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Số người truy cập: 112,298,152
Developing an Optimisation Model of Solar Cell Installation on Building Facades in HighRise Buildings – A Case Study in Viet Nam
Tác giả hoặc Nhóm tác giả:
Quang Trung Nguyen, Duc Long Luong, Anh Duc Pham, and
Quynh Chau Truong
Nơi đăng:
GMSARN International Journal (Scopus Q4);
Volume 15, Number 1;
Từ->đến trang
: 44-49;
Lĩnh vực:
Khoa học công nghệ;
Bài báo khoa học;
Thể loại:
Quốc tế
Designing the envelope of office buildings with low construction cost and low energy consumption is a discrete optimization problem. Currently, the configuration is determined only on the basis of architects’ experience experience of architects, resulting in an inefficient effort, or by simulating building energy efficiency, which is time-consuming and involves complex processes. However, in order to reduce the energy consumption of buildings, previous studies focused only on the optimization of the facade design of the building or on the optimization of solar collectors on the roofs of the building, without focusing on the combination of design solution, calculation and installation of energy collectors on the facade (vertical surface) of the building. This study presents a method to optimize the installation area of solar collectors on the building facades to reduce the amount of heat absorbed in the building and generate a large amount of renewable energy for the building. The results show that with an investment of < 360,000 USD for the provision of solar battery systems, this upgrade is not economical. In the case of increasing the investment for providing solar battery systems ≥ 360.000 USD, it will provide economic benefits for larger buildings.
© Đại học Đà Nẵng
Địa chỉ: 41 Lê Duẩn Thành phố Đà Nẵng
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