang, Nguyen Tan Hung , Matsuura Motoharu, Kishi Naoto. REV Journal on Electronics and Communications. Số: Vol. 8, No. 3–4. Trang: 65-72. Năm 2018. (Sep 2 2019 12:27AM)
[9]Bài báo: All-Optical Half Adder Based on a 2x2 Multimode Interference Coupler. Tác giả: Dao Duy Tu, Ho Duc Tam Linh, Dung Truong Cao and Hung Tan Nguyen. The University of Danang-Journal of Science and Technology, Issue on Information and Communications Technology. Số: Vol. 4, No. 1. Trang: 9-13. Năm 2018. (Sep 2 2019 12:29AM)
[10]Tham luận: Nén xung quang Soliton đa kênh và ứng dụng trong hệ thống thông tin quang tốc độ cao. Tác giả: Nguyễn Thế Quang, Nguyễn Tấn Hưng, Phạm Mạnh Hà. Hội nghị Quốc gia lần thứ XX về Điện tử, Truyền thông và Công nghệ Thông tin (The 20th National Conference on Electronics, Communications and Information Technology, viết tắt là REV-ECIT). Trang: 00. Năm 2017. (Nov 5 2017 7:35PM)
[11]Bài báo: Thiết bị tách ghép kênh phân chia 3 mode suy hao thấp sử dụng phân tầng các ống dẫn sóng silic ghép định hướng. Tác giả: Trương Cao Dũng, Vũ Anh Đào, Nguyễn Tấn Hưng, Nguyễn Hữu Long. Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ Đại học Đà Nẵng. Số: 00. Trang: 00. Năm 2017. (Nov 14 2017 3:54PM)
[12]Tham luận: Ảnh Hưởng Của Tán Sắc Bậc Ba Trong Hệ Thống Truyền Dẫn Sợi Quang Sử Dụng Bộ Liên Hợp Pha. Tác giả: Nguyễn Văn Điền, Nguyễn Tấn Hưng, Lê Thái Sơn, Trương Cao Dũng, Nguyễn Văn Tuấn. Hội nghị Quốc gia lần thứ XX về Điện tử, Truyền thông và Công nghệ Thông tin (The 20th National Conference on Electronics, Communications and Information Technology, viết tắt là REV-ECIT). Trang: 00. Năm 2017. (Nov 5 2017 7:37PM)
[13]Tham luận: Các cấu trúc ống dẫn sóng lai ghép plasmonic – silic sử dụng nắp kim loại bạc và quay phân cực cho mạch quang tử kích thước nano. Tác giả: Nguyễn Văn Tài, Nguyễn Tấn Hưng, Đặng Hoài Bắc, Trương Cao Dũng. Hội nghị Quốc gia lần thứ XX về Điện tử, Truyền thông và Công nghệ Thông tin (The 20th National Conference on Electronics, Communications and Information Technology, viết tắt là REV-ECIT). Trang: 00. Năm 2017. (Nov 5 2017 7:32PM)
[14]Bài báo: Khôi phục tín hiệu, hình ảnh theo phương pháp "lấy mẫu nén". Tác giả: Nguyễn Văn Điền, Hồ Phước Tiến, Nguyễn Tấn Hưng. Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ Đại học Đà Nẵng. Số: 11 (108), Quyển 1. Trang: 6-10. Năm 2016. (Jul 5 2017 8:17PM)
[15]Tham luận: Optical Nyquist filtering of OTDM signals and their spectral defragmentation for elastic optical networks. Tác giả: Hung Nguyen Tan. presented at RIEC-AIST Workshop of The Research Institute of Electrical Communication. Trang: 00. Năm 2014. (Apr 15 2016 3:06AM)
[16]Tham luận: All-optical 4x10 Gb/s Ultra-short Pulsewidth NRZ-to-RZ Format Conversion and Wavelength Multicasting using Raman Amplifier Muliwavelength Pulse Compressor. Tác giả: Q. Nguyen Quang Nhu, Q. Nguyen-The, H. Nguyen Tan, M. Matsuura, and N. Kishi. presented at The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) General Conference, Japan. Trang: B-10-64. Năm 2014. (Apr 16 2016 11:08AM)
[17]Tham luận: Performance of Optical Packet Switch based on Recursive Parametric Wavelength Conversions. Tác giả: N. Kitsuwan, H. Nguyen Tan, M. Matsuura, N. Kishi, and Eiji Oki. presented at The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) Technical Committee on Photonic Network, Tokyo, Japan. Trang: PN2011-32. Năm 2011. (Apr 16 2016 3:25PM)
[18]Tham luận: Generation of 40-GHz 3-ps Time- and Wavelength-Interleaved Optical Pulses Using Raman Amplification-Based Multiwavelength Pulse Compressor for All-Channel OTDM Demultiplexing. Tác giả: Quang Nguyen The, Hung Nguyen Tan, Motoharu Matsuura, and Naoto Kishi. Presented at The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) Technical Committee of Optical Fiber Technologies, Osaka, Japan. Trang: OFT2010-45. Năm 2010. (Apr 16 2016 5:00PM)
[19]Tham luận: A Single-Gate OTDM-to-WDM Conversion Utilizing Raman Compressor-Based Multiwavelength Pulse Source for Photonic Networks. Tác giả: Hung Nguyen Tan, Quang Nguyen The, Motoharu Matsuura, and Naoto Kishi. Presented at The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) Technical Committee on Photonic Network, Tokyo, Japan. Trang: PN2010-28. Năm 2010. (Apr 16 2016 5:05PM)
[20]Tham luận: Application of Optical Fibre Nonlinearities for Optical Waveform Conversion. Tác giả: Kishi Naoto, Matsuura Motoharu, Nguyen Tan Hung, Buddhika Praneeth Samarakoon. presented at The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) General Conference, Kanagawa, Japan. Trang: BS-11-4. Năm 2008. (Apr 19 2016 2:29PM)
[21]Bài báo: Improving the Quality of Transmitted Signal in DWDM High Bit-Rate and Long-Haul Optical Fiber Communication Systems. Tác giả: Nguyen Van Tuan, Nguyen Tan Hung, Tran Anh Vu. The 3rd Scientific Conference on the 10th Anniversary of Danang University. Số: 1. Trang: 00. Năm 2004. (Sep 6 2017 5:46PM)
[22]Bài báo: Calculating the Maximum Number of Channels in WDM System Using EDFA Cascade under the Impact of FWM Effect and ASE Accumulation. Tác giả: Nguyen Van Tuan, Nguyen Tan Hung. Journal of Ministry of posts and Telecommunications, Special issue: Research and Development on Telecommunications and Information Technology. Số: 12. Trang: 25-32. Năm 2004. (Oct 29 2016 8:07AM)
[1]Article: Analysis of a Real-Time FSO System Utilizing Xia and SRRC Pulses in Multi-band Carrier-Less Amplitude and Phase Modulation. Authors: Paul Anthony Haigh, Mojtaba Mansour Abadi, Zabih Ghassemlooy, Nguyen The Quang, Son Thai Le, Nguyen Tan Hung. IEEE Access. No: 0. Year 2023. (Dec 13 2023 8:13AM)
[2]Article: High-speed PAM4 transmission using directly modulated laser and artificial neural network nonlinear equaliser. Authors: Nguyen T Hung*, Scott Stainton, Son T Le, Paul A Haigh, Ho P Tien, Nguyen DN Vien, Nguyen V Tuan. Elsevier Optics & Laser Technology (SCIE Q1, IF 4.939). No: 157. Pages: 108642. Year 2023. (Dec 27 2022 8:24AM)
[3]Article: Tolerance of SCM Nyquist and OFDM signals for heterogeneous fiber-optic and millimeter-wave mobile backhaul links under the effect of power amplifier saturation induced clipping. Authors: Nguyen V Dien, Nguyen V Tuan, Le TP Mai, Nguyen V Hieu, Vuong Q Phuoc, Nguyen QN Quynh, Nguyen T Hung*. Elsevier Computer Networks (SCIE Q1, IF 5.493). No: 204. Pages: 108697. Year 2022. (Dec 27 2022 9:52AM)
[4]Article: An adaptive algorithm for performance enhancement of long-haul MMW/RoF system for next generation mobile communications. Authors: Nguyen Van Tuan, Nguyen Van Dien, Nguyen Dong Nhat, Tran The Son, Duy-Tuan Dao, Nguyen Khanh Toan, Nguyen Tan Hung. International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing (SCIE Q3). No: 40. Pages: 267-276. Year 2022. (Dec 27 2022 9:53AM)
[5]Article: 1x3 reconfigurable and simultaneous three-mode selective router based on silicon waveguide utilizing Ti microheaters as thermo-optic phase shifters. Authors: Duy Duong Quang, Hai Ta Duy, Duy Nguyen Thi Hang, Thuy Tran Thi Thanh, Tuan Anh Tran, Linh Ho Duc Tam, Tan Hung Nguyen, Bac Dang Hoai, Cao Dung Truong. Elsevier Microelectronics Journal (SCIE Q2). No: 117. Pages: 105278. Year 2021. (Dec 27 2022 9:58AM)
[6]Article: Digital back-propagation optimization for high-baudrate single-channel optical fiber transmissions. Authors: Nguyen V. Dien, Le T. Son, Nguyen V. Tuan, Ho P. Tien, Nguyen D. N. Vien, Nguyen L.Hung, Nguyen T. Hung*. Elsevier Optics Communications (SCI Q1). No: 491. Pages: 126913. Year 2021. (Apr 4 2021 10:30PM)
[7]Article: Optical mode conversion based on silicon-on-insulator material Ψ-junction coupler and multimode interferometer. Authors: Dao Duy Tu, Ho Duc Tam Linh, Vuong Quang Phuoc, Dao Duy Thang, Truong Cao Dung, Nguyen Tan Hung*. Elsevier Optics & Laser Technology (SCIE Q1, IF 4.939). No: 142. Pages: 107177. Year 2021. (Dec 27 2022 3:07PM)
[8]Presentations: OLED-Based Visible Light Communication System Using Universal Filtered Multi-Carrier. Authors: Nghi Vinh Khanh, Pham Quang Thai, Khuong Ho-Van, Pham Tien Dat, Nguyen Tan Hung, Vu Dinh Thanh. 2020 International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications (ATC). Pages: 101-105. Year 2020. (Dec 27 2022 3:24PM)
[9]Article: Power-Efficient Single-Sideband Transmission with Clipped Iterative SSBI Cancellation. Authors: Son Thai Le*, Vahid Aref, Karsten Schuh and Hung Nguyen Tan*. IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology (SCI, Q1). No: 00. Pages: 00. Year 2020. (Jun 17 2020 10:49PM)
[10]Presentations: 30 Gbaud 128 QAM SSB Direct Detection Transmission over 80 km with Clipped Iterative SSBI Cancellation. Authors: Son T Le, Vahid Aref, Karsten Schuh, Hung N Tan. 2020 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC), 8–12 March 2020, San Diego, California, United States. Pages: 00. Year 2020. (Jun 18 2020 12:17AM)
[11]Article: Arbitrary TE0/TE1/TE2/TE3 Mode Converter Using 1x4 Y-Junction and 4x4 MMI Couplers. Authors: Ho Duc Tam Linh, Truong Cao Dung, Ken Tanizawa, Dao Duy Thang, Nguyen Tan Hung*. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics (SCI, Q1), issue on Silicon Photonics. No: 00. Pages: 00. Year 2020. (Sep 2 2019 12:22AM)
[12]Article: A Priority-Based Multiobjective Design for Routing, Spectrum, and Network Coding Assignment Problem in Network-Coding-Enabled Elastic Optical Networks. Authors: Dao Thanh Hai, Le Hai Chau, Nguyen Tan Hung. IEEE Systems Journal (SCI Q1). No: 00. Pages: 00. Year 2020. (Oct 20 2019 9:57PM)
[13]Article: 5x240 Gb/s WDM DD Transmission over 80 km with Spectral Efficiency of 5.25 bit/s/Hz. Authors: Son Thai Le, Karsten Schuh, Fred Buchali and Hung Nguyen Tan. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters (SCI, Q1). No: 00. Pages: 00. Year 2020. (Oct 20 2019 9:58PM)
[14]Article: Three-Mode Multiplexer and Demultiplexer Utilizing Trident and Multimode Couplers. Authors: Truong Cao Dung, Nguyen Tan Hung*, Pham Quang Thai, Trinh Minh Tuan, Vu Khu. Elsevier Optics Communications (SCI, Q1). No: 435. Pages: 334-340. Year 2019. (Dec 3 2018 11:15PM)
[15]Article: On the Effectiveness of Nonlinearity Compensation for High-Baudrate Single-Channel Transmissions. Authors: Hung Nguyen Tan*, Son Thai Le. Elsevier Optics Communications (SCI, Q1). No: 433. Pages: 36-43. Year 2019. (Dec 3 2018 11:11PM)
[16]Article: Three-mode multiplexed device based on tilt branched bus structure using silicon waveguide. Authors: Tuan Anh Tran, Hang Duy Nguyen Thi, Cao Dung Truong, Hung Nguyen Tan, and Duc Han Tran. Elsevier Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications (SCIE, Q2). No: 35. Pages: 100709. Year 2019. (Sep 2 2019 12:15AM)
[17]Presentations: Hybrid FSO/MMW System for High-Speed and Reliable Mobile Fronthaul System. Authors: Pham Tien Dat, Hideo Fujita, Mitsuji Matsumoto, Nguyen Van Dien, Nguyen Tan Hung, Atsushi Kanno, and Naokatsu Yamamoto. European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC), Dublin, Ireland, 22-26 Sep. Pages: 00. Year 2019. (Sep 1 2019 11:51PM)
[18]Presentations: Full-Duplex Transmission of Nyquist-SCM Signal over a Seamless Bidirectional Fiber-Wireless System in W-Band. Authors: Pham Tien Dat ; Atsushi Kanno ; Naokatsu Yamamoto ; Nguyen Van Dien ; Nguyen Tan Hung ; Tetsuya. Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC), San Diego, California, USA 3–7 March. Pages: W1I.5. Year 2019. (Sep 1 2019 11:53PM)
[19]Presentations: Nonlinearity compensation in DWDM metro systems using optical phase conjugation. Authors: Binh Nguyen Duc, Nguyen Van Dien, Hung Nguyen Tan , and Quang Nguyen-The. 2019 International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications (ATC), Hanoi city, Vietnam, October 17-19. Pages: 00. Year 2019. (Sep 2 2019 12:02AM)
[20]Article: Polarization-insensitive two-mode (de)multiplexer using SOI-based Y-junction and MMI couplers. Authors: Duong Quang Duy, Ho Duc Tam Linh, Tang Tan Chien, Nguyen Tan Hung, Truong Cao Dung, Dang Hoai Bac. SPIE Optical Engineering (SCI, Q1). No: 58(6). Pages: 067105. Year 2019. (Sep 2 2019 12:10AM)
[21]Presentations: Three Lowest Optical Modes Simultaneous Generator based on Silicon Multimode interference and Y-Junction Couplers. Authors: Duong Quang Duy, Ho Duc Tam Linh, Truong Cao Dung, Nguyen Tan Hung, Dang Hoai Bac, Luong Cong Duan. 6th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science (NICS), Hanoi. Pages: 00. Year 2019. (Jun 18 2020 12:19AM)
[22]Presentations: Mode Switch for On-Chip Optical Interconnects using Multimode Interference Couplers. Authors: Ho Duc Tam Linh, Dung Cao Truong, Duy Duong Quang, Vo Duy Phuc and Nguyen Tan Hung. 6th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science (NICS), Hanoi. Pages: 00. Year 2019. (Jun 18 2020 12:21AM)
[23]Presentations: (Best Paper Award) Single Side Band Direct Detection for Data Center Interconnect and Digital Radio Over Fiber. Authors: Le Thai Son and Nguyen Tan Hung. 6th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science (NICS), Hanoi. Pages: 00. Year 2019. (Jun 18 2020 12:23AM)
[24]Article: A Closed-Form Expression for Direct Detection Transmission Systems with Kramers-Kronig Receiver. Authors: Son Thai Le, Karsten Schuh and Hung Nguyen Tan*. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters (SCI, Q1). No: 00. Pages: 00. Year 2018. (Dec 3 2018 11:14PM)
[25]Article: (Invited Paper) Analysis and Demonstration of Network Utilization Improvement Through Format-agnostic Multi-channel Wavelength Converters. Authors: Kiyo Ishii, Takashi Inoue, Inwoong Kim, Xi Wang, Hung Nguyen Tan, Qiong Zhang, Tadashi Ikeuchi, Shu Namiki. Journal of Optical Communications and Networking (SCI, Q1). No: Vol. 10, No. 2. Pages: A165-A174. Year 2018. (Nov 12 2017 5:57PM)
[26]Presentations: Chaos-Secured Software-Defined V isible L ight Communications. Authors: Nguyen Tan Hung, Nguyen Van Tho, Nguyen Quoc Hieu, Truong Cao Dung, and Pham Tien Dat. PhotonIcs and Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS). Pages: 00. Year 2018. (Dec 4 2018 7:50AM)
[27]Presentations: Design and Optimization of Optical Mode Exchange Based on Cascaded Multimode Interferences. Authors: Ho Duc Tam Linh, Duong Quang Duy, Truong Cao Dung, Nguyen Quang Nhu Quynh, Nguyen Tan Hung. IEEE Seventh International Conference on Communications and Electronics (ICCE). Pages: 00. Year 2018. (Dec 4 2018 7:39AM)
[28]Article: Low Noise Frequency Combs for Higher-Order QAM Formats through Cross Phase Modulation of Modelocked Laser Pulses. Authors: Mark Pelusi, Hung Nguyen Tan, Karen Solis-Trapala, Takashi Inoue, and Shu Namiki. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics (SCI, Q1). No: Vol. 24, No. 3. Pages: 00. Year 2018. (Nov 5 2017 12:05AM)
[29]Presentations: Reconfigurable mode converter using two silicon Yjunctions couplers for Mode Division Multiplexing Network. Authors: Linh Duc Tam Ho, Duy Quang Duong, Dung Cao Truong, Hung Nguyen Tan*. The 5th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science (NICS). Pages: 00. Year 2018. (Dec 3 2018 11:22PM)
[30]Presentations: Dualband-wavelength demultiplexer based on the nanoplasmonic MIM waveguides. Authors: Tai Nguyen Van, Tuan Do Huu, Hung Nguyen Tan, Cao Dung Truong and Bac Dang Hoai. The International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications (ATC), Quinhon. Pages: 00. Year 2018. (Dec 3 2018 11:25PM)
[31]Presentations: Simultaneous Generation of Two Lowest Optical Modes Using Silicon MMI and Y-Junction Couplers. Authors: Duy Duong Quang, Linh Duc Tam Ho, Hung Nguyen Tan, Long Nguyen Huu, Dung Truong Cao, Bac Dang Hoai. IEEE Seventh International Conference on Communications and Electronics (ICCE). Pages: 00. Year 2018. (Dec 4 2018 7:41AM)
[32]Presentations: Sensitivity Gain of Coherent Millimeter-Wave Subcarrier Multiplexed Radio-over-Fiber System. Authors: Toan Nguyen-Khanh, Tuan Nguyen-Van, Hung Nguyen-Tan, and Tri Ngo-Minh. IEEE Seventh International Conference on Communications and Electronics (ICCE). Pages: 00. Year 2018. (Dec 4 2018 7:43AM)
[33]Article: Low noise frequency comb carriers for 64-QAM via a Brillouin comb amplifier. Authors: Mark Pelusi, Amol Choudhary, Takashi Inoue, David Marpaung, Benjamin J Eggleton, Karen Solis-Trapala, Hung Nguyen Tan, Shu Namiki. OSA Optics Express. No: 25. Pages: 17847-17863. Year 2017. (Jul 24 2017 8:20PM)
[34]Presentations: (Top Rated Paper, Invited for IEEE/OSA-JOCN) Network Utilization Improvement Using Format-agnostic Multi-channel Wavelength Converters. Authors: Kiyo Ishii, Inwoong Kim, Xi Wang, Hung Nguyen Tan, Qiong Zhang, Tadashi Ikeuchi, Shu Namiki. Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), San Diego, CA, USA. Pages: Th4F.6. Year 2017. (Apr 11 2017 8:29PM)
[35]Presentations: A Compact Triplexer Based on Cascaded Three Tiled MMI Couplers Using Silicon Waveguides. Authors: Cao Dung Truong and Hung Nguyen Tan

. The fourth NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science. Pages: 00. Year 2017.
(Sep 20 2017 9:16PM)
[36]Presentations: Impact of Time Mismatch in Multicarrier Spectral-Slicing Transmission System Using Single Coherent Receiver. Authors: Dien V. Nguyen, Son T. Le, Dung C. Truong, Tuan V. Nguyen, Hung T. Nguyen. The fourth NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science (NICS). Pages: 00. Year 2017. (Sep 20 2017 9:23PM)
[37]Article: A new simulation design of three-mode division (de)multiplexer based on a trident coupler and two cascaded 3 × 3 MMI silicon waveguides. Authors: Anh Tuan Tran, Dung Cao Truong, Hung Tan Nguyen, Yem Van Vu. Optical and Quantum Electronics. No: 49. Pages: 426. Year 2017. (Dec 12 2017 11:20PM)
[38]Presentations: TM-(de)MUXer Based on a Symmetric Y-junction Coupler and a 2×2 MMI Coupler Using Silicon Waveguides for WDM Applications. Authors: Cao Dung Truong, Tan Hung Nguyen, Tuan Anh Tran, Hoai Bac Dang. The International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications (ATC), Quinhon. Pages: 00. Year 2017. (Sep 6 2017 5:52PM)
[39]Presentations: Performance analysis of long-distance radio-over fiber systems for mainland-island communications. Authors: Toan Nguyen Khanh, Tuan Nguyen Van, and Hung Nguyen Tan. The International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications (ATC), Quinhon. Pages: 00. Year 2017. (Sep 6 2017 5:54PM)
[40]Presentations: Wideband Optical Logic Gates Based on a 3×3 Multi-Mode Interference Coupler. Authors: Chien V. Le, Dien V. Nguyen, Ngan T. K. Nguyen, Tuyen T. T. Le, Chien T. Tang, Dung C. Truong, Hung T. Nguyen. The International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications (ATC), Quinhon. Pages: 00. Year 2017. (Sep 6 2017 5:56PM)
[41]Article: (Invited Paper) Multi-channel cascadable parametric signal processing for wavelength conversion and nonlinearity compensation
Authors: Shu Namiki, Karen Solis-Trapala, Hung Nguyen Tan, Mark Pelusi, and Takashi Inoue

. IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology (SCI). No: Vol. 35. Pages: 815-823. Year 2017.
(Oct 27 2016 11:26AM)
[42]Presentations: Imperfection Induced Bandwidth Limitation in Nonlinearity Compensation. Authors: Son T. Le, Hung Nguyen Tan and Henning Buelow
. European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC), Gothenburg, Sweden. Pages: 1-3. Year 2017.
(Jul 4 2017 9:28PM)
[43]Presentations: (Invited Paper) Signal-transparent wavelength conversion and light-speed back propagation through fiber. Authors: Shu Namiki, Hung Nguyen Tan, Karen Solis-Trapala, Takashi Inoue. In Proc. Optical Fiber Communication Conf. (OFC), Los Angeles, CA, USA. Pages: Th4F.1. Year 2016. (Apr 14 2016 11:39PM)
[44]Presentations: C-band Spanning Frequency Comb Based onan Output Phase Stabilized Mode-locked Laser. Authors: Mark Pelusi, Hung Nguyen Tan, Karen Solis-Trapala, Takashi Inoue, Shu Namiki
. OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC), Niigata, Japan. Pages: paper MB1-5. Year 2016.
(Oct 27 2016 11:34AM)
[45]Presentations: One-to-six all-optical wavelength multicasting of a short pulsewidth RZ-DPSK signal using multi-pumping four-wave mixing in fiber
Authors: Quynh Nguyen Quang Nhu, Hung Nguyen Tan
. The First International Conference on Advanced Technologies in Electrial, Electronic and Communication Engineering (ICATEC), Danang, Vietnam, August. Pages: 00. Year 2016.
(Oct 27 2016 11:38AM)
[46]Presentations: (Postdeadline Paper) Low Noise, Regeneration of Optical Frequency Comb-Lines for 64QAM Enabled by SBS Gain
Authors: Mark Pelusi, Amol Choudhary, Takashi Inoue, David Marpaung, Benjamin Eggleton, Hung Nguyen Tan, Karen Solis-Trapala, Shu Namiki
. OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC), Niigata, Japan. Pages: paper PD1-3. Year 2016.
(Oct 27 2016 11:46AM)
[47]Presentations: 1.76-Tbit/s Superchannel Generation Based on InP IQ Modulator and Optical Frequency Comb
Authors: K. Solis-Trapala, T. Inoue, H. Nguyen Tan, and S. Namiki
. OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC), Niigata, Japan. Pages: paper MB1-4. Year 2016.
(Oct 27 2016 11:32AM)
[48]Presentations: Timing Jitter Impact on QAM Modulation of Frequency Combs Obtained by Cross Phase Modulation of Mode-locked Lasers. Authors: Mark Pelusi, Karen Solis-Trapala, Takashi Inoue, Hung Nguyen Tan, Shu Namiki. European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC), Düsseldorf, German. Pages: 1-3. Year 2016. (Apr 11 2017 8:33PM)
[49]Article: Low Noise Frequency Comb for 64 QAM Based on Output Phase Stabilization of an Actively Mode-Locked Fiber Laser. Authors: Mark Pelusi, Hung Nguyen Tan, Karen Solis-Trapala, Takashi Inoue, Shu Namiki. In Proc. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose, CA, USA, paper SM3F, 2016. No: 00. Pages: 00. Year 2016. (Apr 15 2016 12:38AM)
[50]Article: Performance of an Inline RZ-DPSK Pulse Compression Using Raman Amplifier and Its Application in OTDM Tributary. Authors: Quynh Nguyen Quang Nhu, Hung Nguyen Tan, Quang Nguyen The, Motoharu Matsuura, and Naoto Kishi. IEICE Transaction on Electronics, Special section on recent advances in photonics technologies and their applications. No: vol. E99- C, no. 2. Pages: 227-234. Year 2016. (Apr 15 2016 12:59AM)
[51]Article: On the Cascadability of All-Optical Wavelength Converter for High-Order QAM Formats. Authors: Hung Nguyen Tan, Takashi Inoue, Karen Solis-Trapala, Stephane Petit, Yoichi Oikawa, Kazuya Ota, Shigehiro Takasaka, Takeshi Yagi, Mark Pelusi, and Shu Namiki. IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology (SCI), Vol. 34 , No. 13, pp. 3194-3205, Jul 2016. No: 00. Pages: 00-00. Year 2016. (Apr 14 2016 10:46PM)
[52]Article: (Top-Scoring Paper) Wavelength Translation of Dual Polarization Phase-Modulated Nyquist OTDM at Terabit/s. Authors: Hung Nguyen Tan, Takashi Inoue, Takayuki Kurosu, and Shu Namiki. IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology (SCI). No: 2. Pages: 633-642. Year 2016. (Apr 14 2016 11:04PM)
[53]Article: (Top-Scoring Paper) Optimized WDM Transmission Impairment Mitigation by Multiple Phase Conjugations. Authors: Karen Solis-Trapala, Mark Pelusi, Hung Nguyen Tan, Takashi Inoue, and Shu Namiki. IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology (SCI). No: 2. Pages: 431-440. Year 2016. (Apr 14 2016 11:19PM)
[54]Article: (Invited Paper) Optical Nyquist Filtering for Elastic OTDM Signals: Fundamentals and Demonstrations. Authors: Hung Nguyen Tan, Takashi Inoue, Ken Tanizawa, Takayuki Kurosu, and Shu Namiki. IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology (SCI). No: 5. Pages: 1014-1026. Year 2015. (Apr 14 2016 11:23PM)
[55]Article: Waveform conversion and wavelength multicasting with pulsewidth tunability using Raman amplification multiwavelength pulse compressor. Authors: Q. Nguyen Quang Nhu, Q. Nguyen-The, H. Nguyen Tan, M. Matsuura, and N. Kishi. IEICE Transaction on Electronics, Special Section on Microwave Photonics. No: vol. E98-C, no. 8. Pages: 824-831. Year 2015. (Apr 15 2016 1:05AM)
[56]Presentations: (Invited Paper) Recent Progress and Challenges in Developing Practical All-Optical Wavelength Converter. Authors: T. Inoue, H. Nguyen Tan, K. Tanizawa, S. Petit, K. Ota, S. Takasaka, T. Yagi, and S. Namiki. In Proc. Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACPC), HongKong. Pages: AS3J.2. Year 2015. (Apr 14 2016 11:57PM)
[57]Presentations: (Invited Paper) Hybrid Optical Phase Quantization for All-optical Signal Processing. Authors: Takayuki Kurosu, Hung Nguyen Tan, Karen Solis-Trapala, and Shu Namiki. In Proc. Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACPC), HongKong. Pages: AM3F.1. Year 2015. (Apr 15 2016 12:00AM)
[58]Presentations: (Invited Paper) Approaching Complete Cancellation of Nonlinearity in WDM Transmission Through Optical Phase Conjugation. Authors: Karen Solis-Trapala, Mark Pelusi, Hung Nguyen Tan, Takashi Inoue, Satoshi Suda, Shu Namiki. In Proc. Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACPC), HongKong. Pages: AM3I.2. Year 2015. (Apr 15 2016 12:04AM)
[59]Presentations: (Invited Paper) Implementing Ideal Nonlinear Compensation through Nonlinearity. Authors: Karen Solis-Trapala, Takashi Inoue, Mark Pelusi, Hung Nguyen Tan, and Shu Namiki. In Proc. IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting on Nonlinear-Optical Signal Processing, Bahamas. Pages: 207-208. Year 2015. (Apr 15 2016 12:19AM)
[60]Presentations: (Invited Paper) Linearizing WDM Transmission Systems Through Optical Phase Conjugation. Authors: Karen Solis-Trapala, Takashi Inoue, Mark Pelusi, Hung Nguyen Tan, Shu Namiki. In Proc. OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC), Shanghai, China. Pages: 1-3. Year 2015. (Apr 15 2016 12:23AM)
[61]Presentations: Field-Deployed Legacy Fiber System Enhanced by Mid-Span Spectral Inversion
Authors: K. Solis-Trapala, M. Pelusi, H. Nguyen Tan, T. Inoue, S. Suda, S. Namiki
. The 8th International Symposium on VICTORIES project. Pages: paper C-6. Year 2015.
(Oct 27 2016 11:42AM)
[62]Presentations: Phase regeneration of BPSK signals and QPSK signals by Hybrid Optical Phase Squeezer
Authors: Takayuki Kurosu, Hung Nguyen Tan, Karen Solis-Trapala, Shu Namiki
. The 8th International Symposium on VICTORIES project. Pages: paper C-9. Year 2015.
(Oct 27 2016 11:43AM)
[63]Presentations: Wavelength Conversion of PDM 16-QAM Signals by Four Wave Mixing with a Co-Phase Dithered Pump. Authors: Mark Pelusi, Karen Solis-Trapala, Hung Nguyen Tan, Takashi Inoue, Shu Namiki. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHOTONICS IN SWITCHING (PS), FLORENCE, ITALY. Pages: 00. Year 2015. (Sep 2 2019 12:35AM)
[64]Presentations: Highly Efficient Spectral Shifting and Linear Sampling of UltrahighBaudrate Dual-Polarization PhaseModulated Signal. Authors: Hung Nguyen Tan, Takashi Inoue, Takayuki Kurosu, and Shu Namiki. presented at The 7th International Symposium on Ultrafast Photonic Technologies and International Symposium on Extremely Advanced Transmission Technology (ISUPT/EXAT), Kyoto, Japan. Pages: 00. Year 2015. (Apr 15 2016 2:54AM)
[65]Presentations: Low Noise Degenerate FWM of 12x100 Gb/s DP-QPSK Signals with Counter-Dithering of Pump and Idler Waves. Authors: Mark Pelusi, Karen Solis-Trapala, Hung Nguyen Tan, Takashi Inoue, Shu Namiki. In Proc. Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), Los Angeles, CA, USA. Pages: M2E.3. Year 2015. (Apr 15 2016 3:02AM)
[66]Presentations: (Upgraded Invited Paper) Highly Cascadable All-Optical Wavelength Conversions of DP-QPSK, DP-16QAM, and DP- 64QAM Signals. Authors: Hung Nguyen Tan, Takashi Inoue, Ken Tanizawa, and Shu Namiki. In Proc. European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC), Valencia, Spain. Pages: We.2.6.1. Year 2015. (Apr 14 2016 11:45PM)
[67]Presentations: Phase noise squeezing without PM-to-AM conversion by hybrid optical phase squeezer. Authors: Takayuki Kurosu, Hung Nguyen Tan, Karen Solis-Trapala, and Shu Namiki. In Proc. IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting on Nonlinear-Optical Signal Processing, Bahamas. Pages: 203-204. Year 2015. (Apr 15 2016 12:30AM)
[68]Presentations: (Top-Scoring Paper) First Demonstration of Wavelength Translation for 1.376-Tbit/s DPQPSK Nyquist OTDM Signal. Authors: Hung Nguyen Tan, Takashi Inoue, Takayuki Kurosu, and Shu Namiki. In Proc. Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), Los Angeles, CA, USA. Pages: M3F.4. Year 2015. (Apr 15 2016 12:42AM)
[69]Presentations: (Top-Scoring Paper) Transmission Optimized Impairment Mitigation by 12 Stage Phase Conjugation of WDM 24x48 Gb/s DP-QPSK Signals. Authors: Karen Solis-Trapala, Mark Pelusi, Hung Nguyen Tan, Takashi Inoue, Shu Namiki. In Proc. Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), Los Angeles, CA, USA. Pages: Th3C.2. Year 2015. (Apr 15 2016 12:44AM)
[70]Article: Signal phase regeneration through multiple wave coherent addition enabled by hybrid optical phase squeezer. Authors: Takayuki Kurosu, Hung Nguyen Tan, Karen Solis-Trapala, and Shu Namiki. OSA Optics Express (SCI). No: Vol. 23. Pages: 27920-27930. Year 2015. (Apr 15 2016 1:01AM)
[71]Presentations: (Invited Paper) Back Propagation for Nonlinearity Compensation: Optically or Digitally?. Authors: Karen Solis-Trapala, Mark Pelusi, Hung Nguyen Tan, Takashi Inoue, Satoshi Suda, Shu Namiki. 10th International Workshop on Optical signal processing and Optical switching (IWOO), Bejing, China. Pages: 00. Year 2015. (Apr 15 2016 12:07AM)
[72]Presentations: Cascadability of an All-Optical Wavelength Converter for HighOrder QAM Signal. Authors: Hung Nguyen Tan, Takashi Inoue, and Shu Namiki. presented at The 8th International Symposium on VICTORIES project & workshop (WIN²), Tokyo, Japan. Pages: 00. Year 2015. (Apr 15 2016 2:53AM)
[73]Presentations: Broadband Counter-Phase Dithering of Multi-Terabit/s DP-QPSK Signals for Low Noise FWM with a Single CW Pump. Authors: Mark Pelusi, Karen Solis-Trapala, Hung Nguyen Tan, Takashi Inoue, Shu Namiki. In Proc. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose, CA, USA. Pages: SM1M.4. Year 2015. (Apr 15 2016 2:57AM)
[74]Presentations: Phase Regeneration of QPSK Signals by Hybrid Optical Phase Squeezer. Authors: Takayuki Kurosu, Hung Nguyen Tan, Karen Solis-Trapala, and Shu Namiki. In Proc. OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC), Shanghai, China. Pages: 00. Year 2015. (Apr 15 2016 2:58AM)
[75]Presentations: First Demonstration of Wavelength Conversion of DP-64QAM Signal Using an Improved CounterDithering Pump Scheme. Authors: Hung Nguyen Tan, Takashi Inoue, Karen Solis-Trapala, Stephane Petit, Yoichi Oikawa, Shigehiro Takasaka, Takeshi Yagi, Mark Pelusi, and Shu Namiki. In Proc. OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC), Shanghai, China. Pages: 00. Year 2015. (Apr 15 2016 3:00AM)
[76]Presentations: (Invited Talk) Ultrafast and Spectrally-Efficient All-optical Network Technologies Based on Optical Nyquist Filtering. Authors: Hung Nguyen Tan. CUDOS Workshop, Lovedale, NSW, Australia. Pages: 21. Year 2015. (Apr 15 2016 12:10AM)
[77]Article: Use of state of polarization transparent scheme for polarization shift keying signal as optical phase conjugator to improve the transmission performance. Authors: M. N. Bhuiyan, M. Matsuura, H. Nguyen Tan, and N. Kishi. OSJ Optical Review. No: Vol. 21, No 1. Pages: 48- 53. Year 2014. (Apr 15 2016 1:09AM)
[78]Article: (Invited Paper) All-Optical Nyquist Filtering for Elastic OTDM Signals and their Spectral Defragmentation for Inter-Datacenter Networks. Authors: Hung Nguyen Tan, Takashi Inoue, Ken Tanizawa, Takayuki Kurosu, and Shu Namiki. In Proc. European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC), Cannes, France. No: 00. Pages: Tu.3.6.1. Year 2014. (Apr 14 2016 11:51PM)
[79]Presentations: (Invited Paper) Development of Highly Cascadable Wavelength Converter for AllOptical Networks. Authors: Hung Nguyen Tan, Takashi Inoue, Ken Tanizawa, Stephane Petit, Yoichi Oikawa, Shigehiro Takasaka, Takeshi Yagi, Shu Namiki. In Proc. International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications (ATC), Hanoi, Vietnam. Pages: 754-759. Year 2014. (Apr 15 2016 12:13AM)
[80]Presentations: (Invited Paper) All-optical Nyquist Filtering for Elastic OTDM signals and their spectral defragmentation through parametric processes. Authors: Hung Nguyen Tan, Takashi Inoue, Ken Tanizawa, Takayuki Kurosu, and Shu Namiki. In Proc. IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting on Nonlinear-Optical Signal Processing, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Pages: 126- 127. Year 2014. (Apr 15 2016 12:16AM)
[81]Presentations: Cascaded operation of wavelength converter for dual-polarization phase-modulated signal. Authors: Hung Nguyen Tan, Takashi Inoue, Junya Kurumida, and Shu Namiki. OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC), Melbourne, Australia. Pages: 557-559. Year 2014. (Apr 16 2016 10:45AM)
[82]Presentations: Counter-dithering pump scheme for cascaded degenerate FWM based wavelength converter. Authors: Hung Nguyen Tan, Takashi Inoue, Ken Tanizawa, Stephane Petit, Yoichi Oikawa, Shigehiro Takasaka, Takeshi Yagi, Shu Namiki. Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), San Francisco, USA. Pages: W3F.4. Year 2014. (Apr 16 2016 10:56AM)
[83]Presentations: Development of a prototype of wavelength converter. Authors: T. Inoue, H. Nguyen Tan, K. Solis-Trapala, K. Tanizawa, S. Petit, Y. Oikawa, S. Takasaka, T. Yagi, and S. Namiki. presented at The 7th International Symposium on VICTORIES project & workshop (WIN² 2014), Tsukuba, Japan. Pages: F-5. Year 2014. (Apr 16 2016 11:03AM)
[84]Presentations: All-Optical waveform sampling using Raman amplification multiwavelength pulse compressor. Authors: Q. Nguyen Quang Nhu, Q. Nguyen-The, H. Nguyen Tan, M. Matsuura, and N. Kishi. OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC), Melbourne, Australia. Pages: 462-464. Year 2014. (Apr 16 2016 10:46AM)
[85]Presentations: All-optical Nyquist filtering as a platform for elastic optical network based on Nyquist OTDM-WDM signals. Authors: Hung Nguyen Tan, Takashi Inoue, Ken Tanizawa, Takayuki Kurosu, and Shu Namiki. presented at The 7th International Symposium on VICTORIES project & workshop (WIN² 2014), Tsukuba, Japan. Pages: P-10. Year 2014. (Apr 16 2016 10:58AM)
[86]Presentations: Parametric NRZ-to-RZ wavelength multicasting with pulsewidth tunability using Raman amplification multiwavelength pulse compressor. Authors: Q. Nguyen Quang Nhu, Q. Nguyen-The, H. Nguyen Tan, M. Matsuura, and N. Kishi. International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics/The 9th Asia-Pacific Microwave Photonics Conference (MWP/APMC 2014), Sapporo, Japan. Pages: 473-475. Year 2014. (Apr 16 2016 11:05AM)
[87]Presentations: All-optical waveform sampling based on four wave mixing in a highly nonlinear fiber. Authors: Q. Nguyen Quang Nhu, Q. Nguyen-The, H. Nguyen Tan, M. Matsuura, and N. Kishi. Triangle Symposium on Advanced Information and Communication Technologies (TriSAI), China. Pages: Session 5-6. Year 2014. (Apr 16 2016 11:09AM)
[88]Presentations: Highly cascadable all-optical wavelength converter. Authors: Hung Nguyen Tan, Takashi Inoue, Ken Tanizawa, Stephane Petit, Yoichi Oikawa, Shigehiro Takasaka, Takeshi Yagi, Shu Namiki. presented at The 7th International Symposium on VICTORIES project & workshop (WIN² 2014), Tsukuba, Japan. Pages: P-11. Year 2014. (Apr 16 2016 11:01AM)
[89]Presentations: (Postdeadline Paper) Transmission and Pass-Drop Operation in All-Optical Elastic Network using Nyquist OTDM-WDM up to 2x344 Gbaud/channel. Authors: Hung Nguyen Tan, Takashi Inoue, Takayuki Kurosu, and Shu Namiki. In Proc. OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC), Kyoto, Japan. Pages: PD3-2. Year 2013. (Apr 15 2016 12:46AM)
[90]Presentations: Transmission and add-drop operations of flexible baudrate Nyquist OTDM-WDM signals for elastic optical networks. Authors: Hung Nguyen Tan, Takashi Inoue, Ken Tanizawa, Takayuki Kurosu, and Shu Namiki. presented The 6th International Symposium on VICTORIES project, Tokyo, Japan. Pages: C-8. Year 2013. (Apr 19 2016 3:25PM)
[91]Presentations: Pass-Drop Operations of 4x172Gb/s Nyquist OTDM-WDM over Cascade of WSSs Using Distributed Matched Filtering. Authors: Hung Nguyen Tan, Takashi Inoue, Shu Namiki. In Proc. Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition, and The National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference (OFC/NFOEC), Anaheim, CA, USA. Pages: JW2A.50. Year 2013. (Apr 16 2016 11:15AM)
[92]Presentations: Seamless Spectral Defragmentation of Nyquist OTDM-WDM Signals in Add-Drop Node for All-Optical Elastic Network. Authors: Hung Nguyen Tan, Ken Tanizawa, Takashi Inoue, Takayuki Kurosu, and Shu Namiki. In Proc. European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC), London, UK. Pages: We.1.C.5. Year 2013. (Apr 16 2016 2:23PM)
[93]Article: No guard-band wavelength translation of Nyquist OTDM-WDM signal for spectral defragmentation in an elastic add– drop node. Authors: Hung Nguyen Tan, Ken Tanizawa, Takashi Inoue, Takayuki Kurosu, and Shu Namiki. OSA Optics Letters (SCI). No: Vol. 38, No. 17. Pages: 3287-3290. Year 2013. (Apr 15 2016 1:29AM)
[94]Presentations: (Invited Paper) Ultrafast Optical Signal Processing Using Fiber Nonlinearities. Authors: Shu Namiki, Mingyi Gao, Ken Tanizawa, Takayuki Kurosu, Junya Kurumida, Takashi Inoue, and Hung Nguyen Tan. In Proc. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose, CA, USA. Pages: CF13.3. Year 2013. (Apr 15 2016 12:33AM)
[95]Article: Transmission and pass-drop operations of mixed baudrate Nyquist OTDM-WDM signals for all-optical elastic network. Authors: Hung Nguyen Tan, Takashi Inoue, Takayuki Kurosu, and Shu Namiki. OSA Optics Express (SCI). No: Vol. 21, No. 17. Pages: 20313-20321. Year 2013. (Apr 15 2016 1:58AM)
[96]Article: All-optical WDM-to-OTDM conversion using a multiwavelength picosecond pulse generation in Raman compression. Authors: Q. Nguyen The, H. Nguyen Tan, M. Matsuura, and N. Kishi. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters (SCI). No: 24. Pages: 2235-2238. Year 2012. (Apr 15 2016 2:01AM)
[97]Article: Generation of multi-wavelength picosecond pulses with tunable pulsewidth and channel spacing using a Raman amplification-based adiabatic soliton compressor. Authors: Quang Nguyen The, Hung Nguyen Tan, Motoharu Matsuura, and Naoto Kishi. OSA Optics Express (SCI). No: 2. Pages: 1230-1236. Year 2012. (Apr 15 2016 2:12AM)
[98]Article: Reconfigurable all-optical OTDM-to-WDM conversion using a multiwavelength ultrashort pulse source based on Raman compression. Authors: Hung Nguyen Tan, Quang Nguyen The, Motoharu Matsuura, and Naoto Kishi. IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology (SCI). No: 6. Pages: 853-863. Year 2012. (Apr 15 2016 2:15AM)
[99]Presentations: OTDM add-drop multiplexing using a Raman amplification-based adiabatic soliton compressor. Authors: Q. Nguyen The, H. Nguyen Tan, M. Matsuura, and N. Kishi. In Proc. The International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications (ATC), Hanoi, Vietnam. Pages: Fri.M.6d-1. Year 2012. (Apr 16 2016 2:27PM)
[100]Presentations: 40-fold 4-channel sub-picosecond pulse compression by Raman amplification and self-phase modulation. Authors: H. Nguyen Tan, Q. Nguyen The, M. Matsuura, and N. Kishi. In Proc. Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), Los Angeles, CA, USA. Pages: OM2C.2. Year 2012. (Apr 16 2016 2:30PM)
[101]Presentations: Multichannel NRZ-to-RZ modulation format conversion using cross-gain modulation in a semiconductor optical amplifier. Authors: H. Nguyen Tan, T. Katafuchi, M. Matsuura, Q. Nguyen The, and N. Kishi. In Proc. The International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications (ATC), Hanoi, Vietnam. Pages: Fri.M.6d-2. Year 2012. (Apr 16 2016 2:25PM)
[102]Presentations: All-optical WDM-to-OTDM conversion using a Raman amplification-based multi-wavelength pulse compressor. Authors: Q. Nguyen The, H. Nguyen Tan, M. Matsuura, and N. Kishi. In Proc. Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), Los Angeles, CA, USA. Pages: OMC2.3. Year 2012. (Apr 16 2016 2:58PM)
[103]Article: Demonstration of bufferless optical packet switch with recursive stages of parametric wavelength converter. Authors: H. Nguyen Tan, N. Kitsuwan, M. Matsuura, N. Kishi, and E. Oki. Elsevier Optical Switching and Networking (SCIE). No: 4. Pages: 336–342. Year 2012. (Apr 15 2016 2:06AM)
[104]Article: Parallel WDM signal processing in mixed NRZ and RZ transmission networks using a single optical gate with multiple switching windows. Authors: Hung Nguyen Tan, Motoharu Matsuura, and Naoto Kishi. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics (SCI), Issue on Nonlinear-Optical Signal Processing. No: 2. Pages: 926-934. Year 2012. (Apr 15 2016 2:09AM)
[105]Presentations: Parallel multichannel processing by a multiple switching-window semiconductor-based switch. Authors: H. Nguyen Tan, M. Matsuura, and N. Kishi. In Proc. Triangle Symposium on Advanced Information and Communication Technologies (TriSAI), Daejeon, Korea. Pages: OW-4. Year 2011. (Apr 16 2016 3:08PM)
[106]Presentations: Transmission performance investigation of PolSK signal based on optical phase conjugation using SOP transparent scheme. Authors: M. N. Bhuiyan, M. Matsuura, H. Nguyen Tan and N. Kishi. In Proc. OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC), Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Pages: 7C4_2. Year 2011. (Apr 16 2016 3:11PM)
[107]Presentations: Optical Packet Switch with Recursive Parametric Wavelength Conversions. Authors: Nattapong Kitsuwan, Hung Nguyen Tan, Motoharu Matsuura, Naoto Kishi, and Eiji Oki. In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Kyoto, Japan. Pages: ONS-06. Year 2011. (Apr 16 2016 3:16PM)
[108]Presentations: Wavelength- and Time-Selective OTDM-to-WDM Conversion with Variable Channel Spacing in WDM Grid Using a Reconfigurable Multiwavelength Pulse Compressor. Authors: H. Nguyen Tan, Q. Nguyen The, M. Matsuura, and N. Kishi. In Proc. European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC), Geneva, Switzerland. Pages: Tu.5.LeCervin.2. Year 2011. (Apr 16 2016 3:03PM)
[109]Presentations: Multiwavelength Pulse Generation Using Raman Amplification-Based Adiabatic Soliton Compressor. Authors: Q. Nguyen The, H. Nguyen Tan, M. Matsuura, and N. Kishi. In Proc. European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC), Geneva, Switzerland. Pages: We.10.P1.10. Year 2011. (Apr 16 2016 3:05PM)
[110]Presentations: 4 x 10 Gb/s WDM picosecond pulse source based on Raman amplification-based adiabatic soliton compression for OTDM applications. Authors: Q. Nguyen The, H. Nguyen Tan, M. Matsuura, and N. Kishi. In Proc. Triangle Symposium on Advanced Information and Communication Technologies (TriSAI), Daejeon, Korea. Pages: OW-3. Year 2011. (Apr 16 2016 3:09PM)
[111]Presentations: (OECC 2011 Travel Grant Award) Transmission performance improvement by inline pulsewidth management using a single SOA-based waveform converter. Authors: H. Nguyen Tan, M. Matsuura, and N. Kishi. In Proc. OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC), Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Pages: 5D4_4. Year 2011. (Apr 16 2016 3:13PM)
[112]Presentations: Parallel Regenerative Waveform Conversion for Mixed NRZ and RZ Transmission Networks Using a SOA-Based Multiple Switching-Window Optical Gate. Authors: Hung Nguyen Tan, Motoharu Matsuura, and Naoto Kishi. In Proc. Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), Los Angeles, CA, USA. Pages: OWG4. Year 2011. (Apr 16 2016 3:20PM)
[113]Presentations: Experimental Demonstration of an Optical Packet Switch Using Recursive Parametric Wavelength Conversions. Authors: Hung Nguyen Tan, Nattapong Kitsuwan, Motoharu Matsuura, Naoto Kishi, and Eiji Oki. In Proc. Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), Los Angeles, CA, USA. Pages: JWA011. Year 2011. (Apr 16 2016 3:23PM)
[114]Article: All-optical NRZ-to-RZ data format conversion with picosecond duration-tunable and pedestal suppressed operations. Authors: Quang Nguyen The, Motoharu Matsuura, Hung Nguyen Tan and Naoto Kishi. IEICE Transaction on Electronics, Special Section on Optoelectronics and Communications for Future Optical Network. No: Vol. E94-C, No.7. Pages: 1160-1166. Year 2011. (Apr 15 2016 2:19AM)
[115]Article: Recursive parametric wavelength conversion scheme for optical packet switch. Authors: N. Kitsuwan, H. Nguyen Tan, M. Matsuura, N. Kishi, and E. Oki. IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology (SCI). No: Vol. 29, No. 11. Pages: 1659- 1670. Year 2011. (Apr 15 2016 2:20AM)
[116]Article: Simultaneous multichannel wavelength conversion of polarization shift keying signal with different channel group-delay and state of polarization. Authors: Md. Nur-Al-Safa Bhuiyan, Motoharu Matsuura, Hung Nguyen Tan, and Naoto Kishi. Elsevier Optics Communications (SCI). No: Vol. 284, No. 2. Pages: 665-669. Year 2011. (Apr 15 2016 2:25AM)
[117]Article: Enhancement of Input Power Dynamic Range for Multiwavelength Amplification and Optical Signal Processing in a Semiconductor Optical Amplifier Using Holding Beam Effect. Authors: Hung Nguyen Tan, Motoharu Matsuura, and Naoto Kishi. IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology (SCI). No: Vol. 28, No. 17. Pages: 2593-2602. Year 2010. (Apr 15 2016 2:27AM)
[118]Article: Polarization-insensitive and widely tunable wavelength conversion for polarization shift keying signal based on four wave mixing in highly non-linear fiber. Authors: Md. Nur-Al-Safa Bhuiyan, Motoharu Matsuura, Hung Nguyen Tan, and Naoto Kishi. OSA Optics Express (SCI). No: 3. Pages: 2467-2476. Year 2010. (Apr 15 2016 2:29AM)
[119]Presentations: ([IEEE Photonics Society Young Scientist Award Paper) All-Optical Picosecond durationtunable NRZ-to-RZ data format conversion with pedestal suppression. Authors: Quang Nguyen The, Motoharu Matsuura, Hung Nguyen Tan, and Naoto Kishi. In Proc. OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC), Sapporo, Japan. Pages: 8C2-3. Year 2010. (Apr 15 2016 12:49AM)
[120]Presentations: Wavelength-Shift-Free Multi-Channel Width-Tunable NRZ-to-RZ Conversion Using Single SOA-Based Sagnac Interferometer. Authors: Hung Nguyen Tan, Motoharu Matsuura, and Naoto Kishi. In Proc. OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC), Sapporo, Japan. Pages: 7D2-5. Year 2010. (Apr 16 2016 4:56PM)
[121]Presentations: Channel-Independent Performance of Simultaneous Multichannel Wavelength Conversion of Polarization Shift Keying Signal with Different Channel Group-Delay and State of Polarization. Authors: Md. Nur-Al-Safa Bhuiyan, Motoharu Matsuura, Hung Nguyen Tan, and Naoto Kishi. In Proc. Triangle Symposium on Advanced Information and Communication Technologies (TriSAI), Beijing, China. Pages: RS3-4. Year 2010. (Apr 16 2016 3:27PM)
[122]Presentations: Raman Amplification-Based Multiwavelength Synchronous Pulse Compressor and its Application to All-Channel OTDM Demultiplexing in a Single-Parametric-Gate. Authors: Hung Nguyen Tan, Quang Nguyen-The, Motoharu Matsuura, and Naoto Kishi. In Proc. European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC), Torino, Italy. Pages: We.P-6. Year 2010. (Apr 16 2016 4:48PM)
[123]Presentations: All-Optical Data Format Conversion to Return-to-Zero Signal Using a Picosecond Duration-Tunable Pulsed-Pump. Authors: Quang Nguyen The, Motoharu Matsuura, Hung Nguyen Tan, and Naoto Kishi. In Proc. Triangle Symposium on Advanced Information and Communication Technologies (TriSAI), Beijing, China. Pages: RS3-6. Year 2010. (Apr 16 2016 3:28PM)
[124]Presentations: Reduction of XGM and FWM for Dynamic Range Improvement in SOA-Based Multiwavelength Amplification Using Holding Beam. Authors: Hung Nguyen Tan, Motoharu Matsuura, and Naoto Kishi. In Proc. OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC), Sapporo, Japan. Pages: 7D1-2. Year 2010. (Apr 16 2016 4:50PM)
[125]Presentations: Dual-Wavelength, Duration-Tunable Picosecond Pulse Generation Using Raman Amplifier-Based Compressor. Authors: Quang Nguyen The, Hung Nguyen Tan, Motoharu Matsuura, and Naoto Kishi. In Proc. OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC), Sapporo, Japan. Pages: 8P-60. Year 2010. (Apr 16 2016 4:57PM)
[126]Presentations: Dual-Wavelength, Duration-Tunable Picosecond Pulse Generation Using Raman Amplifier-Based Compressor. Authors: Quang Nguyen The, Hung Nguyen Tan, Motoharu Matsuura, and Naoto Kishi. In Proc. OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC), Sapporo, Japan. Pages: 8P-60. Year 2010. (Apr 16 2016 4:58PM)
[127]Presentations: Wavelength Tunable Operation of the Polarization Insensitive Wavelength Conversion Based on Polarization Shift Keying Signal. Authors: Md. Nur-Al-Safa Bhuiyan, Motoharu Matsuura, Hung Nguyen Tan, and Naoto Kishi. In Proc. OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC), Sapporo, Japan. Pages: 9B2-5. Year 2010. (Apr 16 2016 4:59PM)
[128]Presentations: Channel Group-Delay- and Polarization-Insensitive Wavelength Conversion of Multichannel Polarization-Shift Keying Signal. Authors: Md. Nur-Al-Safa Bhuiyan, Motoharu Matsuura, Hung Nguyen Tan, and Naoto Kishi. In Proc. Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), San Diego, CA, USA. Pages: JWA50. Year 2010. (Apr 19 2016 11:30AM)
[129]Presentations: Polarization-Insensitive Wavelength Conversion for Polarization Shift Keying Signal Based on Four Wave Mixing in Highly Non-linear Fiber. Authors: Md. Nur-Al-Safa Bhuiyan, Motoharu Matsuura, Hung Nguyen Tan, and Naoto Kishi . In Proc. OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC), Hongkong. Pages: FE2. Year 2009. (Apr 19 2016 2:24PM)
[130]Presentations: Preservation of State of Polarization and Polarization-Insensitive Wavelength Conversion for Polarization Shift Keying Signal Based on Four Wave Mixing in Highly Non-linear Fiber. Authors: Md. Nur-Al-Safa Bhuiyan, Motoharu Matsuura, Hung Nguyen Tan, and Naoto Kishi. In Proc. Triangle Symposium on Advanced Information and Communication Technologies (TriSAI), Tokyo, China. Pages: Regular 7-3. Year 2009. (Apr 19 2016 11:31AM)
[131]Presentations: Simultaneous WDM-Channel NRZ to RZ Format Conversion with Wide Pulsewidth Tunability Using Nonlinearities in SOA and Fiber. Authors: Hung Nguyen Tan, Motoharu Matsuura, Tomoya Katafuchi and Naoto Kishi. In Proc. OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC), Hongkong. Pages: WJ2. Year 2009. (Apr 19 2016 2:20PM)
[132]Presentations: All-Optical Wavelength and Width-Tunable Waveform Conversion Using Nonlinearities in Semiconductor Optical Amplifier and Highly Nonlinear Fiber. Authors: Hung Nguyen Tan, Motoharu Matsuura, and Naoto Kishi. In Proc. Triangle Symposium on Advanced Information and Communication Technologies (TriSAI), Daejeon, Korea. Pages: Regular Section IV-1. Year 2009. (Apr 19 2016 2:26PM)
[133]Article: Multiple-channel optical signal processing with wavelength-waveform conversions, pulsewidth tunability, and signal regeneration. Authors: Hung Nguyen Tan, Motoharu Matsuura, Tomoya Katafuchi and Naoto Kishi. OSA Optics Express (SCI). No: Vol. 17, No. 25. Pages: 22960-22973. Year 2009. (Apr 15 2016 2:32AM)
[134]Article: Transmission performance of a wavelength and NRZ-to-RZ format conversion with pulsewidth tunability by combination of SOA and fiber-based switches. Authors: Hung Nguyen Tan, Motoharu Matsuura, and Naoto Kishi. OSA Optics Express (SCI). No: vol. 16, no. 23. Pages: 19063–19071. Year 2008. (Apr 15 2016 2:34AM)
[135]Presentations: Pulsewidth Tunable NRZ-to-RZ Data Format Conversion by Combination of SOA- and Fiber-Based Switches. Authors: Hung Nguyen Tan, Motoharu Matsuura, and Naoto Kishi. In Proc. OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC), Sydney, Australia. Pages: TuF-5. Year 2008. (Apr 19 2016 3:00PM)
 Hướng dẫn Sau đại học
SttHọ và Tên, Tên đề tàiTrình độCơ sở đào tạoNăm hướng dẫnBảo vệ năm
[1]Vương Quang Phước
Đề tài: Nghiên cứu và ứng dụng kỹ thuật học máy vào xử lý tín hiệu trong hệ thống thông tin quang tốc độ cao
Trách nhiệm: Hướng dẫn 1

 Tiến sĩ

 Trường Đại học Bách khoa, Đại học Đà Nẵng



[2]Nguyễn Hồng Kiểm
Đề tài: Nghiên cứu hệ thống thông tin tích hợp quang và không dây cho các mạng di động thế hệ mới
Trách nhiệm: Hướng dẫn 1

 Tiến sĩ

 Học viện Kỹ thuật Quân sự



[3]Hồ Đức Tâm Linh
Đề tài: Xử lý tín hiệu ghép kênh phân chia theo mode dựa trên các mạch tích hợp quang tử
Trách nhiệm: Hướng dẫn 1

 Tiến sĩ

 Trường Đại học Bách khoa - Đại học Đà Nẵng



[4]Nguyễn Văn Điền
Đề tài: Giảm méo tín hiệu phi tuyến trong hệ thống thông tin sợi quang băng rộng
Trách nhiệm: Hướng dẫn 1

 Tiến sĩ

 Khoa Điện tử-Viễn thông, Trường Đại học Bách khoa, Đại học Đà Nẵng



[5]Võ Văn Khánh
Đề tài: Nghiên cứu nâng cao dung lượng thông tin quang nội tỉnh

 Thạc sĩ

 Trường Đại học Bách khoa - Đại học Đà Nẵng



[6]Nguyễn Tiến Hưng
Đề tài: Nghiên cứu hệ thống truyền dẫn quang đường dài dung lượng lớn sử dụng các định dạng điều chế cao cấp

 Thạc sĩ

 Đại học Quy Nhơn



[7]Lê Quốc Hưng
Đề tài: Nghiên cứu bù tán sắc trong hệ thống thông tin quang dùng bộ kết hợp pha quang

 Thạc sĩ

 Khoa Điện tử-Viễn thông, Trường Đại học Bách khoa, Đại học Đà Nẵng



[8]Nguyễn Thái Bảo
Đề tài: Nghiên cứu tác động của độ rộng xung đến chất lượng truyền dẫn trong hệ thống thông tin quang ghép kênh theo bước sóng

 Thạc sĩ

 Khoa Điện tử-Viễn thông, Trường Đại học Bách khoa, Đại học Đà Nẵng



 Giải thưởng khoa học, phát minh và sáng chế
SttTênLĩnh vựcNăm nhậnSốNơi cấp
[1] Giấy khen của Giám đốc ĐHĐN "Đạt kết quả xuất sắc về công bố khoa học năm 2022"

 Khoa học công nghệ



 Đại học Đà Nẵng

[2] Bằng khen của Chủ tịch Ủy Ban Nhân Dân Thành Phố Đà Nẵng "Đã có bài báo khoa học xuất sắc được công bố trên các tạp chí khoa học uy tín"

 Khoa học công nghệ



 Ủy Ban Nhân Dân Thành Phố Đà Nẵng

[3] Phương pháp truyền thông và hệ thống truyền thông quang qua không gian tự do sử dụng hệ thống điều khiển công suất tự động (VN Patent Pending)

 Khoa học công nghệ




[4] Giấy khen của Giám đốc ĐHĐN "Cá nhân tiêu biểu về nghiên cứu ứng dụng năm 2022"

 Khoa học công nghệ



 Đại học Đà Nẵng


 Khoa học công nghệ



 Văn phòng Sáng chế và Nhãn hiệu Hoa Kỳ USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office)

[6] Quy trình phát hiện và đo đạc vết nứt trên bề mặt vật liệu tổng hợp dựa vào ảnh chụp vết nứt (VN Patent Pending)

 Khoa học công nghệ




[7] Optical receiver using a photonic integrated circuit with array of semiconductor optical amplifiers (US Patent Granted)

 Khoa học công nghệ


 US 11,522,332 B2

 Văn phòng Sáng chế và Nhãn hiệu Hoa Kỳ USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office)

[8] Giấy khen của Giám đốc ĐHĐN "Thành tích xuất sắc về công bố khoa học giai đoạn 2016-2020"

 Khoa học công nghệ



 Đại học Đà Nẵng


 Khoa học công nghệ





 Khoa học công nghệ




[11] Bằng khen của Chủ tịch Ủy Ban Nhân Dân Thành Phố Đà Nẵng "Đã có bài báo khoa học xuất sắc được công bố trên các tạp chí khoa học uy tín"

 Khoa học công nghệ


 1350/QĐ-UBND, vào sổ vàng số 1376/SV

 Ủy Ban Nhân Dân Thành Phố Đà Nẵng

[12] Bằng khen của Chủ tịch Ủy Ban Nhân Dân Thành Phố Đà Nẵng "Đã có bài báo khoa học được công bố trên các tạp chí khoa học uy tín"

 Khoa học công nghệ


 1350/QĐ-UBND, vào sổ vàng số 1281/SV

 Ủy Ban Nhân Dân Thành Phố Đà Nẵng

[13] Best Paper Award for paper entitled "Single Side Band Direct Detection for Data Center Interconnect and Digital Radio over Fiber" presented at 6th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science (NICS)

 Chưa xác định



 6th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science (NICS)

[14] Giấy khen của Hiệu trưởng, Giải thưởng “Hoạt động khoa học và công nghệ xuất sắc” năm học 2018-2019

 Khoa học công nghệ



 Trường Đại học Bách khoa-Đại học Đà Nẵng

[15] Bằng khen của Chủ tịch Ủy Ban Nhân Dân Thành Phố Đà Nẵng cho bài báo công bố trên tạp chí thuộc danh mục ISI

 Khoa học công nghệ


 6273/QĐ-UBND, vào sổ vàng số 2007/SV

 Ủy Ban Nhân Dân Thành Phố Đà Nẵng

[16] Giấy khen của Hiệu trưởng, Giải thưởng “Hoạt động khoa học và công nghệ xuất sắc” năm học 2016-2017

 Khoa học công nghệ



 Trường Đại học Bách khoa-Đại học Đà Nẵng

[17] Giấy khen của Hiệu trưởng, Giải thưởng “Hoạt động khoa học và công nghệ xuất sắc” năm học 2015-2016

 Khoa học công nghệ



 Trường Đại học Bách khoa-Đại học Đà Nẵng

[18] The University of Sydney International Research Collaboration Award

 Khoa học công nghệ



 The University of Sydney

[19] Travel Grant, OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC), 2011

 Khoa học công nghệ



 OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC)

[20] SPIE Scholarship in Optics and Photonics for potential contributions to Optics, Photonics, or related fields

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 SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering

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[21] IEEE Photonics Society Young Scientist Award (co-author)

 Khoa học công nghệ



 OptoElectronics and Communications Conference 2010

[22] Megurokai Award for Excellent Graduation Student

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 Megurokai, The University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan

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[23] Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) Scholarship from 2006 to 2012

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 MEXT, Japan

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[1] Chiến sĩ thi đua cơ sở năm học 2018-2019. Số: 2770/QĐ-ĐHĐN. Năm: 2020.
[2] Đảng viên hoàn thành xuất sắc nhiệm vụ năm 2019. Số: 94-QĐ/ĐU. Năm: 2020.
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