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  Hiệu chỉnh

Số người truy cập: 112,298,152

 Nghiên cứu đánh giá thuộc tính cơ học và độ bền của bê tông cốt liệu tái chế
Tác giả hoặc Nhóm tác giả: Tien-Dung Nguyen
Nơi đăng: Vietnam Journal of Construction; Số: 57;Từ->đến trang: 175-179;Năm: 2018
Lĩnh vực: Kỹ thuật; Loại: Bài báo khoa học; Thể loại: Trong nước
This paper presents the findings of longtermproperties of high-performancerecycled aggregate concrete (HPRAC)utilizing recycled aggregates (RA) derivedfrom Taiwan. The RA was cleaned and theproperties of RA were investigated. Themix proportion of concrete using Densifiedmixture design algorithm (DMDA) todesign the ingredients of the HPRAC. TheHPRAC samples are used with a waterto-binder ratio of 0.35, and either naturalaggregate (NA) or recycled aggregate (RA)combined together. The effect of replacing0%, 30%, and 100% natural coarse aggregate(NCA) by recycled coarse aggregate (RCA)in two group mixture, which are naturalfine aggregate group and recycled fineaggregate group is investigated. Both freshand hardened properties of the HPRAC arestudied. It was found that, after 150 days, thecompressive strength index of the HPRACrange from 31.7 to 60.1 MPa. In addition,all of the HPRAC specimens in this studyshow the excellent durability performancewith electrical surface resistivity is above20 kΩ.cm, the chloride ion penetrationresistivity ranges between very low andmoderate risk of corrosion, ultrasonic pulsevelocity values is higher than 3660 m/s.
[ 2019\2019m06d06_16_41_8Nguyen_Tien_Dung72018.pdf ]
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