1. Audit quality and seasoned equity offerings methods (with Cameron Truong, Premkanth Puwanenthiren, Darren
Henry, Xuan Vinh Vo). R&R invitation.
2. Dividend policy and the COVID-19 crisis (with Mazur Mieszko, Thuy Anh Vo). R&R invitation.
3. Board sub-committee effectiveness and directors' attraction and attrition: Australian evidence (with Sutha Kanapathippillai, Premkanth Puwanenthiren, Dessalegn Mihret).
4. Business strategy and the price of audit services (with Premkanth
Puwanenthiren, Thieu Quang Nguyen, Viet Anh Hoang, Edward Jones).
5. Business strategy and the value of cash holdings (with Premkanth Puwanenthiren, Darren Henry, Thieu Quang Nguyen, Viet Anh Hoang).
Research Grant from Vietnam National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED, 502.02-2018.10), 2018-2020 (Principle investigator).
Research Grant from the University of Danang's Foundation for Science and Technology Development (B2017-DN4-03), 2017-2019 (Principle investigator).
Research Grant from the MOET (B2020-DNA-11), 2020-2022 (Principle investigator).
* CONFERENCES: AFBC (2019, Sydney), AsianFA 2019 (HCMC), Financial Management Association Annual Meeting (FMA-2018, San Diego), Midwest Finance Association Annual Conference (MFA-2015, Chicago), Australasian Finance and Banking Conference (AFBC-2014, Sydney), Conference on Financial markets and Corporate governance (FMCG-2015-2016-2017), Paris Financial Management Conference (PFMC-2015, Paris).
* JOURNAL REFEREEING: International Business Review (SSCI, Q1), Journal of Business Research (SSCI, Q1), Emerging Markets Review (SSCI, Q1), International Review of Financial Analysis (SSCI, Q1), Pacific Basin Finance Journal (SSCI, Q1), Finance Research Letters (SSCI, Q1), Research in International Business and Finance (SSCI, Q1), ABACUS (SSCI, Q2), Journal of Multinational Financial Management (SSCI, Q2), South Asian Journal of Business Studies (SSCI, Q2).
* PhD EXAMINER: La Trobe Business School, La Trobe University.
* TEACHING: La Trobe Business School: Financial Management (MSc); Equity Asset Valuation (MSc); Corporate Finance (BSc); International Financial Management (BSc); Business Analytics and Statistics (BSc).