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Số người truy cập: 112,298,152
Điều chỉnh cấu trúc xốp, tính khử và tỷ lệ Mn4 + của các vi lập phương ɛ-MnO2 cho quá trình oxy hóa hoàn toàn toluene
Tác giả hoặc Nhóm tác giả:
Nguyen Dinh Minh Tuan, Nguyen Chinh Chien, Truong Vu Tan Linh, Ho Van Thinh, Truong Quang Duc
Nơi đăng:
Applied Catalysis A: General;
Từ->đến trang
: 117473;
Lĩnh vực:
Kỹ thuật;
Bài báo khoa học;
Thể loại:
Quốc tế
3D architectures porous epsilon-type manganese dioxide (ε-MnO2) microcubes (PEMD) are successfully prepared by a glucose-urea-assisted hydrothermal synthesis of MnCO3-carbon composites followed by annealing. It turns out that urea essentially assists in building the cubic shape while glucose plays a crucial role to form carbon inside the microcrystals, which are latterly removed by annealing to generate the porous structure. As a result, ε-MnO2 materials possessing extraordinary features including the high porosity, reducibility, lattice oxygen reactivity and Mn4+ fraction, are feasible tailored. These unique properties, all together, significantly improve the catalytic performances of complete oxidation of toluene. Thus, it is found that the optimal catalyst (manganese-glucose-urea ratio of 6-2-6) synthesized at 180 °C exhibits an excellent activity for the complete oxidation of toluene (T90 = 243 °C, lower 10 °C than that of pristine ε-MnO2) and stability up to 10 h.
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