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Số người truy cập: 106,850,051

[1]Bài báo: Mô phỏng bộ chuyển đổi năng lượng sóng biển bằng phương pháp miền tần số và miền thời gian. Tác giả: Phan Thành Long, Nguyên Tiến Thừa, Lê Minh Tiến. Hội nghị Khoa học Cơ học Thủy khí toàn quốc lần thứ 23. Số: 23. Trang: 323-333. Năm 2021. (Jun 28 2021 12:25PM)
[2]Bài báo: Nghiên cứu chuyển động của tàu chở container trên sóng ở vùng nước nông. Tác giả: Nguyễn Tiến Thừa, Phan Thành Long. Tuyển tập Công trình Hội nghị khoa học Cơ học Thủy khí toàn quốc lần thứ 23. Số: 23. Trang: 598-696. Năm 2021. (Jun 28 2021 12:33PM)
[3]Tham luận: Đánh giá độ bền chung của ụ nổi dựa trên mô hình phần tử hữu hạn. Tác giả: Nguyễn Tiến Thừa, Dương Việt Dũng. Kỷ yếu Hội nghị Cơ học kỹ thuật toàn quốc. Trang: 209-217. Năm 2016. (Jun 25 2016 9:30PM)
[4]Bài báo: Nghiên cứu thiết kế tàu hai thân cỡ nhỏ bằng vật liệu composite chạy bằng năng lượng mặt trời. Tác giả: Nguyễn Tiến Thừa, Dương Việt Dũng. Tạp chí Khoa học Công nghệ ĐHĐN. Số: Số 3(100).2016. Trang: 79-84. Năm 2016. (Jun 25 2016 3:19PM)
[5]Tham luận: Phân tích dao động lắc tàu thủy trên sóng điều hòa bằng phương pháp mô phỏng số. Tác giả: Nguyễn Tiến Thừa, Dương Việt Dũng. Kỷ yếu Hội nghị Cơ học thủy khí toàn quốc 2015. Trang: 201-206. Năm 2016. (Jun 25 2016 9:47PM)
[6]Bài báo: Phân tích độ bền kết cấu chân giàn tự nâng bằng phương pháp phần tử hữu hạn. Tác giả: TS. Vũ Ngọc Bích, Trường Đại học Giao thông Vận tải TP.HCM; Ks. Nguyễn Tiến Thừa, Trường Đại học Bách khoa - ĐHĐN. Tạp chí Khoa học Công nghệ Giao thông Vận tải, Trường Đại học GTVT TP. HCM. Số: 4-02/2013. Trang: 69-73. Năm 2013. (Feb 28 2013 10:51PM)
[7]Bài báo: Tải trọng sóng tác dụng lên kết cấu giàn tự nâng. Tác giả: TS. Vũ Ngọc Bích, Trường Đại học Giao thông Vận tải TP.HCM; Ks. Nguyễn Tiến Thừa, Trường Đại học Bách khoa - ĐHĐN
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. Tạp chí Khoa học Công nghệ Giao thông Vận tải, Trường Đại học GTVT TP. HCM. Số: 3-11/2012. Trang: 25-29. Năm 2012. (Dec 27 2012 2:59PM)
[1]Article: Investigation of wave effects on motion of an unmanned surface vehicle at various scales. Authors: Tien Thua Nguyen, Quoc Thai Pham, Thanh Long Phan. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science. No: 1278. Pages: 1-13. Year 2023. (Mar 10 2024 10:05AM)
[2]Presentations: Numerical Study on the Motion of Semisubmersible in Irregular Waves. Authors: Thanh Long Phan, Tien Thua Nguyen. IEEE Xplore (979-8-3503-4397-7)-ISBN. Pages: 72-78. Year 2023. (Mar 10 2024 10:20AM)
[3]Presentations: Estimation of hydrodynamic forces acting on the circular cable laying ship. Authors: Tien Thua Nguyen, Thanh Long Phan. IEEE. Pages: 103-109. Year 2023. (Mar 10 2024 10:24AM)
[4]Article: Effect of Speed and Water Depth on Motion of Container Ship in Waves in Shallow Water. Authors: Tien Thua Nguyen, Thanh Long Phan, Minh Tien Le. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology. No: Volume 70, Issue 7. Pages: 49-59. Year 2022. (Dec 4 2022 9:30AM)
[5]Article: Comparative Study of Drag Reduction of Square-back Vehicle Geometry using Steady blowing and Fluidic Oscillators Method. Authors: Phan Thành Long, Nguyễn Tiến Thừa. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology. No: Volume 70 Issue 11. Pages: 232-239. Year 2022. (Dec 4 2022 8:59AM)
[6]Article: A Numerical Analysis of Active Flow Control Techniques for Aerodynamic Drag Reduction in the Square-Back Ahmed Model. Authors: Thanh-Long Phan,Quoc Thai Pham,Thi Kim Loan Nguyen andTien Thua Nguyen. Journal of Applied Science. No: 13 (1). Pages: 1-22. Year 2022. (May 21 2023 6:23PM)
[7]Presentations: A Numerical Study on the Motion of a Moored Semisubmersible in Irregular Waves. Authors: Tien Thua Nguyen, Thanh Long Phan and Quoc Thai Pham. The 21st International Symposium on Advanced Technology. Pages: 35-41. Year 2022. (May 21 2023 6:37PM)
[8]Article: A Study on Verification of the Dynamic Modeling for a Submerged Body Based on Numerical Simulation. Authors: Myungjun Jeon1, Tien Thua Nguyen1, Hyeon Kyu Yoon1,*, Hyeon Jin Cho2. International Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation (ESCI, Scopus). No: vol. 10, no. 2. Pages: 107-120. Year 2020. (Mar 31 2020 4:31PM)
[9]Article: Analysis on Hydrodynamic Force Acting on a Catamaran at Low Speed Using RANS Numerical Method. Authors: Thi Loan Mai*․Tien Thua Nguyen**․Myungjun Jeon***․†Hyeon Kyu Yoon. J. Navigation and Port Research. No: No. 2 Vol. 44. Pages: 53~64. Year 2020. (May 9 2020 10:44PM)
[10]Presentations: A study on hydrodynamic forces acting on an ROV performing inspection of bridge column in the river stream. Authors: TT. Nguyen, TL. Mai and HK. Yoon. The 30th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena. Pages: 412~416. Year 2019. (Nov 18 2019 2:32PM)
[11]Presentations: Analysis on hydrodynamic force acting on a catamaran at low speed using RANS numerical method. Authors: Thi Loan Mai, Tien Thua Nguyen, Myungjun Jeon, Hyeon Kyu Yoon. Asia Navigation Conference. Pages: 268-277. Year 2019. (Nov 25 2019 3:00PM)
[12]Presentations: A study on interaction between ship and rudder. Authors: Tien Thua NGUYEN, Thi Loan MAI, Hyeon Kyu YOON. 2018 Taesung CAE conference. Pages: Poster. Year 2018. (Oct 2 2018 1:52PM)
[13]Article: Experimental Investigation of the Hydrodynamic Force Acting on Ship Hull and Rudder in Various Wave Direction. Authors: VM Nguyen, TT Nguyen, J Seo, HK Yoon, YG Kim. The International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (Scopus). No: 28. Pages: 19-197. Year 2018. (Oct 2 2018 1:59PM)
[14]Article: Experimental Investigation of the Hydrodynamic Force Acting on Ship Hull and Rudder in Various Wave Direction. Authors: Van Minh Nguyen, Tien Thua Nguyen, Juwon Seo, Hyeon Kyu Yoon and Yeon Gyu Kim. Journal of Advanced Research in Ocean Engineering. No: 4(3). Pages: 105-114. Year 2018. (Dec 27 2018 2:06PM)
[15]Presentations: A Study on Verification of the Dynamic Modeling for a Submerged Body based on Numerical Simulation. Authors: MyungJun Jeon, Tien Thua Nguyen, Hyeon Kyu Yoon*, Junho Hwang, Hyeon Jin Cho**. 2018 Korean Underwater Robot Technology Research Society. Pages: 20-25. Year 2018. (Nov 1 2018 5:41PM)
[16]Presentations: Analysis of Towing Force and Vertical Attitude of Underwater Towing Cable. Authors: Hyeon Kyu Yoon, Tien Thua Nguyen(Changwon National University), Changil Baek(Doosan Mottrol), Seungyun Yang(Agency for Defence Development). Proceedings of the Annual Autumn Conference Society of Naval Architects of Korea Conference. Pages: 202-207. Year 2018. (Nov 12 2018 2:15PM)
[17]Article: Development of Solution for Safe Ship Considering Seakeeping PERformance. Authors: H.K. Yoon 1, V.M. Nguyen 1, T.T. Nguyen. International Journal on Marine Navigation AND Safety of Sea Transportation. No: Vol. 12 No. 3. Pages: 517-525. Year 2018. (Nov 14 2018 8:36AM)
[18]Article: Estimation of Hydrodynamic Derivatives of Full-Scale Submarine using RANS Solver. Authors: Tien Thua Nguyen1, Hyeon Kyu Yoon1 , Youngbum Park2, Chanju Park2. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology (KCI). No: 35(5). Pages: 386-392. Year 2018. (Nov 1 2018 5:37PM)
[19]Presentations: Prediction of Hydrodynamic Derivatives of Submarine Using Full Scale RANS Solver. Authors: Tien Thua NGUYEN, Hyeon Kyu YOON. 2018 Korean Underwater Robot Technology Research Society. Pages: 24-27. Year 2018. (Jul 3 2018 12:59PM)
[20]Presentations: Study on the hydrodynamic force acting on hull and rudder of a drifting and turning ship in shallow water. Authors: Tien Thua. Nguyen, Van Minh. Nguyen, Anh Hoa. Vo, Thi Thanh Diep. Nguyen, and Hyeon Kyu. Yoon. Proceedings of the 18th World Maritime Technology Conference. Pages: 271-274. Year 2018. (Dec 24 2018 12:56PM)
[21]Article: A Numerical Study on the Characteristics of a Flapped Rudder depending on Various Geometric Parameters using Computational Fluid Dynamics Technique. Authors: Tien Thua Nguyen, Hyeon Kyu Yoon. J. Navigation and Port Research. No: Vol. 41, No. 2. Pages: 33:38. Year 2017. (Nov 13 2017 12:41AM)
[22]Presentations: A Numerical Study on Effect of Shallow Water on Rudder behind a Ship. Authors: Tien Thua Nguyen, Hyeon Kyu Yoon. 2017 General Meeting & Annual Autumn Conference, Korea. Pages: 270-273. Year 2017. (Nov 13 2017 12:48AM)
[23]Presentations: Estimation of Hydrodynamic Coefficients of a ROV using CFD Technique. Authors: Thua Tien Nguyen, Hyeon Kyu Yoon. 2017 Korea Ocean Science and Technology Conference. Pages: 201-204. Year 2017. (Nov 13 2017 1:03AM)
[24]Presentations: Optimal Weather Routing Considering Seakeeping Performance based on the Model Test. Authors: H.k. Yoon, V.M. Nguyen and T.T. Nguyen. 12th International Conference on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation (Scopus). Pages: 282-286. Year 2017. (Nov 13 2017 1:12AM)
[25]Article: Establishment of Equations of Motion of a ROV using CFD Technique. Authors: Hyeon Kyu Yoon, Thua Tien Nguyen, Minh Van Nguyen. Oceans 17 (Scopus). No: 2017. Pages: 351-356. Year 2017. (Nov 13 2017 1:08AM)
[26]Presentations: Effect of Flap on Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Rudder based on Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis. Authors: Thua. Nguyen Tien, Hyeon. Kyu Yoon. Proceedings of The 8th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Marine Hydrodynamics. Pages: 187-192. Year 2016. (Nov 16 2016 2:14PM)
[27]Presentations: Analysis of the performance of a flapped rudder depending on various geometric parameters, based on computational fluid dynamics technique. Authors: Thua Nguyen Tien, Hyeon Kyu Yoon. Proceedings of Asia Navigation Conference 2016. Pages: 109-114. Year 2016. (Nov 16 2016 2:20PM)
[28]Presentations: Seakeeping Model Test of Small High Speed Boat for Unmanned Surface Vehicle in Slow Speed and Various Wave Directions. Authors: MyungJun Jeon1, DongHyun Lee1, Nguyen Van Minh1, Nguyen Tien Thua1, Hyeon Kyu Yoon1, Hyeong-Dong Kim2 and Dong-Hoon Kim2. Proceedings of Annual Autumn Meeting of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea. Pages: 1-6. Year 2016. (Nov 16 2016 2:53PM)
[29]Presentations: Assessment ultimate bending strength of floating dock structure by using finite element analysis. Authors: Nguyễn Tiến Thừa*, Nguyễn Văn Minh, Dương Việt Dũng. Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium of Maritime Sciences Nov. 10-14, 2014, Kobe, Japan. Pages: 225-228. Year 2014. (Mar 31 2015 4:24PM)
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