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Số người truy cập: 111,658,779

 Cơ hội, thách thức và giải pháp cho sự phát triển logistics 4.0 tại Việt Nam
Tác giả hoặc Nhóm tác giả: Trương Thị Viên
Nơi đăng: Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering And Science; Số: Issn (e): 2278-4721;Từ->đến trang: Volume 12;Năm: 2022
Lĩnh vực: Kinh tế; Loại: Bài báo khoa học; Thể loại: Quốc tế

ogistics 4.0 is synonymous with the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The term refers to the digitization of the industrial sector, which leads to the digitization of physical elements and how they function. This simply shows that products, plants, goods, machines, warehouses, vehicles, etc. are all interconnected and do not operate autonomously. In the face of the strong development trend of science and technology and the Industrial Revolution 4.0, besides the great opportunities brought, Vietnam's logistics industry will have to face many difficulties and challenges, requiring agencies and agencies. Management, associations, and logistics enterprises must understand this well to have solutions to adjust to the new situation. The article focuses on introducing the constitutive elements of Logistics 4.0, opportunities and challenges, and proposes recommendations for stakeholders.
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