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Số người truy cập: 112,298,152
A Simulation Approach for Improving Customer Efficiency in the Banking Industry - A Case Study in Vietcombank
Tác giả hoặc Nhóm tác giả:
Truong Hong Trinh and Nguyen Thanh Liem
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Nơi đăng:
Proceedings of Abstracts and Papers (CD ROM) of the 7th Asian Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management, APIEMS 2006 Conference - AIT, Thailand;
APIEMS 2006 Conference - AIT;
Từ->đến trang
: Thailand;
Lĩnh vực:
Chưa xác định;
Báo cáo;
Thể loại:
Quốc tế
The study is to investigate factors that influence customer efficiency in the banking industry. The Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method, a non-parametric tool for efficiency analysis, is applied to measure customer efficiency scores. The hypotheses have been developed to explore key demographic factors that have influence on customer efficiency. The results from the hypothesis tests indicate that DEA efficiency scores is correlated with demographic factors and channel choices. The purpose of the study aims to determine potentially effective customers and improve customer efficiency through customer interaction. For this purpose, a channel strategy is formulated to identify opportunities to improve customer efficiency based upon customer survey and internal research. Further, experimental simulation is used to validate improved customer efficiency for each proposed channel strategy.
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