Nguyễn Phước Quý Duy

  Thông tin chung


  Đề tài NC khoa học
  Bài báo, báo cáo khoa học
  Hướng dẫn Sau đại học
  Sách và giáo trình
  Các học phần và môn giảng dạy
  Giải thưởng khoa học, Phát minh, sáng chế
  Khen thưởng
  Thông tin khác

  Tài liệu tham khảo

  Hiệu chỉnh

Số người truy cập: 112,298,152

Mục này được 46929 lượt người xem
Họ và tên:  Nguyễn Phước Quý Duy
Giới tính:  Nam
Năm sinh:  02/11/1982
Nơi sinh: Đà Nẵng
Quê quán Phú Lộc, Thừa Thiên Huế
Tốt nghiệp ĐH chuyên ngành:  Xầy Dựng Cầu Đường; Tại: Đại học Bách Khoa Đà Nẵng
Đơn vị công tác: Khoa Xây dựng Cầu - Đường; Trường Đại học Bách Khoa
Học vị: Tiến sĩ; năm: 2018; Chuyên ngành: Giao thông; Tại: Đại học Monash
Dạy CN: Đường ô tô
Lĩnh vực NC: Travel behaviour, traffic safety, traffic congestion, public transport, traffic modelling
Travel Behaviour
Ngoại ngữ: Anh
Địa chỉ liên hệ: 77/41 Lê Độ
Điện thoại: ; Mobile: 0905 322 669
 Quá trình giảng dạy và công tác
 2005 - 2007: Road designer at TECCO 5
2008 - 2010: Master student at Myongji University, Korea
2014 - 2018: PhD Candidate in Public Transport at Monash University, Australia (under the supervision of Prof Graham Currie )
2015 - 2018: Teaching Assistant at Monash University. Course: CIV3283 - Road Engineering, ENG1021 - Spatial Communication in Engineering, CIV3205 - Project Management for Civil Engineers and CIV3204 - Engineering Investigation
10/2018 - 8/2020: Postdoctoral Researcher at Singapore - MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART) (under the supervision of Prof Moshe Ben-Akiva from MIT )
2010 - now: Lecturer in Faculty of Road and Bridge Engineering, University of Science and Technology, the University of Danang
2018 - now: Co-founder of Civil Engineering Research & Training (CERT) group
2020 - now: Leader of Sustainable Travel and Economic Behaviour Research Group (STEB-RG), the University of Danang
2024 - now: Associate Editor of Travel Behaviour and Society (Elsevier, SSCI, Q1, IF=5.2)

* Link Google Scholar:
* Link ResearchGate:
* Web of Science ResearcherID: AAD-9598-2020

* Journals published in:
- Journal of Cleaner Production (WOS/SSCI Q1 IF=11.072)
- Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management (WOS/SSCI Q1 IF=9.821)
- International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (WOS/SSCI Q1 IF=9.321)
- Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment (WOS/SSCI Q1 IF=7.041)
- Transport Research Part A: Policy and Practice (WOS/SSCI Q1 IF=6.615)
- Safety Science (WOS/SSCI Q1 IF=6.392)
- Analysis Accident & Prevention (WOS/SSCI Q1 IF=6.376)
- Transport Policy (WOS/SSCI Q1 IF=6.173)
- Cities (WOS/SSCI Q1 IF=6.077)
- Journal of Transport Geography (WOS/SSCI Q1 IF=5.899)
- Travel Behaviour and Society (WOS/SSCI Q1 IF=5.850)
- Neural Computing and Applications (WOS/SCIE Q1 IF=5.102)
- Transportation (WOS/SSCI Q1 IF=4.814)
- Transport Research Part F: Psychology and Behaviour (WOS/SSCI Q1 IF=4.349)
- Research in Transportation Business & Management (WOS/SSCI Q1 IF=4.286)
- International Journal of Sustainable Transportation (WOS/SSCI Q1 IF=3.963)
- Journal of Transport & Health (WOS/SSCI Q1 IF=3.613)
- Traffic Injury Prevention (WOS/SCIE Q1 IF=2.000)
- Transport Research Record (WOS/SCI Q2 IF=2.019)
- Case Studies on Transport Policy (ISI/ESCI Q1 in Scopus SJR=0.780)
- Public Transport (ISI/ESCI Q2 in Scopus SJR=0.840)

* Member of
- American Psychological Association (APA)
- Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE)
- Public Transport Research Group (PTRG), Melbourne, Australia
- International Association of Public Transport (UITP)

* Reviewing papers for conferences
- Transport Research Board (TRB)
- World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
- Australasian Transport Research Forum (ATRF)

* Reviewing papers for journals
- Transport Review (SSCI)
- Transport Research Part A: Policy and Practice (SCIE)
- Transport Research Part D: Policy and Practice (SCIE)
- Transport Research Part E: Policy and Practice (SCIE)
- Transport Research Part F: Policy and Practice (SSCI)
- Sustainable Cities and Society (SSCI)
- Analysis Accident & Prevention (SSCI)
- Safety Science (SCIE)
- Cities (SSCI)
- Travel Behaviour and Society (SSCI)
- Transport Research Board (SCIE)
- Journal of Transport Geography (SSCI)
- Transport Policy (SSCI)
- International Journal of Sustainable Transportation (SSCI)
- Case Studies on Transport Policy (Scopus)

* Future research direction
- Implement data mining and machine learning in transport
- Emerging transport modes
- Traffic safety and travel behaviour
 Các công trình khoa học
[1] Đề tài cấp ĐHĐN: Phân tích nhân t nh hưởng hành vi lái xe không an toàn ca tài xế giao hàng công ngh s dng mô hình phương trình cu trúc kết hp mng nơron nhân to . Chủ nhiệm: Nguyễn Phước Quý Duy. Thành viên: Sử Ngọc Diệp, Cao Thị Xuân Mỹ. Mã số: B2021-DN02-01. Năm: 2023. (Jan 19 2022 9:06PM)
[2] Đề tài cấp cơ sở: So sánh hành vi lái xe không an toàn tại nút giao của người đi xe máy và tài xế công nghệ. Chủ nhiệm: Nguyễn Phước Quý Duy. Thành viên: Trần Thị Phương Anh, Võ Hải Lăng. Mã số: T2021-02-46. Năm: 2022. (Jan 19 2022 9:04PM)
 Các bài báo, báo cáo khoa học
[1]Bài báo: Yếu tố ảnh hưởng hành vi lái xe không an toàn của tài xế giao hàng, xe ôm công nghệ và xe máy thông thường – Mô hình cây quyết định. Tác giả: Mai Xuân Nhật, Hoàng Nhật Linh, Nguyễn Phước Quý Duy*. Tạp chí Khoa học Giao thông vận tải. Số: In press. Năm 2023. (Oct 14 2023 8:35AM)
[2]Bài báo: Factors influencing safety compliance behavior among food delivery riders – an application of safety climate model. Tác giả: Nhat Xuan Mai, Linh Nhat Hoang, Duy Quy Nguyen-Phuoc*. Journal of Science and Technology. Số: 21 (9.3). Trang: 14-18. Năm 2023. (Oct 14 2023 8:47AM)
[3]Bài báo: Passenger’s intention to use and loyalty towards public transport: A literature review. Tác giả: Son Truong Pham, Bien Nguyen Van, Anh Thi Phuong Tran, Duy Quy Nguyen-Phuoc*. Journal of Science and Technology. Số: 21 (9.3). Trang: 27-38. Năm 2023. (Oct 14 2023 8:48AM)
[4]Bài báo: Hành vi lái xe không an toàn của người sử dụng xe máy: So sánh giữa người lái xe cá nhân và người lái xe thương mại . Tác giả: Nguyễn Văn Biên, Hoàng Nhật Linh, Trần Thị Phương Anh, Mai Xuân Nhật, Nguyễn Phước Quý Duy*. Tạp Chí Khoa Học Và Công Nghệ - Đại Học Đà Nẵng. Số: Vol. 20, No. 11.1. Trang: 1-6. Năm 2022. (Nov 28 2022 8:12PM)
[5]Bài báo: Tác động của chất lượng dịch vụ xe buýt đến sự hài lòng của hành khách ở Việt Nam – mô hình phương trình cấu trúc nhỏ nhất từng phần. Tác giả: Trần Thị Phương Anh, Nguyễn Phước Quý Duy, Phan Cao Thọ, Fumihiko NAKAMURA. TẠP CHÍ KHOA HỌC GIAO THÔNG VẬN TẢI. Số: 73.8. Trang: 808-823. Năm 2022. (Dec 15 2022 3:07PM)
[6]Bài báo: Giải pháp nâng cao an toàn giao thông trên tuyến quốc lộ 53 (tỉnh Vĩnh Long) dựa trên hành vi người tham gia giao thông. Tác giả: Nguyễn Thành Quang, Trần Thị Phương Anh, Mai Xuân Nhật, Nguyễn Phước Quý Duy*. Tạp Chí Khoa Học Và Công Nghệ - Đại Học Đà Nẵng. Số: 20 (9). Trang: 11-16. Năm 2022. (Sep 17 2022 12:09PM)
[7]Bài báo: Lòng trung thành của hành khách đối với hệ thống xe buýt đô thị Việt Nam - tác động của lợi ích sức khỏe và môi trường. Tác giả: Trần Thị Phương Anh*, Nguyễn Phước Quý Duy, Phan Cao Thọ, Fumihiko Nakamura. Tạp Chí Khoa Học Và Công Nghệ - Đại Học Đà Nẵng. Số: Vol. 20, No. 8. Trang: 76-81. Năm 2022. (Sep 17 2022 12:18PM)
[8]Bài báo: Tác động trung gian của yếu tố hình ảnh và cảm nhận về giá trị đến lòng trung thành – So sánh giữa hành khách xe buýt ở Đà Nẵng và TP. Hồ Chí Minh. Tác giả: Trần Thị Phương Anh*, Nguyễn Phước Quý Duy, Phan Cao Thọ, Fumihiko Nakamura. Tạp Chí Khoa Học Và Công Nghệ - Đại Học Đà Nẵng. Số: Vol. 20, No. 11.2. Trang: 96-101. Năm 2022. (Dec 21 2022 10:26AM)
[9]Bài báo: Yếu tố tác động đến khả năng chuyển đổi phương tiện sang xe buýt của người dân Đà Nẵng. Tác giả: Trần Thị Phương Anh, Nguyễn Phước Quý Duy, Phan Cao Thọ, Fumihiko NAKAMURA. Tạp chí KHCN Xây dựng, ĐHXDHN. Số: 15 (7V). Trang: 79-93. Năm 2021. (Jan 17 2022 9:31PM)
[10]Bài báo: Các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến việc chọn phương thức đi lại của người dân thành phố Đà Nẵng. Tác giả: Trần Thị Phương Anh*; Phan Cao Thọ; Nguyễn Phước Quý Duy. Tạp chí Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ, Đại học Đà Nẵng. Số: 18. Trang: 8-13. Năm 2020. (Jan 17 2022 9:35PM)
[11]Bài báo: Modeling of Urban Public Transport Choice Behaviour in Developing Countries: A case study of Da Nang, Viet Nam. Tác giả: Tran-Thi P. Anh, Nguyen-Phuoc Q. Duy, Phan Cao Tho and Fumihiko Nakamura. Proceedings of the International Conference GTSD2020. Số: ISSN: 2194-5357. Trang: 338-350. Năm 2020. (Jan 17 2022 9:42PM)
[12]Bài báo: Những nhân tố ảnh hưởng đến hành vi lái xe tiềm ẩn gây tai nạn giao thông của tài xế xe ôm công nghệ. Tác giả: Lê Thành Quang, Võ Đình Quang Nhật, Trần Thị Phương Anh, Nguyễn Phước Quý Duy*. Tạp chí Khoa học & Công nghệ, Đại học Đà Nẵng. Số: 11. Trang: 132-136. Năm 2018. (Jan 17 2022 9:38PM)
[13]Bài báo: Đánh giá tác động của hệ thống giao thông công cộng trong việc giảm ùn tắc giao thông. Tác giả: Nguyễn Phước Quý Duy, Phan Cao Thọ. Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ, Đại học Đà Nẵng. Số: 11(96). Trang: 26-31. Năm 2015. (Apr 14 2016 10:55AM)
[14]Bài báo: A study on the application of accelerometer to measure the degree of compaction. Tác giả: Nguyen Phuoc Quy Duy, Kim Byong Ill. Journal of Science and Technology of University of Danang. Số: 2. Trang: 35-41. Năm 2011. (Apr 14 2016 10:46AM)
[1]Article: What leads underage teenagers to ride motorcycles without a permit? Utility vs parental permissiveness. Authors: Nguyen, H.H.*, Dorina, P., Nguyen-Phuoc, D.Q.. Journal of Transport & Health (SSCI, Q1, IF=3.613). No: 29. Pages: 101569. Year 2023. (Jan 24 2023 7:02AM)
[2]Article: Examining the effects of Automated Mobility-on-Demand services on public transport systems using an agent-based simulation approach. Authors: Duy Q. Nguyen-Phuoc, Meng Zhou, Ming Hong Chua, Andr´e Romano Alho*, Simon Oh*, Ravi Seshadri, Diem-Trinh Le. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice (SCI, Q1, IF=6.615, H index=142). No: 169. Pages: 103583. Year 2023. (Jan 24 2023 7:06AM)
[3]Article: Factors influencing road safety compliance among food delivery riders: An extension of the job demands-resources (JD-R) model. Authors: Duy Q. Nguyen-Phuoc*, Nguyen An Ngoc Nguyen, Minh Hieu Nguyen, Ly Ngoc Thi Nguyen, Oscar Oviedo-Trespalacios. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice (SCI, Q1, IF=6.615, H index=115). No: 166. Pages: 541-556. Year 2023. (Nov 27 2022 10:03AM)
[4]Article: Deadly meals: The influence of job-related factors on burnout and risky riding behaviours of food delivery motorcyclists . Authors: Duy Q. Nguyen-Phuoc*, Ly Ngọc Thi Nguyen, Diep Ngoc Su, Hieu Minh Nguyen & Oscar Oviedo-Trespalacios. Safety Science (SCIE, Q1, IF= 6.392). No: 159. Pages: 106007. Year 2023. (Nov 27 2022 10:05AM)
[5]Article: Why do parents intent to permit their children to ride e-bikes? Empirical evidence from Vietnam. Authors: Nguyen, H.H., Nguyen-Phuoc, D.Q.* & Johnson, L.W.. Travel Behaviour and Society (SSCI, Q1, IF=5.850). No: 32. Pages: 100586. Year 2023. (Oct 14 2023 8:27AM)
[6]Article: Identifying must-have factors and should-have factors affecting the adoption of electric motorcycles - A combined use of PLS-SEM and NCA approach. Authors: Su, D.N., Nguyen-Phuoc, D.Q.*, Tran, P.T.K, Nguyen, T.V., Luu, T.T.& Pham, G.H.. Travel Behaviour and Society (SSCI, Q1, IF=5.850). No: 33. Pages: 100633. Year 2023. (Oct 14 2023 8:29AM)
[7]Article: Non-fatal traffic crashes among food delivery riders in Vietnam: What is the problem?. Authors: Nguyen, H.H., Nguyen-Phuoc, D.Q.*, Oviedo-Trespalacios, O.. Traffic Injury Prevention (SCIE, Q1, IF=2.0). No: 24. Pages: 686-692. Year 2023. (Oct 14 2023 8:30AM)
[8]Article: Transit-oriented development and floor area ratio regulation in a transportation corridor: Formulation and a case study. Authors: Yu De-Ping, Li Zhi-Chun*, Liu Baoli, Nguyen-Phuoc, D.Q.. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice (SCIE, Q1, IF=6.4). No: 176. Pages: 103814. Year 2023. (Oct 14 2023 8:32AM)
[9]Article: The Influence of Environmental Concerns and Psychosocial Factors on Electric Motorbike Switching Intention in the Global South. Authors: Nguyen-Phuoc, D.Q., Nguyen, A.N., Tran, P.T.K, Pham, G.T.H.* & Oviedo-Trespalacios, O.. Journal of Transport Geography (SSCI, Q1, IF=6.1). No: 113. Pages: 103705. Year 2023. (Oct 14 2023 8:33AM)
[10]Article: What if delivery riders quit? Challenges to last-mile logistics during the Covid-19 pandemic. Authors: Nguyen, H.H., Dorina, P., Nguyen-Phuoc, D.Q., Nguyen, T. B.*. Research in Transportation Business & Management (Q1, SSCI, IF=4.286). No: 47. Pages: 100941. Year 2023. (Dec 21 2022 10:02AM)
[11]Article: What factors influence the intention to use electric motorcycles in motorcycle-dominated countries? An empirical study in Vietnam. Authors: Duy Quy Nguyen-Phuoc*, Thi Minh Truong, Minh Hieu Nguyen, Huong-Giang Pham, Zhi-Chun Li, Oscar Oviedo-Trespalacios. Transport Policy (SSCI, Q1, IF=6.1). No: 146. Pages: 193-204. Year 2023. (Dec 22 2023 10:14AM)
[12]Article: Modeling consumers’ trust in mobile food delivery apps (MFDAs): Perspectives of technology acceptance model, mobile service quality and personalization-privacy theory. Authors: Su, D.N.*, Nguyen, N.N.A.,Nguyen. L. T. N., Luu, T.T. & Nguyen-Phuoc, D.Q.. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management (SSCI, Q1, IF=7.022). No: In press. Year 2022. (Jan 17 2022 9:14PM)
[13]Article: How social cues about other passengers affect word-of-mouth and intention to continue using bus services? A second-order SEM approach. Authors: Nguyen-Phuoc, D.Q.*, Nguyen, T.V., Oviedo-Trespalacios, O., Su, D.N. & Le, P. T.. Transport Research Part A: Policy and Practice (SCIE/SSCI, Q1, IF=5.594). No: In press. Year 2022. (Mar 1 2022 9:28AM)
[14]Article: Functional quality and technical quality of mobile food delivery services and customer loyalty: Gronroos’ s service quality perspective . Authors: Su, D.N.*, Nguyen-Phuoc, D.Q., Nguyen, Duong, H.T, M. D. T., T., Luu, T.T., & Johnson, L.W. . International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (SSCI, Q1, IF=9.321). No: In press. Year 2022. (Aug 30 2022 9:17PM)
[15]Article: Passengers’ self-protective intentions while using ride-hailing services during the COVID-19 pandemic . Authors: Nguyen-Phuoc, D.Q.*, Su, D.N, Dinh, M. D. T., James N., Oviedo-Trespalacios, O.. Safety Science (SCIE, Q1, IF= 6.392). No: In press. Year 2022. (Aug 30 2022 9:19PM)
[16]Article: Factors affecting intention to use on-demand shared ride-hailing services in Vietnam: Is it risk, cost or sustainability?. Authors: Nguyen-Phuoc, D.Q.*, Su, D.N., Vo, N.S., Nguyen, H.H. & Oviedo-Trespalacios, O.. Journal of Transport Geography (SSCI, Q1, IF=4.986). No: In press. Year 2022. (Feb 4 2022 10:51PM)
[17]Article: The roles of physical and social environments on the behavioural intention of passengers to reuse and recommend bus systems. Authors: Nguyen-Phuoc, D.Q.*, Su, D.N., Nguyen, T. V., Vo, N.S., Tran, A.T.P. & Johnson, L.W.. Travel Behavior and Society (SSCI, Q1, IF=4.983). No: In press. Year 2022. (Jan 17 2022 9:15PM)
[18]Article: Intentions to use ride-sourcing services in Vietnam: What happens after three months without COVID-19 infections?. Authors: Nguyen-Phuoc, D.Q.*, Oviedo-Trespalacios, O., Nguyen, H.H. Dinh, M. T. T. & Su, D.N.. Cities (SSCI, Q1, IF=5.84). No: 126. Pages: 103691. Year 2022. (Apr 7 2022 10:39PM)
[19]Article: How does perceived risk affect passenger satisfaction and loyalty towards ride sourcing services?. Authors: Nguyen-Phuoc, D.Q.*, Vo, N.S., Su, D.N., Nguyen, V.H. & Oviedo-Trespalacios, O.. Transport Research Part D: Transport and Environment (SCIE, Q1, IF=5.5). No: 97. Pages: 102921. Year 2021. (Nov 29 2021 9:16PM)
[20]Article: Simulating impacts of Automated Mobility-on-Demand on accessibility and residential relocation. Authors: M Zhou, DT Le, Nguyen-Phuoc, D. Q., PC Zegras, J Ferreira Jr. Cities (SSCI, Q1, IF=5.84). No: 118. Pages: 103345. Year 2021. (Nov 29 2021 9:22PM)
[21]Article: What makes passengers to continue using and talking positively about ride-hailing services? The role of booking app and post-booking service quality. Authors: Nguyen-Phuoc, D.Q.*, Oviedo-Trespalacios, O., Vo, N.S., Le, P. T. & Nguyen, T. V.. Transport Research Part A: Policy and Practice (SSCI, Q1, if=5.59). No: 150. Pages: 367-384. Year 2021. (Nov 29 2021 9:17PM)
[22]Article: The formation of passenger loyalty: Differences between ride-hailing and traditional taxi services. Authors: Duy Q. Nguyen-Phuoc*, Phuong Thi Kim Tran, Diep Ngoc Su, Oscar Oviedo-Trespalacios, Lester W. Johnson. Travel Behaviour and Society (SSCI, Q1, IF=5.98). No: 24. Pages: 218-230. Year 2021. (Apr 28 2021 3:33PM)
[23]Article: Modeling the impact of bus operations on urban transport systems using an activity-based microsimulation platform – A case study of Singapore. Authors: Duy Q. Nguyen-Phuoc*, Diem-Trinh Thi Le, Zhou Meng, Simon OH. Transportation Research Board (TRB) 99th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C, The United States. No: 20-01650. Pages: 1-12. Year 2020. (Oct 14 2019 9:03AM)
[24]Article: Traffic congestion relief consequent on public transport: The state-of-the-art. Authors: Duy Q. Nguyen-Phuoc*, Young, W., De Gruyter, C. & Currie, G.. Public Transport (ESCI/Scopus Q1). No: In Press. Pages: 1-15. Year 2020. (Feb 17 2020 7:58AM)
[25]Article: Investigating the complexity of perceived service quality and perceived safety and security in building loyalty among bus passengers in Vietnam – A PLS-SEM approach. Authors: Duy Q. Nguyen-Phuoc*, Anh Thi Phuong Tran, Tiep Van Nguyen, Phuong Thi Le, Diep Ngoc Su. Transport Policy (Q1 SSCI IF=4.67). No: 101. Pages: 162-173. Year 2020. (Jan 2 2021 4:08PM)
[26]Article: Developing artificial neural networks to estimate real-time onboard bus ride comfort. Authors: Nguyen, T.V.*, Nguyen-Phuoc, D.Q. & Wong, Y.D . Neural Computing and Applications (SCIE, Q1, IF=5.61). No: In Press. Year 2020. (Sep 1 2020 10:42PM)
[27]Article: Behavior towards shopping at retailers practicing sustainable grocery packaging: The influences of intra-personal and retailer-based contextual factors. Authors: Su, D.N., Duong, T.H., My, T.T D., Nguyen-Phuoc, D.Q.* & Johnson, L.W.. Journal of Cleaner Production (SSCI, Q1, IF=9.30). No: In Press. Pages: 1-15. Year 2020. (Aug 10 2020 7:54AM)
[28]Article: Turn signal use among car drivers and motorcyclists at intersections: a case study of Da Nang, Vietnam . Authors: Duy Q. Nguyen-Phuoc*, Anh Thi Phuong Tran, Chris De Gruyter, Inhi Kim & Diep Ngoc Su. Accident Analysis & Prevention (ISI/SSCI Q1 IF=4.99, H index=125). No: 128. Pages: 25-31. Year 2019. (Apr 16 2019 8:15AM)
[29]Article: Prevalence and factors associated with road traffic crashes among app-based motorcycle taxi drivers: A case study of Vietnam. Authors: Duy Q. Nguyen-Phuoc*, Anh H. Nguyen, Chris De-Gruyter, Nhat D. Q. Vo, Quang T. Le. Transportation Research Board (TRB) 98th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., United States. No: 19-00629. Pages: xxx. Year 2019. (Oct 12 2018 9:10AM)
[30]Article: Turn signal use among car drivers and motorcyclists at intersection: A case study at Danang, Vietnam. Authors: Duy Q. Nguyen-Phuoc*, Anh T. P. Tran, Chris De Gruyter, Inhi Kim, Diep N. Su. Transportation Research Board (TRB) 98th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., United States. No: 19-00811. Pages: xxx. Year 2019. (Oct 12 2018 9:16AM)
[31]Article: Simulating Multi-Scaled Impacts of Automated Mobility-On-Demand Services. Authors: Diem-Trinh Le*, Meng Zhou, Duy Q. Nguyen-Phuoc, Simon Oh, Ravi Seshadri, P. Christopher Zegras, Joseph Fereirra, Moshe Ben-Akiva. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC). No: MoG-T6.5. Pages: 1-6. Year 2019. (Oct 16 2019 8:29AM)
[32]Article: Modelling the net traffic congestion impact of bus operations in Melbourne. Authors: Duy Q Nguyen-Phuoc*, Graham Currie, Chris De Gruyter, Inhi Kim, William Young. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice (SCI, Q1, IF=5.59, H index=110). No: 117. Pages: 1-12. Year 2018. (Aug 8 2018 11:13PM)
[33]Article: Mode Choice among University Students to School in Danang, Vietnam. Authors: Duy Q. Nguyen-Phuoc, Richard Amoh-Gyimah*, Anh T. P. Tran, Tho C. Phan. Travel Behaviour and Society (ISI/SSCI Q1 IF=4.98). No: 13. Pages: 1-10. Year 2018. (May 29 2018 8:14PM)
[34]Article: Congestion relief and public transport: An enhanced method using disaggregate mode shift evidence. Authors: Duy Q Nguyen-Phuoc*, Graham Currie, Chris De Gruyter, William Young. Case Studies on Transport Policy (Scopus/ESCI). No: 6 (4). Pages: 518-528. Year 2018. (May 29 2018 8:17PM)
[35]Article: Transit user reactions to major service withdrawal – A behavioural study. Authors: Nguyen-Phuoc, D.Q.*, Currie, G., De Gruyter, C. & Young, W.. Transport Policy (ISI/SSCI, Q1, IF=4.67). No: 64. Pages: 29-37. Year 2018. (Jan 12 2018 8:02PM)
[36]Article: How do public transport users adjust their travel behaviour if public transport ceases - A qualitative study. Authors: Duy Q Nguyen-Phuoc*, Graham Currie, Chris De Gruyter, William Young. Transportation Research Part F: Psychology and Behaviour (ISI/SSCI, Q1, IF=2.36). No: 54. Pages: 1-14. Year 2018. (Jan 15 2018 10:08AM)
[37]Article: Exploring the impact of public transport strikes on travel behaviour and traffic congestion. Authors: Duy Q Nguyen-Phuoc*, Graham Currie, Chris De Gruyter, William Young. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation (ISI/SSCI, Q1, IF=3.31). No: 1. Pages: 1-11. Year 2018. (Dec 16 2017 5:38AM)
[38]Article: Quantifying the net traffic congestion effect of urban public transport – Including both negative and positive effects. Authors: Duy Q Nguyen-Phuoc*, Graham Currie, Chris De Gruyter, William Young. Transportation Research Board (TRB) 97th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., United States. No: 18-01586. Pages: 1-11. Year 2018. (Oct 18 2017 10:25AM)
[39]Article: Net Impacts of Streetcar Operations on Traffic Congestion in Melbourne, Australia. Authors: Duy Q Nguyen-Phuoc*, Graham Currie, Chris De Gruyter, William Young. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (ISI/SCI, Q2, IF=0.65). No: 2648. Pages: 1-9. Year 2017. (Jan 18 2017 1:06AM)
[40]Article: Transit user reactions to major service withdrawal - A behavioural study. Authors: Nguyen-Phuoc, D.Q., Currie, G., De Gruyter, C. & Young, W. Transportation Research Board (TRB) 96th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., United States. No: 17-00331. Pages: 1-10. Year 2017. (Jan 18 2017 1:13AM)
[41]Article: Exploring the Impacts of Public Transport Strikes on Travel Behaviour and Traffic Congestion. Authors: Nguyen-Phuoc, D.Q., Currie, G., De Gruyter, C. & Young, W. Transportation Research Board (TRB) 96th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., United States. No: 17-01456. Pages: 1-10. Year 2017. (Jan 18 2017 1:15AM)
[42]Article: Net Impacts of Street Car Operations on Traffic Congestion in Melbourne. Authors: Nguyen-Phuoc, D.Q.*, Currie, G., De Gruyter, C. & Young, W. Transportation Research Board (TRB) 96th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., United States. No: 17-00332. Pages: 1-9. Year 2017. (Jan 18 2017 1:18AM)
[43]Article: Estimating the net traffic congestion impact associated with urban public transport – A Melbourne, Australia Case Study. Authors: Duy Q. Nguyen-Phuoc, Graham Currie, Chris De Gruyter & William Young. 39th Australasian Transport Research Forum, Auckland, New Zealand. No: 42. Pages: (Scopus). Year 2017. (Sep 6 2017 11:26AM)
[44]Article: New method to estimate local and system-wide effects of level rail crossings on network traffic flow. Authors: Duy Q Nguyen-Phuoc, Graham Currie*, Chris De Gruyter, William Young. Journal of Transport Geography (ISI/SSCI, Q1, IF=4.97). No: 60. Pages: 89-97. Year 2017. (Mar 29 2017 11:46AM)
[45]Article: Estimating net traffic congestion relief associated with publictransport - preliminary results. Authors: D Nguyen, G Currie, W Young . 14th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR), Shanghai, China. Transportation Research Procedia. No: Accepted. Pages: peer review. Year 2016. (Apr 15 2016 7:09AM)
[46]Article: Understanding the flexibility of public transport users to change travel behaviour when public transport ceases: A qualitative study. Authors: D Nguyen, G Currie, C D Gruyter, W Young . International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology. No: Accepted. Pages: xxx. Year 2016. (Apr 15 2016 7:13AM)
[47]Article: Understanding public transport user behavior adjustment if public transport ceases - A qualitative study . Authors: D Nguyen, G Currie, C D Gruyter, W Young. 38th Australasian Transport Research Forum (ATRF), Melbourne, Australia. No: Accepted. Pages: (Scopus). Year 2016. (Apr 15 2016 7:25AM)
[48]Article: Modelling the Net Traffic Congestion Relief Impact of Street Car Networks – A Melbourne, Australia Case Study . Authors: D Nguyen, G Currie, C D Gruyter, W Young. 38th Australasian Transport Research Forum (ATRF), Melbourne, Australia. No: Accepted. Pages: (Scopus). Year 2016. (Apr 15 2016 7:26AM)
[49]Article: Modelling the Direct Impact of Tram Operations on Traffic. Authors: D Nguyen, G Currie, C D Gruyter, W Young. 23rd World Congress on Intelligent Transport System (ITS). No: Accepted. Pages: peer review. Year 2016. (Apr 15 2016 7:16AM)
[50]Article: New method for evaluating public transport congestion relief. Authors: D Nguyen, G Currie, W Young . Conference of Australian Institutes of Transport Research (CAITR), 33rd. No: x. Pages: xxx. Year 2015. (Apr 15 2016 6:57AM)
[51]Article: Public Transport Congestion Relief Measurement–A New Framework and Its Impacts. Authors: D Nguyen, G Currie, W Young . 37th Australasian Transport Research Forum (ATRF), Sydney, New South Wales. No: x. Pages: (Scopus). Year 2015. (Apr 15 2016 7:00AM)
[52]Article: Evaluation of Degree of Compaction using an Accelerometer and various Testing Devices. Authors: Nguyen Phuoc Quy Duy*, Yoo Wan Kyu, Kim Ki Ill, Kim Byong Il. Proceedings of KSCE Annual Conference and Civil Expo 2009, Gangwon-do, Korea. No: 1. Pages: 2877-2881. Year 2009. (Apr 14 2016 10:45AM)
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[1]Mai Xuân Nhật
Đề tài: Phân tích các yếu tố tác động đến tai nạn giao thông của người đi xe máy tại các đô thị lớn Việt Nam
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[2]Phạm Trường Sơn
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[4]Trần Đinh Hòa Hiệp
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