Võ Duy Phúc

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Số người truy cập: 112,298,152

Mục này được 11446 lượt người xem
Họ và tên:  Võ Duy Phúc
Giới tính:  Nam
Năm sinh:  27/11/1988
Nơi sinh: thành phố Đà Nẵng
Quê quán Quận Cẩm Lệ, thành phố Đà Nẵng
Tốt nghiệp ĐH chuyên ngành:  Sản xuất thiết bị vô tuyến điện tử; Tại: Đại học Bách Khoa Kiev
Đơn vị công tác: Khoa Điện tử Viễn thông; Trường Đại học Bách Khoa
Học vị: Tiến sĩ; năm: 2018; Chuyên ngành: Kỹ thuật điện tử và hệ thống truyền thông; Tại: Đại học Bách Khoa Kiev
Dạy CN: Kỹ thuật viễn thông
Lĩnh vực NC: Hệ thống radar, trường điện từ, thông tin quang
Ngoại ngữ: Tiếng Anh, Tiếng Nga, tiếng Ucraina
Địa chỉ liên hệ: Khoa Điện tử - Viễn thông, trường Đại học Bách Khoa
Điện thoại: Đăng nhập để thấy thông tin; Mobile: Đăng nhập để thấy thông tin
Email: Đăng nhập để thấy thông tin
 Quá trình giảng dạy và công tác
 - Tháng 10/2019 bắt đầu giảng dạy tại khoa Điện tử- viễn thông trường Đại học Bách Khoa Đà Nẵng
 Các bài báo, báo cáo khoa học
[1]Tham luận: Reliability of the disguising sign of a disperser in nonlinear radar. Tác giả: Vo Duy Phuc, Zinchenko M.V., Zinkovsky Yu. F.. International scientific and technical conference "Radio engineering fields, signals, devices and systems": International Scientific and Technical Conference, 2015. Trang: 117-120. Năm 2016. (Jun 30 2020 11:59AM)
[2]Tham luận: Investigation of the electromagnetic compatibility of nonlinear radar. Tác giả: Vo Duy Phuc, Zinkovsky Yu.F.. International Science and Technology Conf., 10-16 March in 2014. Trang: 230-232. Năm 2014. (Jun 30 2020 12:05PM)
Authors: Vo Duy Phuc. International scientific and technical conference "Radio engineering fields, signals, devices and systems": International Scientific and Technical Conference, 2020. Pages: 78-80. Year 2020.
(May 21 2021 10:46PM)
[2]Presentations: Mode Switch for On-Chip Optical Interconnects using Multimode Interference Couplers
Authors: Ho Duc Tam Linh, Dung Cao Truong, Duy Duong Quang, Vo Duy Phuc, Nguyen Tan Hung
. 6th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science (NICS). Pages: 98-102. Year 2019.
(Jun 30 2020 11:52AM)
[3]Article: Approximation of current-voltagecharacteristics in the irradiation mode of semiconductor. Authors: Vo Duy Phuc, Zinkovsky Yu. F.. International scientific and technical journal "Measuring and computing engineering in technological processes". Khmelnytskyi. No: 3. Pages: 64-69. Year 2017. (Jun 30 2020 11:45AM)
[4]Presentations: Implementation of the universal simulator of the mortgage device. Authors: Vo Duy Phuc, Zinchenko M.V., Zinkovsky Yu.F., M.I. Prokofiev. XIX International scientific and practical conference "Information security in information and telecommunication systems". Pages: 121-123. Year 2017. (Jun 30 2020 12:00PM)
[5]Article: The ratio of the harmonics levels of the scattered field in nonlinear locations. Authors: ZinchenkoM.V.; VoDuy Phuc;ZinkovskiyYu.F.;ProkofievM.I.
. Legal, normative and metrological provision of the information security system in Ukraine. Scientific and technical collection. NTUU " Igor Sikorsky KPI ". No: 33. Pages: 111-120. Year 2017.
(Nov 5 2019 9:42PM)
[6]Article: Investigation of the modes of universal simulators of nonlinear diffusers. Authors: ZinchenkoM.V.; VoDuy Phuc;ZinkovskiyYu.F
. International scientific and technical journal "Measuring and computing engineering in technological processes". Khmelnytskyi. No: 58. Pages: 81-86. Year 2017.
(Nov 5 2019 9:43PM)
[7]Presentations: Nonlinear location of MOM structures. Authors: Vo Duy Phuc, Zinchenko M. V.. International scientific and technical conference "Radio engineering fields, signals, devices and systems": International Scientific and Technical Conference, 2015. Pages: 269-271. Year 2017. (Jun 30 2020 12:04PM)
[8]Presentations: Investigation of the reversibility of the disassembly properties of non-linear scatterers. Authors: Vo Duy Phuc, Zinchenko M.V., Zinkovsky Yu.F.. V International scientific and practical conference "Physical and technological problems of transmission, processing and preservation of information in information and communication systems". Pages: 146-147. Year 2017. (Jun 30 2020 12:03PM)
[9]Article: The nonlinear radar testing on the reliability of the objects’ identification. Authors: ZinchenkoM.V.; VoDuy Phuc;ZinkovskiyYu.F.
. Bulletin of National Technical University of Ukraine Bulletin of National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute". Series: Radiotechnika. Radioapparatostroyeniye. No: ISSN 2310-0389. Pages: 48-53. Year 2017.
(Nov 5 2019 9:36PM)
[10]Article: Study of the spectral characteristics of the Scattering of MOM-structures in non-linear locations. Authors: Zinchenko M.V.; VoDuy Phuc;ZinkovskiyYu.F
. Bulletin of National Technical University of Ukraine Bulletin of National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute". Series: Radiotechnika. Radioapparatostroyeniye. No: ISSN 2310-0389. Pages: 11-16. Year 2017.
(Nov 5 2019 9:38PM)
[11]Article: Invertion ratio of the harmonics levels of the unmasking signal in the nonlinear radar. Authors: Vo DuyPhuc,ZinchenkoM.V.,ZinkovskiyYu.F.
. Bulletin of National Technical University of Ukraine Bulletin of National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute". Series: Radiotechnika. Radioapparatostroyeniye. No: ISSN 2310-0389, no 65. Pages: 119-129. Year 2016.
(Nov 5 2019 9:40PM)
[12]Presentations: The susceptibility of nonlinear scatterers to the probe signal. Authors: Zinchenko M.V., Vo Duy Phuc, Zinkovsky Yu.F.. International Conference on Information and Telecommunication Technologies and Radio Electronics (UkrMiCo'2016). Pages: 83-86. Year 2016. (Jun 30 2020 12:02PM)
[13]Presentations: Influence of Nonlinearities on the Capacity of the Hidden Information Transmission. Authors: Vo Duy Phuc, Zinchenko M.V., Zinkovsky Yu.F.. Second International Scientific and Technical Conference "Problems of Electromagnetic Compatibility of Advanced Wireless Telecommunication Networks ". Pages: 25-29. Year 2016. (Jun 30 2020 11:57AM)
[14]Presentations: Features of the disassembling signs of installed devices on a tunnel diode. Authors: Vo Duy Phuc, Zinchenko M.V.. International scientific and technical conference "Radio engineering fields, signals, devices and systems". Pages: 219-221. Year 2016. (Jun 30 2020 11:58AM)
[15]Presentations: Investigation of the nonlinear transformation of a polar harmonic signal by Volterra series. Authors: Vo Duy Phuc, Zinchenko M.V., Zinkovsky Yu.F.. International scientific and technical conference "Radio engineering fields, signals, devices and systems": International Scientific and Technical Conference, 2015. Pages: 277-279. Year 2015. (Jun 30 2020 11:49AM)
[16]Presentations: Ensuring electromagnetic compatibility in radio relay systems. Authors: Vo Duy Phuc, Zinkovsky Yu.F., Zinchenko M.V.. First International Scientific and Technical Conference "Problems of Electromagnetic Compatibility of Advanced Wireless Telecommunication Networks (EMC-2015). Pages: 43-46. Year 2015. (Jun 30 2020 11:55AM)
[17]Presentations: Research the antenna parameters spark generator for mm-therapy
Authors: Vo Duy Phuc, Yanenko O.F.. International scientific and technical conference "Radio engineering fields, signals, devices and systems": International Scientific and Technical Conference, 2015. Pages: 112-114. Year 2014.
(Jun 30 2020 12:07PM)
© Đại học Đà Nẵng
Địa chỉ: 41 Lê Duẩn Thành phố Đà Nẵng
Điện thoại: (84) 0236 3822 041 ; Email: dhdn@ac.udn.vn