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Số người truy cập: 112,298,152

 Chapter 3: Applying the Global Entrepreneurship Development Index Methodology to Assess the Entrepreneurship Performance in Vietnam in Book "The Power of Entrepreneurship" (ISBN 978-1-53615-114-5)
Chủ biên: Daan Dirksen; Đồng tác giả:  Nguyen Thi Thu Ha, Mikhail Kozlov, Ileana Hamburg, Danie Francois Toerien and Johannes Wessels, Raouf Jaziri, Diego Matricano, Amir Forouharfar
Nơi xuất bản: NOVA SCIENCE PUBLISHERS, New York, USA; Mã số: 978-1-53615-114-5 ;Năm XB: 2019
Số lượng XB: ; Số lần tái bản: ; Lĩnh vực: Khác
The main purpose of this chapter is to measure the entrepreneurship performance of Vietnam at the national level. First, this study employs the Global Entrepreneurship Development Index (GEDI) methodology to analyze Vietnam’s entrepreneurship performance through the overall Global Entrepreneurship Development Index (GEDI) level, three Global Entrepreneurship Development Index (GEDI) sub-indices, which are then divided into fourteen pillars and further subdivided into 28 variables, as well as its relative positions at the pillar and variable levels. Furthermore, to have a more detailed and deeper understanding of Vietnam’s entrepreneurship performance, this study chooses two developing Southeast Asian countries having similar cultural, economic and social characteristics - Thailand and Indonesia - to compare and identify the best and the worst performing pillars and its corresponding institutional and individual variables of the Global Entrepreneurship Development Index (GEDI) in Vietnam. The Penalty for Bottleneck (PFB) methodology and a simulation of “optimal” policy allocation, which are considered as the policy tools of the Global Entrepreneurship Development Index (GEDI) methodology, is then applied to alleviate the weakest performing pillars or the bottlenecks aiming to achieve the greatest improvement of the Global Entrepreneurship Development Index (GEDI), boost and enhance the entrepreneurship performance in Vietnam.
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