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Số người truy cập: 112,298,152
Vai trò của chất hoạt động bề mặt trong tổng hợp hạt nano bằng phương pháp tổng hợp ướt
Tác giả hoặc Nhóm tác giả:
Chi M Phan, Hoang M Nguyen
Nơi đăng:
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A;
121 (17);
Từ->đến trang
: 3213–3219;
Lĩnh vực:
Chưa xác định;
Bài báo khoa học;
Thể loại:
Quốc tế
Aqueous-based synthesis is one of the most popular methods to prepare nanoparticles. In these procedures, surfactants are needed to regulate the growth and final particle size. While there are numerous evidence on the decisive role of surfactants, a quantitative description remains elusive. This study develops a theoretical model to correlate the surfactant activities to particle growth. In the model, the “penetrability” of ions within surfactant layer is used to combine surface reaction and adsorption/desorption processes. The penetrability was then directly correlated to surfactant size. The theory was verified by synthesis of iron oxide nanoparticles with series of cationic surfactants. Eight surfactants, with same headgroup and increasing hydrocarbon tail, were employed. The experimental data showed a deterministic correlation between surfactant tails and particle size. The experimental correlation between surfactant length and particle size was predicted by the model. The modeling results verify the role of surfactant as capping agent during particle growth. More importantly, it provides a theoretical framework to control particle size in wet synthesis
© Đại học Đà Nẵng
Địa chỉ: 41 Lê Duẩn Thành phố Đà Nẵng
Điện thoại: (84) 0236 3822 041 ; Email: dhdn@ac.udn.vn